Big or small?


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I'm tall in height and average in weight (Hopefully, I don't become obese in the future...).

Im tall and average weight. Unfortunatly for me, most of the girls are very underweight and rude or extremely fat and nasty and think im fat. This is what I think:

To the skinny people, at least my bones arent showing! I dont stave myself ether! And to the fat people, look at yourself! Im alot skinner than you and you think im fat and your not? WTH is you problem?

I'm about 5'3 or 5'4. I grew over the years

I'm a little big :[

I'm 145cm tall and I weigh 40 kilograms :(

Note that those are centimetres and kilograms!!

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90 something lbs.

God I think im underweight, but I feel fine. :D

My mum worries about me too much. :<

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Height- 5''9

Weight- 155 lbs.

And I'm like, 14.

Oh that's what you mean by big or small o.o;; I was thinking something else. I think I'm 5'3" I don't really know and I weigh 115 pounds lol! But I'm skinny.

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5'11'' and 90lbs.

Yeah, as in tallness, no, I'm not small. I wish I was. D:

Weight? Yes. I'm small in that sense. I'm gaining weight though. I can feel it.

- xd3vilx

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