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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2008
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BFFs are important they help us and are nice to us. Who is yours? And how long have you been BFFs? and How Often do You See Them? (no lastnames Required)

Ah. My best friend. That'd be Hotagotchi4Ever. =D She turned me on to TT at first--we've known each other for....since the fourth day of Kindergarten! I see her maybe two days a week or something--it varies.

My "BFF's" are stupid. But my real BFF's are awesome. <33 I love them! ^-^ I made a TT account for my best friend. But I forgot her username. I see her like...all the time. (5 days a week when we have school. But it depends...)

If your talking about real life, my friends really don't matter to me. Only my special friend(s).

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My friend Rebacca and My other friend Matt, its hard to choose.

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Well here's my list of friends ^_^

Katina - She is very kind and trustworthy. She is very funny and random, and very fun to hang around. Every second word she says is WATCH!! [the codename she gave her crush] I met her at the beginning of last year ^_^

Soyeon - She came to Australia from Korea. I was one of the only ones to talk to her at the beginning, then I introcuced her to all my friends. She did start a few fights for silly reasons, but all ended well. She was very happy [most of the time] and loved to talk. in the end I ended up telling her everything. I met her in February 2007, and she flew back to Korea on New Years Eve. I was begging her to stay an extra day so she could see the fireworks and celebrations, but she had to go :( I'll miss her.

Darcy - I actually think this guy has a crush on me :eek: He started hanging out in my little group ever since he and I were in the same HPE class last year. He plays handball with us [i always beat him :p ] and is fun to talk to. Sometimes he can be a bit strange, but he's alright. I met him at the beginning of 2007, same as Katina. One time when there was a new girl in our class we had to ntoduce ourselves and say something about ourself. Instead of saying something completely random like "I'm Darcy and I like monkeys", he said "I'm Darcy and I like to laugh at Jess". Of course everyone was laughing, even me, but it was embarassing :blink:

Luke - [Also my crush :wub: ] I met him in 2006, earlier than any of the others. He sits in the seat infront of me in English, and we talk way to much [even when we are not supposed to]. Once he pulled my sheet of paper away and put in on his desk. I said 'Hey! Give it back', and then everyone laughed at him. The teacher ended up saying 'Luke, give it back' with one of those very strange grins ;) He was embarassed, but all is well. He joined my cricket website that I used to have and I have his number too. I would say that he is the closest I've ever got to a guy. He i very nice, loyal, friendly, very funny and, well, to explain the rest all you need is this smilie: :wub:

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My BFFs would be Jessica, Leah and Carolyn.

Let start Alphabetically!

Carolyn - I met her at the start of year seven last year on the first day of high school. She is really cool, funny, silly and a retard. (LIKE ME! ;) )

Jessica - Best friend since Kindy/babies. So AWESUME! and she is a retard, funny, idiotic and a loony. XD

Leah - Can sometimes be mean, but funny, awesome, cool and a retard. :blink:


Brienna - I've known her since ... she was born (I'm 8 days older ^^). We have just about everything in common, and she's extremely trustworthy. She's funny, hyper, and all-around FUN! xD

Kiana - Hyper like you wouldn't believe, always fun to be around.

Melissa - Not quite as hyper, but really loud. She's kind of short too, so her loud voice makes people notice her more easily. Also, an O.C. addict (Just like ME!!)

Devon - I've known him literally since I was three days old. He's funny, hyper, and Car obsessive. if you held up a picture of a car and asked him to name it, he's name off everything except the serial number probably.

well im lucky i have three bff's,

well first theres toby and i have known him for the longest i have known him for almost 4 years, and been friends for 3 and a half, he is brilliant and cool, funny and sweet and a million other things i see him five days a week so we're pretty close.

then there's emma i have known her for almost 4 years, but only been friends for 2 and a half years, she is funny, nice, sweet but she can be bossy (just like me) but shes a laugh

the third is perry i have known him for the shortest amount of time only two years, and we have been friends for 1 and half years, but he has become a great friend of mine and he is also my crush (he knows this and my other bff toby [read above] says he fancys me[perry that is]) anyways he is funny, cute, sweet, sensative but he can be immature (but what boy isnt.

i love all my friends but these are my special friends that i can tell anything. me and my guy friends [read above] love top gear and so we have a lot in common

the sad thing is that in september we are all going to different schools so we wont see each other as often but we will keep together and in contact

My very best friends are so special to me. My friend Lauren I have known for 11 years now. We were inseperable in elementary school, but after that we didnt get to see each other as much. We went to different high schools, and she is now in University a few hours away.

