Better Tamagotchis From Bandai!


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Lifetime Angelgotchi x 3
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
Fort Lee, NJ
Hi guys! So everyone knows how there are segments to Bandai? Like Bandai Japan or Bandai USA? Well, I am incredibly sure that EVERYONE has noticed that Japan gets all the good stuff, and even though our models are based of theirs, they're LOOSELY based. For example, the TMGC+C was a big leap in Bandai, as it was the first color Tamagotchi! It received good reviews and stuff, but years later, there still isn't a color Tamagotchi in Europe or the US! Honestly, people are kinda getting ticked. And, of my opinion, the Tama-Go is a really bad model of a Tamagotchi! ITS HUGE! HUGE, I TELL YOU! I believe the size was so it looked good compared to the TMGC+C! Also, they're kinda losing the idea of Tamagotchi, to me, at least, now you have to connect the models to unlock more games! Tamagotchis are pets you care for, not unlockable "shops" and games!

So, yeah, that was my little rant......maybe I got carried away..... :rolleyes:

Anyway, thats it! Let's please discuss this, okay?

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You didn't put V4.5 on the poll <_< . I think that the TMGO is a cheap knock-off of the color. WE WANT COLOR!!

I agree wholeheartedly. I can't help but look at my collection of ancestor Tamagotchis and wonder what's gone wrong in recent years.

yes I got a tama-go and played it for about 1 week then got tired of it. I think the whole huge shell thing is just because it has to be wide enough for the characters to be able to slide onto the pins on top of the tamago. other wise there would be no room to put a spot to connect a figure to a regular size tama right? :p

I agree with you guys.

I only ran my Tama-Go for 3 or 4 gen.

I HATE how its so big. ''Easy to carry around''.

Yeah right!

They have strayed off the Main focus of Tamagotchi. It used to be simply raising a pet and depending on care it would grow`into various forms. These days, Its about shopping, Skills, Jobs and other things which aren't necessary. To be honest, Its not the 'Virtual reality pet' anymore because when could a real pet own a house and go to the shops and buy things?

really i think the best tamagotchi that was non colour was the v4/.5/entama/uratama i thought it was very in the middle it was my fave version i used to have 4 v4s

Tamagotchi needs to go back to its roots if they want to keep me as a customer coming back to buy their product.

I am very unimpressed with the direction they have been taking the Tamagotchi ever since the Connection V5. The Tama-Go just took a whole new step into deeper mud, if you ask me. Its laughable size and useless accessories that cost extra are only two of the many problems I see in it.

I think v3 is the best tamagotchi what I have.

It's small, you get characters with good care, no skill points,

many characters and some nice items. You don't need to buy it

because you need the character in tamatown because you are able to do

things in there without v3.

I think the tamagotchi angel was the best tamagotchi ever made. The second best the tamagotchi+color and the worst is the tama-go. I played with my tama-go about 2 weeks trying to like it and even with 2 figures I still do not enjoy playing with this tamagotchi. It is way to big even to put in a purse. Even the way it is made is very cheap and the figures look cheap too. I hope they come out with something better than this. Even though I highly doubt they will because if people buy this and the figures they will just keep producing new figures. I will try to give it another chance sometime but not at the moment. <_<

I agree with all of you guys! Bandai is treating us like crap! Oh, and my favorite is the Angel! So cute! But yeah, Bandai is so annoying. Is there anything we can do?

I voted for V3, because I've been playing with those the most lately (since my Tama-go was a big disappointment). I think Bandai really had a nice balance of simplicity and features with the V3. I think the "Visit" option when connecting is a great idea, I love how many characters there are, and there's a good selection of shop items. I agree with Stu_dee_jay--I look at my ancestor Tamas and I wonder why Bandai isn't doing more like those. Nice, simple, theme Tamagotchis--I love my Angelgotchi, my Morino, and my Mesu/Osu. 12-14 years after they were released they run well (after a trip to the jewelers to rescue them from some stripped screws) and they are FUN! I think what I appreciate about the Familitchi and the Music Star (I know these aren't as popular as some other tamas) is the fact that I think these are a throw back to these simpler theme Tamagotchis, where Bandai picks a theme (Angel, Devil, Garden, Ocean) and just run with it. A level of mystery is also neat in a Tamagotchi--I think it's neat that there's still secret characters and things that I personally haven't figured out on the old Tamas.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows by now that my user name speaks for itself. :D In all seriousness though, I couldn't agree more with all you vintage enthusiasts out there. While I don't have a particular version I dislike with a passion, some of the modern Connections have veered off from what Tamagotchi originally represented. It's not that Bandai doesn't care about us, it's probably just business. They want to keep everyone interested by adding in all these features, characters, items, and such but I think it's gotten to be too much. It's not possible for Bandai to be able to satisfy everyone. I agree that Japan seems to be getting all the good stuff. It's a shame that ancestor Tamagotchis like Osu/Mesu, Santa, Devil, Morino, etc. never made it to the US. I don't think there is as big of a market for $50-60 Tamagotchis here than there is in Japan. We're not willing to shell out that much for a Tamagotchi. For those that do, let me just say, thank goodness for Ebay! My favorites out of the ancestors are Umino and Angel. I like the TMGC+C the most out of the more modern ones.

