Birthday Sleepover...?


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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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k, I'm having my Birthday Sleepover Party in a week. What are some fun recipes, games, and crafts that I can do? Please Post!! :p

Make your own cake, don't buy it. I remember at my friend's birthday last year, she had a huge sleepover and we all made the yummiest cake ever, and the icing was all runny, so we still ate it :) My mum took a photo of it hehe.

If you've got a camera, take heaps of photos. Of friends, of yourself, of the cake. EVERYTHING! And if you can, make a video doctumentary :) That's so fun.

Have plenty of music I guess haha.

Hope your party's fun :) x

^ What she said.

You can bring your i-pod or mp3

Make a cake, cupcakes, brownies, etc. (something yummy)

Scary or would you rather books.

Bring your camera or camera phone. You want to always remember that day.

Hope I helped! ;)

Well, at my sleepovers, I always end up doing something I definitely regret later. xD

I stuff myself with brownies and sometimes gross combinations of food (like ice cream and ketchup) that I get dared to swallow. Speaking of dares, that happens a lot too. I am currently the Dare Queen. I will do any dare. Except asking boys out - because that can sometimes hurt a guy friend, especially if he's asked me out before. So yeah, I do all the spazzier stuff. And then my friends will join me in running down the hill outside my house in our PJs. And I made them all try crayons last night, too.

Hmm. Well, I had a sleepoverbirthday when I turned 8. here is What we played:

Musical Pillows (Its musical chairs but with pillows.)

Ice cream sundaes (even with bowls, some sweets like gummi worms and bears, smarties, hershey bits. ect.)

Dancing (Its dancing)

Hide n Go seek


Truth or Dare

Freeze dance (the game when you dance, when the music stops you frezze.)

Sherades (sp?)

20 qustions (It doesnt have to be 20, but you ask, "Person, Place, or Thing?" My friends and I add, "Song, and Animal." So you guess what it guess. For example, Lets say it was person, It will be Taylor Swift, Person 1:Is the person famous? Yes. Boy or Girl? Girl. What color hair? Blonde. Did she tour with anyone? Yes.The Jonas Brothers, and Demi Lavoto. Taylor Swift? YES!)

I have a whole book of sleepover stuff. So I may post more.

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