My friend Jenny I have known for 10 years and we were also together all the time. One day I introduced them and we became a group of 3. I went to a different school than her too, and we now see each other every couple months.

My newest best friend is my boyfriend. We live together and are very close. We have lots of fun together and trust each other with our lives. He is my lover, but also my best friend.

My bff in real life is TamaKinz17 on here. She never got her account activated, so you guys have never seen her. <3

I see her every school day, and when she invites me to spend the night at her house.

I can trust her with almost anything. She has been there for me for everything.

I've known her for 2 and a half years. <3333

I'm in that state where I have lots of friends, but not really a best friend.

Well, actually I do. My best friend, K. Sometimes we get kind of mad-ish at eachother but we always get over it. If she has an issue, she calls me and it makes me feel good that she trusts me enough to spill her guts to me. It's kind of hard sometimes with her because of her ADD, sometimes she can't concentrate on what I have to say or if we are at the mall, if she likes this shirt, or this one. Then, the blue one, or the red one. Then we get up to buy it, and she thinks the likes the other style better. xP

I luff 'er though.

My other best friend is just drifting away. I called her twice in two weeks, then over vacation, twice in a few days and she never calls me back. I guess she is just 'too buisy' for me. I mean, is it really that hard to call your friend? Is anyone that buisy to take ten minutes out of her day to talk to me? We used to be so close, she lived across the street from me and that's how I met her, and then she moved. We were doing okay. But then she just didn't seem to call me even when I called her.

It makes me sad because she is the one I can really talk to and is generally a good listener. But I seems to have been pushed out of the picter. :[

I'm in that state where I have lots of friends, but not really a best friend.
Well, actually I do. My best friend, K. Sometimes we get kind of mad-ish at eachother but we always get over it. If she has an issue, she calls me and it makes me feel good that she trusts me enough to spill her guts to me. It's kind of hard sometimes with her because of her ADD, sometimes she can't concentrate on what I have to say or if we are at the mall, if she likes this shirt, or this one. Then, the blue one, or the red one. Then we get up to buy it, and she thinks the likes the other style better. xP

I luff 'er though.

My other best friend is just drifting away. I called her twice in two weeks, then over vacation, twice in a few days and she never calls me back. I guess she is just 'too buisy' for me. I mean, is it really that hard to call your friend? Is anyone that buisy to take ten minutes out of her day to talk to me? We used to be so close, she lived across the street from me and that's how I met her, and then she moved. We were doing okay. But then she just didn't seem to call me even when I called her.

It makes me sad because she is the one I can really talk to and is generally a good listener. But I seems to have been pushed out of the picter. :[
Yeah I know what you mean. I had a friend like that named Jenn. We were awesome for first half of the friendship, but second half she got rather bossy with only stuff she wanted to do, and she was overly opinionated. She got lazy to call me to hang out and it got worse when she moved to Barrie. I finally got fed up with always having to give the effort with none in return and I terminated the friendship. Whether she knows that or not, who knows.

I hope that doesn't happen for you, but if it does, please know you did your best and at least you can pat yourself on the back at the end of the day knowing you at least made all the effort you could.

Anyway as for BFF's, I don't normally use that term but my very best friend I've had for several years now is my friend named Jonathan. He and I been through all the rocky times and all the tests of your friendship and through communication and teamwork we still remain strong. I'm REEEEALLY looking forward to visiting him in March.

I don't really have a bff, most of my so-called "friends" are just there but they're not there when I really need them. Plus, I move a lot so I don't get a chance to get close to anyone. If I had to pick though it would be a friend I'm still in contact with after two years, Laura. She's in the UK and I just moved back to the US but we still talk every day.


My nest in real life is Aisha. She is my cousin but shes my best friend. It was her birthday today. I got her one of those necklaces. One says best and the other one says friends. Its not a heart its a soccer ball xD

Steephennn. cccc:

I lub him.

BFF since Oct 12 2006.


PLUSPLUS my cuz Paul. :mellow:

NO forreal he's my cousin.

He lives in a different state, though. :c

AND he's been mah buddy ever since I was a baby. C:

Emmy, I guess. She's very stupid and never shuts up, though. xD I'm mean, she still crawls around on the floor saying she's a dog and plays with stuffed animals. 0_o But she's really helpful and is a great person to talk to. But once you get her to start talking, she won't shaddup.

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