i love v4s and v4.5s, mostly because of the best characters and ura-tamas.i currently have pynokotchi on my v3, obotchi on my clear and blue v4, makiko on my flower pattterned v4, and ura-yattatchi on my v4.5. i used to always get maskitchi and gozurutchi on my tamas though. :ph34r: :gozarutchi:

I agree with everyone, and especially OldSchoolTama. Honestly, the idea of a Tamagotchi is diverging from its original path. The Tama-Go is a real disappointment, and I didn't get it even though I could have. I think the best Bandai got was either the V5 or the V4/V4.5 series. They were the closest to a "virtual pet". Even though the Music Star is still a pet, its more focused on music. The Tama-Go is just a giant electronic egg with cheap plastic figures you put on the top to unlock more features. Can you do that with a real pet? What a shame. The path of Bandai is terrible. Also, do you think, because of the negative reviews especially based on its size, that the next Tamagotchi will be improved in a smaller way?

Bandai, you're putting yourself to shame. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

While I'm a bit envious at the cool 'gotchis coming out in Japan within the past few years, I actually like my Tama-go. I felt that ones that required you to raise a skill, for example my Music Star, were often too time-consuming and overly complex for a virtual pet. The Tama-go has things that I liked about the past few versions with the simplicity of just raising a virtual pet. When I find that I'm bored and wishing for more tama-themed fun, I can hop onto Tamatown for a while, and that suits my lifestyle perfectly fine.

Hasn't Japan almost always had cooler tamagotchis than the United States? Japan is the tamagotchi's country of origin, and Bandai of America and Bandai of Japan are two separate entities. Sadly, the market for vpets in Japan is obviously more profitable than other countries; it could be a huge profit loss for them to produce color screen 'gotchis in the states which may go unsold. With that being said, I wish Bandai would jump on the latest technology band-wagon and release a tamagotchi that worked in conjunction somehow with a cell phone or ipod, be it an application or otherwise. That, I think, would have potential to appeal to adults who remember tamagotchi from their childhood and make them accessible and "cooler" for a new generation. Plus, it could be very marketable for Bandai of America. :p Finally, it wouldn't hurt for Bandai to gather some research on what tamagotchi fans actually want in their product.

@ Sugar Bunny : Now that I think about it, you are right. You really need to look at both sides of the story. Yes, honestly, I think the Music Star is difficult to raise. For example, I got a MimItchi, and next generation, knowing that a Violetchi comes from OK care, I had one care miss, and guess what? I get a Sebiretchi! Oh well. Anyway, yes Bandai NEEDS to give to the public what the public wants. But how are we going to get Bandai's attention? A petition?

Well, we can e-mail Bandai, but if we just send a flurry of random requests, they're not likely to pay much attention to them. Sooo... We could get a more well-known member of the forum to compile a list of suggestions and send it to them, or send a link to a suggestion forum that we operate. The more diplomatic we could be as a whole, the more valid our points would seem. I wish Bandai would release a very detailed survey or something, but if they don't plan to do so, we might still be able to prove that our opinions matter.

And about the Music Star, I know that a lot of people really liked it, but it was just too demanding for me to care for on a regular basis. I can see that the Tama-go is actually pretty easy to care for, but that's ok when I'm trying to balance raising it with college, homework, etc. Those are also the kinds of things Bandai has to consider when it makes a new model of tamagotchi.

Yes I think BANDAI has slipped down a bit. The TamaGo is alright but there is no fun unless you buy a figurine which you are probably forced to do to get more fun, and it is big, bulky, too quiet, a bit boring and they missed out one of the most traditional characters! MASKTCHI! And it is like pixel chix or something because the point is to raise a tamagotchi for having a good companion, and all it does is bob around the screen with no surprises like mail.

"The all new Tamatown, feed it, get married, have kids!" This is like all of the other versions!
This is something like what my friend said, she means that when she ses this ad it seems like all the other versions with nothing really special or new about it. :eek:

Hello, everyone.

I'm Maruten and I messaged Bandai a few...weeks ago?

Maybe a month. Anywho, this is the message I sent them:


Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 2:15 PM

To: Bandai Customer Service

Subject: Contact Form: Tamagotchi's with color

SUBJECT: Tamagotchi's with color


This is a Suggestion


Hello, Bandai.

I'm messaging you about whether or not you plan to release a tamagotchi with color anytime soon. I think, and this is a opinion, that if you were to add a smaller, infared, color tamagotchi to the US, or even world wide, it might even get tamagotchis back in style! I know I love my tamagotchis. And I'm sure everyone else would if they were cool again! And please, don't make anymore bigger tamagotchis. The ID's are alright, I guess. But how big the Tama-GO is makes it hard to transport. And I keep all 8 of my tamagotchis around me at all times."

And received this:


Bandai America appreciates your interest in the Tamagotchi brand but as of now there are no plans for a North American release of a color Tamagotchi version.

We appreciate your comments on how to make our line better.

Thank you,

Customer Service

Bandai America"

But nothing about a smaller version?!


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