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All through Primary (1st grade to 6th grade) there used to be this girl, L, who would sometimes be my friend, but when she felt like it she would also bully me.

In 7th grade we were finally put into different classes, and although I would still see her, I got to know who today is one of my best friends, E.

I liked her a lot because she liked Japanese things, and I was into Tamagotchis.

In 8th grade, L had left the school. I was free. E became by best friend, and I also got to know C, who would be my lovely friend in PE, and M, C's best friend but whom I also went with during class. =D Happy times. Then, in the second term of 8th grade, G came to the school and I became his best friend, so at playtimes I would go round with E and G, and during class with C and M.

At the end of 8th grade M left. I skipped 9th grade and went straight to 10th grade, and this year, apart from E and G, my other best friends I see during playtimes are two boys, E and M.

A bit more about them:

Eli - Likes Japanese things. I often visit her house, and I know her very well.

G - I guess he would be a kind of 'crush'. He is the first person I've known who thinks exactly like me, and we have lots of projects going. He is also one of these people you can have a decent conversation with.

E - I don't know him too well. He can say funny things, but I am not sure what to write about him.

M - A talented friend. He can sing, do magic tricks with cards and is brilliant in that sense, although lots of people look at him strangely.

C - I haven't seen her much this year, but when I do bump into her, we talk. :D

M - She left the city. I have seen her a couple of times since though. Talk to her on the phone.

L - Occasionally ring her.

hmm, my best friends... I want to murder them. but i also love them. They are:

Ashley- keeps me down to earth

Tina- Listens to my problems

Nicole- lets me be immature

Ben- I like to throw rocks at him and give him hugs =]

Here are some of best friends

Jennifer - She is really funny, smart, and She listens to my problems. She likes anime and manga.She's also very talented in singing. I've been her best friend since last year.

Izabella - We are always goofing off, giggling, and telling each other secrets. She brings out the inner goof in me. xD

Jinal - I've been friends with her since kindergarten. She's a really interesting & fun person to talk to.

I have many friends, but only a few best friends.

Nicole. I've been best friends with her since third grade. We always goof off around eachother, amused by small things, have too many inside jokes. We could be greatly amused with a large cardboard box. I can tell her virtually anything, and talk to her once every day at the least.

Noel. We've known eachother for only a year, but she's like Nicole and me, pretty much. We all like to goof off, again have too many inside jokes. She's a fun person to be around, overall. At times, she might get on our nerves, but we get over it.

Renee. Known eachother for a few years, about 2. We just joke around a lot. At times, she gets on my nerves as well. But she can be a fun person to be around too.

Mine is Azam,

We have known eachother even before we even got into pre-school.

Wait, is that possible ? :S

I'm in that state where I have lots of friends, but not really a best friend.
Well, actually I do. My best friend, K. Sometimes we get kind of mad-ish at eachother but we always get over it. If she has an issue, she calls me and it makes me feel good that she trusts me enough to spill her guts to me. It's kind of hard sometimes with her because of her ADD, sometimes she can't concentrate on what I have to say or if we are at the mall, if she likes this shirt, or this one. Then, the blue one, or the red one. Then we get up to buy it, and she thinks the likes the other style better. xP

I luff 'er though.

My other best friend is just drifting away. I called her twice in two weeks, then over vacation, twice in a few days and she never calls me back. I guess she is just 'too buisy' for me. I mean, is it really that hard to call your friend? Is anyone that buisy to take ten minutes out of her day to talk to me? We used to be so close, she lived across the street from me and that's how I met her, and then she moved. We were doing okay. But then she just didn't seem to call me even when I called her.

It makes me sad because she is the one I can really talk to and is generally a good listener. But I seems to have been pushed out of the picter. :[
I'm the exact opposite of u. I don't have that many friends. :(

I'm the exact opposite of u. I don't have that many friends. :(
Are you sure you were quoting the right post there? She only mentioned two people and they both seem to have some rather negative traits about them.

You know in most cases having a few close friends is better than having a whole bunch of people as friends. Quality over Quanity. That's how I like it ;)

Well, My Best Friends are:

Tom: Craziest Kid Ever. Allways making people laugh, Known him for 2 Years Now.

