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So I made Blossom go on the dating showw.

And she married a Kutchipatchi :kusatchi:

Aint that cutee?

She had a boy, and a girl:)

I'm naming the girl Claire, and the boy Dale. x]

Oh yes.

I'll post when somethin' happens.


THANK YOU ADMIN for changing my tamalog's subtitle :lol:

You thee best, :)

Sorry I haven't updated much.

And I'm sort of distracted.

Gonna update fast. :angry:

SO, Pearl evolved into a Mimitchi :angry:

Claire is a Chamametchi, Dale is something similar looking that I don't feel like looking uppp..

And Sushi evolved into a Ura Mametchi a few hours ago. :)

I'll update tomorroww...


And I have two whole weeks without my boyfriend ):

But I'm suree my new pokemon game will distract mee...



Okay it's time to stop being lazy and post a real update.

Right now.

So, I'm wating for the matchmaker to come for Sushi.

I'm pretty sure It'll be today.

Pearl married a Mametchi and had a baby girl.

They left this morning. And I named the baby girl Cloe.

Sorry about not telling you what Claire is.

She is a Chantotchi, and she is soo cute. :(

They can go on the dating show now...but they are both so cute and awesome..I'm having a problem choosing who should go on it...

I think....I'll pick....DALE. Ugh. But I know I'll regret that.


If all 3 of the partners the Matchmaker picks are ugly, then I'll choose Claire.


K, so heree it goes.


Wtf the matchmaker is sleeping?

Ugh. Okay. I'll do it later then.

Here are stats though:

v4.5 - Sushi

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Training: [iIIII ] lol x]

Funny: 29

Gorgeous: 27

Spiritual: 17

5yrs, 49lbs

Generation 2


[OMG his stats are awful! I need to play with him more!]

v5.5 - Claire and Dale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonding: 20%

Generation 2


Music Star - Cloe

0yrs, 5lbs

Happy: ♥

Hungry: ♥♥

[she went to sleep right before I was about to fix those..]

Stress: 15

Tone: 110

Rythm: 108

Original: 133

Genre: Rock 'N' Roll

Generation 2

0gp :c

Toy: Doll House

Instrument: Drumbs.


I forgot to tell you. When Pearl made her band, it was called ACH JA! :)

Which means "OH YES!" in German. Ha:)

Okay. I'll update when Dale or Claire OR Sushi get married. :)



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