Best Friends


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Do you think having lists of your best friends in your signature is unfair and hurtful?

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  • I have a list of my best friends in my signature! :P

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im sort of on the fence.. but im more on your side.
i think that people should be able to but whatever they want in their signatures, but it does make other people feel left out.. and why are they listing their best friends in their anyway?

i guess that doesnt matter..

but, yeah, i kinda agree with you.
Nicko_x3, please don't bump up old topics.. or if you found it like this, whoever bumped this by voting please don't. My opinion is that they're fine, if you put something like "PM me to be my friend" because obviously, you wouldn't put somebody in your signature as you friend if you haven't even talked to them. You shouldn't expect people to just put you in their signature when you haven't even talked to the person. If you want to be friends with someone.. easy, PM them.. and you'll be on their siggy.. if they don't put you on, ask them nicely to add you.. it's simple, just PM. Anyways, this will be closed. It is bumped by a few moths.

I think that people should not do this. For instance, if I was a good friend with someone on this site, if they put a list of all their best friends on the website and I wasn't on it, I would feel hurt and betrayed.


I think that people should not do this. For instance, if I was a good friend with someone on this site, if they put a list of all their best friends on the website and I wasn't on it, I would feel hurt and betrayed.
Well you could always just PM them and ask for them to put you on.. if they refuse, what's the point of even having them as friends?

And i need to go now, won't be back 'til September, so can someone get a guide to close this please?

[SIZE=14pt]I dont see anything worng with putting your[/SIZE]

best friends in your signature. It makes them

feel even better. When Spring and Libra put

my names in there signature I felt so happy

to have a friend so nice like that. And even if

u have a friend and they put someone elses

name in it, then who cares, I only put

names in my sig of people Ive really gotten

to know. I don't put names of people I just

made friends with that same day.

Yeah, this is bumped, I'll get a guide.

And my opinion, I don't really know. It's nice for the people who are in the sigg, but not for those who aren't :( And anyways, It's their own sigg, they can do anything they want with it.

I think it's sort of rude. Of course, everyone on TamaTalk has a lot of freedom as far as what they put in their singature. :furawatchi: It would be nicer to other members if people stopped though. I don't think it's such a huge deal though! :mametchi: Everyone can still put it in their information though! :unsure:

[SIZE=14pt]But really why is it rude?[/SIZE]

Well sure I understand but

still. as long as there

your friend and they say its so

it does not really matter if your

names there or not. You don't need

to feel left out. Like won't that want you

to try harder to become better friends

with them? But if it bothers you

THAT much at least ask if your

friend could put your name up there anyway

i think that it is ok 2 add it 2 ur sig, if u really want 2, but dont make the list go ON and ON, because then, the more people there is, the more people get left out,

I am trying to understand why you have started this thread baby angel.
Is it because one of your best friends on TamaTalk has not put your name into their signature and you are feeling left out?

As long as the text in TamaTalk members' signatures are polite / appropriate, then it really is up to them what they put in it.

But don't forget there is a limit to the number of characters you can use - so to try and list all your friends on TamaTalk in your signature might be difficult!

Please don't get upset about something like this.

I don't think it is very nice if you feel left out of something, but I don't think it's rude to name just one friend in your signature either.

Best, etc.

Yes, I agree with you TamaMum. ;)

I treat everyone on tamatalk the same.

-sk8er girl-

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