Best Friends.


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Ill tell you about my 3 best friends

Alana She's my best friend. Me and her are practically clones with our likes, dislikes and personality. She's a bit of a rebel and loves causing trouble. Quite smart, but hates learning mostly. She has dark brown hair, I don't know how to put this...her skin tone is like black. She is from South America.

Really, really kind and always on by my side. She's very funny, too. She's good at drawing and very creative. Me and her almost have the exact same fashion sense.

Jamila Similar to Alana, but she isn't that similar to me. She loves to laugh and is fun loving. Sweet and caring, but can get a bit mean. She has dark brown hair, tanned skin and she is quite skinny. She will never let anybody down and is persistent in helping others. She's creative and fun to hang out with. Her fashion sense is awsome and I love it, even though it isn't like mine.

Imogen Nice, but can be a bit of a b***h sometimes..She rejects other opinions frequently and uses other people if we're doing something that she wants to do. Other than that, she's helpful, funny, kind and cheery. She is very creative, almost as creative as me. XD

Me and her love doing things together, and we often talk about fashion and style together. Me and her have a lot in common when it comes to style. She loves talking about makeup.

She has dark brown hair with some lighter strands, very pale skin and eerie big blue eyes. Her body shape is similar to mine, thought she's slightly taller.

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Not many.

Ksenia My love, my life. I met Ksenia on December 30th, 2008. Since then we have become soul mates, bosom buddies, sisters, BFFLs//More than that.

Dominic My best friend from school. He's a year younger than me. We used to be BF//GF last year, but it didn't really work out//I still love him XP.

Alexandra There 4 me, my messenger, LOL.

Emily I've known her since kindergarten, I love her to bits.

Tony I'm still not sure, he's so mean//so caring. I'm confuzzled.


Anita AC1 Buddies.

Rebecca Same reason as Anita.

Jasper He loves me, yet I love him not.

And everyone on TT, of course.

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^I love youu to, Maria <333

I feel like listing my best TT friends; so here goes xD;;

Maria [<33, my life], Esther [my twin ::], Carly [YOU PWN], Feebee [iLY. You're amazing], Michelle [<33 I MIGHT MEET YOU!!], Shayna [Your guinea pig is cutee xD], Krystal [sTAR WARS FTW!], Desy [iLY], Katie [iLY too!], Yi Ling [We're very alike <33], Acid [Recipe bud and online big sister!], Beth [iLY], Vivi [You're an amazing drawer], Tarryn [MILEY CYRUS' LONG LOST TWIN!!], Nicki [iLY], Starfire [CHEESE FTW!], Lizzie [iLY], Tess [NINJA!!], Ninja [Also a ninja!!], Kat [iLY], Skadi [<33], Storms [<33], Dmo [My TC bud ;D], Sam [<33], Leafeh [<33], Sugary [Gary xDD], Jamie [iLY], Jamiee [iLY], Weiwei [<33], Huntr [<33], Bethiee [Red Rose..xDDD].

That is so not in order. I can't put you guys in order!! I better not have missed anyone D:

That was quite hard, yet fun at the same time.

I forgot one... or rather, was pi**ed at him at the time. xD

Michael: I love this kid more than you could ever know. Sure, we fight (A lot more than humanly possible. xD) but last night he told me to listen to a certain song, and it was so depressed. He is not a depressed person. I couldn't get ahold of him for like, 45 minutes, so I gave up and called him. He explained, forced me to listen to music, and we talked for awhile. Last night, I told him I still have feelings for him. Not the reaction I was hoping, but we're still friends, which is good... because the bf/gf thing didn't work well. I dunno what I was hoping for. All I know is that I can trust him, tons. He's definatley one of my best friends, and no one can replace our 3 hour phone calls everyday after school... (This went on for a good 6 months.)

Here are my real life friends:

Katie: I love this girl more then anything. We haven't been close friends very long, only a couple months, but she is so amazing. She isn't afraid to stcik up for herself or other people, she always says the right thing,

and when you are her friend she treats you like royalty. She's honest and isn't two-faced. I love her so much. Without her, my life wouldn't be complete.

Ashley: I've known her bascially my whole life. We always have alot of fun together, and we have the same beliefs, thoughts, and opinions. I love her alot, and she's filled a part of my life. She always give me helpful advice that helps me through confusing, difficult times in my life.

Alicia: When I was going through a mild depression, mostly because of a broken heart, she was there. She knew how I felt; she was in love with the same person, and had the same experiences as me. She fell in love with him, and was always so close to getting him, but he was never hers. She had to suffer while he dated other people and never truly realized she was there. We both knew the heartache he was capable of giving someone. Because of her, I'm over him and once again happy and on my feet. I helped her too, so now we're both the best of friends. :)

Jamee: Although we have our fights, and I'm at times I'm not too found of her, we are still friends and when we're laughing and having fun, I KNOW why I'm still her friend after all this time. She's kept me on my toes, but in some way, I still love her.

