Best Friend gets mad at EVERYTHING!


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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
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Chicago, IL
Well, this has been happening for a while, but only lately has it really ticked me off. My "best friend" will get mad at the littlest and stupidest things! She tries to make me jealous by hanging out with people I don't like, but I don't really care. I know she does. She warns me when I'm about to make her mad. She'll say "If you do blah, I'll hang out with Soandso!" It's really annoying. I know she does this to get her way. Anyways, the latest one was REALLY stupid. It's something that a little toddler would get mad over! (No offense to any toddlers on TamaTalk ;D If there are any....). In art class we did tangrams, and I messed up my sheet (you had to try to figure out how to make the pictures on the sheet with the pieces, and you had to use all of them.). She just copied me, and I realized that I got some of them wrong. So this one girl had an extra, and my "best friend" (let's call her A.) just grabs the sheet when the other girl was going to give it to me! So I said "A, I'm the one who needs it." and she said "Well, you should have gotten it first." So I grabbed it and said "Hey, I'm the one who actually did the work. All you did was copy me." and she started ignoring me! So I'm like "Oh my gosh, it's a stupid sheet. Here, just take it." and I gave it to her. She just turned and ignored me. So I took the sheet and just ignored her back. Even when I tried apologizing, she would ignore me! It's really annoying.

Another time we both went to a friend's birthday party. We were having fun and stuff, and the friend (who was having the party, let's call her M.) had a Wii. So we were all playing it, except for A. I played it (since I kept beating the high scores and people would challenge me ;D) for a while, and I stopped. She was showing M something on her phone, and I wanted to see. So I leaned over to look, and she pushed me away from her. So I asked her nicely, "May I see?" and she just said "No." So then she goes over to M and started showing her RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! So once she knew I was upset, she started going around the room and letting people look at it. When I tried to look, though, A and M just shoved me away. It really hurt my feelings.... So I started to cry. She just shrugged it off. Other people were all "Oh, are you okay?" and "What's wrong? Can I help?" being the nice friends they are ;D M and A just completely ignored the situation. M and I were REALLY good friends, too. Same with A, but I was kind of used to this sort of thing. I guess A and M were even better friends.... So we ate and stuff, and M was all "Tamakitty! ((name replaced with username ;D)) Hellooo! C'mon! What's wrong?" and I just ignored her because she ignored me. The party was over (I was in the corner the rest of the time....) and I went into the car and started crying. My dad was REALLY mad. He was all "You know, A isn't that good of a friend. Did she say why she did this?" and I said "I'll call her and tell her not to come over." (We were going to have a sleepover that weekend. Didn't happen.). He said "No, if she's the one who did something wrong, she'll call." So I waited. She didn't call. I waited for the next school day to see if she was over it, but she wasn't. I was still mad at M, but I asked her why she did that and stuff. She was really upset about it and apologized a lot. I forgave her (since she seemed kinda sad about it, too.) and asked her why she did it again. She said "I don't know! Probably because A was doing it, too, and I was hanging out with her." So I asked her to ask A why she did it. She did, and said that A said that I didn't spend enough time with her during the party. WE WERE GOING TO HAVE A SLEEPOVER THAT WEEKEND!!! So then I gave her notes like "Why did you get mad at me for that? Why didn't you just tell me so I could spend more time with you?" Instead of telling me, she drew me a pie chart saying what I did during the party. There was a tiny sliver that said "Time with me." I was really mad. So I said "Look, you made me cry. I didn't make you cry, you were being really mean and snotty to me. I think you owe me an apology." She just ignored it. So I asked M to tell her, and M said that A said "I won't forgive her until she apologizes to me."

!!!!! I was like "Are you SERIOUS?" M confirmed it multiple times. That made me MAD. I said "Look, if she wants to be my friend, she'll apologize to me. I'm sick and tired of her making ME apologize to her for things I didn't even do." M nodded and told her, but still nothing. Weeks went by. I was fine, but she was having a weird meltdown. M was all "She really wants to be your friend." and I said "Well, if she wants to be my friend, she'd apologize. She knows what she has to do to be my friend." Still nothing. At that point I didn't care.

Eventually a teacher made us make up. It was weird.... Of course, she went alphabetically by last names, so I had to go first. Her last name starts with a W, how am I going to compete with that? xD So we were friends until the art thing. We're still mad at each other, and it's spring break, so I don't really care now. I made a new best friend.... She was usually on my side of what should happen. ;D

Anyways, what should I do with A? It wasn't like this when we were first friends, but I don't know what to do anymore!

Have any of you ever dealt with a friend who gets mad over the littlest things?

If so, advice would me much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


She's probably jelous and you should stay with your new friend. She obviously just likes you chasing her and she really should of apologised.