Niall: Also Crazy, I play him on Xbox Live Quite a bit. He's in my Class at school, Known him for 2 years aswell.

Pete: Great Laugh to be around. Almost like my Big Brother. Known for 2 years.

Richard: A Great Guy. Can sometimes be a bit moody, But when he isn't he's such a great laugh. Known for 9 years.

Jack: Probably one of my BEST Friends. Funny, Supporting, Great to be around. Known for 9 Years.

Alex: He's like my Little Brother, He's Really random. Known for 1 Year.

Theres probably around 20 More. But then I'd be here all day describing them

Uh, I'll just put random letters as initials.


A - I've known her for 5 years, I go to her cottage every summer. We don't talk as often anymore but when we do we won't shut up.

B - She lives down the street from me, I've known her since kindergarden, but we only became close 2 years ago. She was my model in my photography topic. She's shy around people but crazy around friends. She'll do anything for you.

C - I've known her since last year and we were already BBFs. She only moved here last year. She's sorta quiet, but not really, and we're like the exact same. She's soo good at sports as well.

D - I've known her since grade 3, but only really became BFFs last year. She's sooo funny and has great style. She's smart and sticks with me when I'm down. I don't think we've ever faught before.

E - I've known here since grade 6, and we were close then. She is SO smart and very nice. I like to talk with her about anything. She's plain awesome.

F - We've been BFFs since pre - k and still pretty much are. After I left the 'populars' we still chill together and talk at school. She's SO loud and hyper, and loves FOB like me. :]


A - We've been BFFs since grade 5. He's tall, hilarious, and soo nice. I hate to say it, but I like him, a lot. But he's going out with friend B. I'd rather not ruin our great friendship anyways I guess.

B - 2nd grade, still buds. SOO many inside jokes, it's crazy. He's pretty smart too, and has a new obsession every week.

C - This year - He's annoying, but he's still my friend. Very funny at times, very computer smart.

D - This year - He's on my bus, soo crazy, lol. Gets on my nerves at times, and texts me too much, but he's a waay good friend.

E - Last year - Short and AWESOME! So funny and very crazy.

F - Last year - He bugs me WAY too much and has too much hair, but he's really funny and still my friend.

G - Last year - Haha, he's my sister, nuff said.

Honestly, I wouldn't have met any of these people if I still hung out with my 'fake' friends. I lub all the people listed.:3 I have a bad feeling I forgot someone though..

My best in real life is Aisha. She is my cousin but shes my best friend. It was her birthday today. I got her one of those necklaces. One says best and the other one says friends. Its not a heart its a soccer ball xD
I forgot to put then I met her. Kindergardon. Don't see her much because she lives in East Brunswick NJ, and I live in South Plainfield NJ. :/ I miss her

Rebecca- ZOMG she's is sooo awsome, I've know her for like 2 years && she ish teh best

Paig- She's HILARIOUS.

Maddie- She makes me hypppppppppperz.

Matt- Dont know him that well, but he still awsome, short & hilarious. And he has awsome hair XD

I have more I just cant remeber them right now.

Sam: I've known him since we were babies.

Tess: I've known her since I was 4.

Kayla: I have known her since I was 9.

Alicia: I've known her since I was 11.

My Two Bffs are

Ashley: I've known her since...Well. Since she was 3 days old. I'm a Year and 8 Days older than her. (Me: September 16th 1993, her: September 8th 1994).

Katie: I've known her since Kindergarden.

I talk to Ashley Alot.

But I hardly ever talk to Katie.

My BFF is Amber. I've known her since grade 2, and I'm in grade 8 now. She moved to my school, stayed for a year and then became home-schooled. But I had her phone number and I phoned her about every 2 weeks, and she also came to school for field trips, and we went over to each other's houses and went to the movies sometimes. About two years ago, we went to a concert, and ever since Amber has phoned me almost everyday, and we've become better friends because of it. Everyday I tell her what happened at school, and it's like she's there, almost. :mametchi: She gets all the same work and stuff, just at home. Also, she now comes to school at lunchtime on Fridays. We always make each other laugh, and we hardly ever fight, because we are able to disagree and not fight about it. We understand each other. It's funny to mention things that happened years ago, and we both still remember and other people don't know what we're talking about.

Sorry, long post. xD

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