Brittany: My "sister" [: I don't get to talk to her much, because shes in a different class, has a seperate set of friends, and doesn't live very close, but I love her so much! I can trust her with my life.

Crystal: Probably one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She's funny, beautiful, nice, outgoing, and not afraid to say whats on her mind. She's totally loyal to her friends, and there's not one thing bad about her. I love her so much. <3

Uroosha: I honestly don't know how she puts up with me. xD Our personalities clash alot, but I'm madly in love with her (in a friend way, of course). She always "saves the day" by letting me borrow stuff, so I appreciate that. :3 She'll always wait for me after class, and somehow, we're pretty much best friends. It's weird though, we're nothing alike.

John: Yes, he's a guy, but I love him. :) I've known him for almost a year, and he goes to a different school. We used to like eachother, a dated for a bit, but w decided it was best to remain friends. We still see eachother often, talk on MSN, and help eachother out. The other day, when we met up at a dance, he was crying to me because he thought this group of guys were going to kill him. It was so sad, but I helped him out and ebcause of that, we're alot closer.

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I don't consider any friend to be better than the other. Plus I can't trust anyone enough to consider anyone a best friend. Not after what happened with my last 'best friend'.

=]] Im in Ksenia's friend list =]


In no particular order...


Best friends since kindergarden


Attention freak, best friends since kindergarden


Met in pre-k, but didnt really know eachother till last year


The super awesome dancer.


Highschooler >=[ BFF


=] super awesome guy-friend. Went to all-boys school >=[


SHOWOFF hahaha... hes still nice


Funny, but mean

Stephyy(ITS A GUY)

Best guy friend, i guess


Spazzy evil little kid... actually only one yearg younger, but so much taller...


1 yr younger than me. Likes stephyy =[

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Tahlia - She is everything to me. I can talk to her about anything

Tess - I've known her since we were tiny. She is trustworthy and always there for me.

I don't have any other true friends, and I have no TT friends, because everyone on this site seems to have something against me, though I've got no idea why o_0

I don't have any other true friends, and I have no TT friends, because everyone on this site seems to have something against me, though I've got no idea why o_0
... what..? :eek:

"everyone has something against me..." what's that all about?

OK, well I'm not going to bite the bait :D

I'll just say it's totally not true, because I definitely know one member who has absolutely nothing against you - so that means not everyone on this site has something against you ;)

(PM me if you want to know more... ) :D

Abbey - My only actual friend. She lives about 4 hours away from me so we've never actually met face to face, but she used to live here. She's amazing in every way <33

especially because she puts up with me xP

I used to have a few other friends, but I don't think they could really be considered 'friends'. More like people who I would hang out with. I switched schools last month though so I really don't know many people at my current school.

Mikala- Shes like my twin. Ever since we met, we found out we are almost exactly alike, fom our life at home to our hair color. She always makes me laugh and cheers me up when I'm sad. We always have a great time!

Trudy-Shes my asian friend. Shes so ghetto and funny and knows how to have fun. Shes really random and funny.

Antonia-Shes my friend that always sticks up for people. She has a attitude but shes so funny and nice.

Them is my top 3 friends

You know what? I don't think I have a best friend. I can't name one. They all end up going against me in the end. Or they only tolerate me because I have money, or popularity. That's messed up.
You people are my only true friends ._.
Feebee, your so amazing. It's messed up that the kids at your school can't appreciate that. I love you so much. If I met you, I'd know I'd forever have an amazingly amazing friend. Inside and outside. You're like, one of my main best friends here. <333

I love everyone on TT. Yes you, Ksenia, Esther, Feebers[you rock, don't deny it], Michelle, Carly, Vivienne, Starfire, Malinda, Katie. I haven't spoken to HALF the people I just mentioned, but I somehow feel close to them. :wacko:


I forgot to mention Lara. My forgetful brain forgot one of my most amazing friends! Well Lara, I suppose this post is dedicated to you :3 ILY.


Vera-because she is simple and not a liar. she is really a true friend

i only have one best friend because my classmates wants to be my friend because im rich and smart but VERA is really a good friend.


Katina, Jacob, Darcy, Luke, Danniell, Huthy.

They're all amazing people :eek: I am not going to describe them because I'll go on forever and I have limited time on the computer at the moment.

I love everyone on TT. Yes you, Ksenia, Esther, Feebers[you rock, don't deny it], Michelle, Carly, Vivienne, Starfire, Malinda, Katie. I haven't spoken to HALF the people I just mentioned, but I somehow feel close to them. :p
Maria. I am so happy that I was on your list of people you feel close to. <3

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