When I fell out with my friend who I had been best friends with since primary school it was her fault - she fell out with me because I had a week off school [i was really ill] after we had fallen out she started to spread lies, so that shows it was a good job we're not friends anymore. (She lied all the time when we were best friends - and still does now)

She's probably jelous and you should stay with your new friend. She obviously just likes you chasing her and she really should of apologised.
When I fell out with my friend who I had been best friends with since primary school it was her fault - she fell out with me because I had a week off school [i was really ill] after we had fallen out she started to spread lies, so that shows it was a good job we're not friends anymore. (She lied all the time when we were best friends - and still does now)
Thanks! You always give good advice! :furawatchi:

One of the things I'm worried about is that if she starts crying randomly, people will blame it on me. Rumors ALWAYS start when she cries, and they're usually about something I didn't do. I usually ignore them, but I don't want them to start.

People will be "Why don't you just be her friend again?" and I say "Because, I'm sick of her being like this, so I don't want to be her friend again, at least not right now." and then they tell her and things start....

i think u should just ignore her.if she's really ur friend,she wouldn't have done those things to u.or just hav a talk with her.tell her that if she really wants to be ur friend,she needs to treat u like u treat her.llike my siggy says,"true friends are hard to find,harder to leave and impossible to forget."

Hope i helped!^^

Maybe just play with your other friends! You may fall out, and that could lead to you becoming arch-enemies...

She is trying to Control you, In other words she is Jealouse and wants you all to herself.

Just ignore her and say that you have better friends, Dont let her control you, she wants you to crawl back to her and say sorry because she has realised what you are like.


I read Camp Chaos from a go girl book collection and i think it could relate to the problem. Just say, I dont want to be your friend ANYMORE! and walk away. then she'll be begging to be friends again. If she doesnt then, find new friends.


Okay, thanks everyone!

Still spring break. I wish I could update you all! =( We'll just have to wait. She claims her e-mail address doesn't work, but I heard M talking to A about e-mailing one day. So that's another thing that's been a problem....


Thanks! You always give good advice! :furawatchi:
One of the things I'm worried about is that if she starts crying randomly, people will blame it on me. Rumors ALWAYS start when she cries, and they're usually about something I didn't do. I usually ignore them, but I don't want them to start.

People will be "Why don't you just be her friend again?" and I say "Because, I'm sick of her being like this, so I don't want to be her friend again, at least not right now." and then they tell her and things start....
Just ignore it. She's a toxic friend. No one would even come close being my best friend if they treated me like they did you. You're obviously sick of it. If people give you a hard time just say "Look. At this point I don't care if she's upset. She started this garbage, and I'm finishing it. If you want to give someone grief, give it to her."

Wow :D . You typed a lot, my eyes kinda hurt. Seems jealous like everyone else said. What you should do with A is make you and A + M be friends again. You should talk to her some more. With those types of friend's you have to be-careful. Tell her how you feel, and ask her to stop..

Lol. I have a lot to type about! M and I are friends, and A and M are friends. M is in 7th grade, we're in 6th, so it's not like we see each other constantly.

No offense, but probably your old friend wasn't good for you anyway if she was like that.

Sorry to that, if that offends you.

[SIZE=8pt]I hade the same thing happen. I ignored her and eventually she said sorry and then we don't talk a lot but we are nice to eachother.[/SIZE]


Hope I helped! :D


That's almost exactly what i'm going through with my "best friend"! Well i'll say this, nobody wants a friend who lies to you, who is rude to you, who tries to make you jealous, who talks about you behind your back, who treats you like nothing, who makes you apologize for something you didn't do, and I could go on forever! xD But in my oppinion, I would tell her that you don't want to be her friend anymore (if you are still friends) because she's mean to you. That's what i'm about ready to do with one of my friends. She's giving my friends dirty looks! :D Now how dumb is that?! They didn't do anything to her!!! :D :D

Locky: No offense taken. I know she wasn't that good of a friend.... All of my parents are saying that 'n' stuff.

We're currently fighting (over the dumb art thing!), but I think this will be the last time as friends.

Hey i know what you mean i have this one ex-friend (we no longer talk cause of what i did to get her mad) she got so mad over the stupidest things! I mean like me saying yeah whatever she would get mad and she even made me choose between her or my boyfriend! Or the time she got really ticked was when i stayed at my friend T's house when i was with her in the first place(see i hate her and so does T but I was forced to hang with her) and she likes T and then we called her to come back to have a water gun fight and she got mad because we were more prepared then she was but of coarse she forgave T but not me! when it was his idea and we both hate her and always have but the thing is that we were afraid she will get people to hate us mostly me ! and i told her i was sorry but she would not forgive me cause she said i am a spoiled brat and she does not have time to forgive me anymore but i do not care cause i didn't like her n the first place and who needs a friend that always makes you worry she will make people hate you and always gets pepole mad at you for stupid reasons i know i don't need a friend like that and either do you so i just wanted to tell you that i know what you are going through

Thanks. The bad thing is that she always turns people against me whenever she gets mad at me. I don't really mind that, but she gives them the wrong ideas....


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