Birthdays. Whens yours?


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Umm, asking people when their b-days are?

That's kind of an invasion of privacy.

*Moved to Seriously Non-Tamatalk* :angry:

March 6, the same as MichelAngelo Buannaroti (sp?). Pisces is OK but I would rather be a Leo. Leo's are so awesome.

September 28th.

I'm turning 21 next month! I have no desire to drink...I never have and I don't feel I need to...but at least I will be able to get into anywhere I want! :D

Oh good! I hate when people think they are grown up because they drink, so sickening.
Oh so do I. I have nothing against people who drink, especially if they do it socially, but I don't think you have to do it to be "grown up". I just tell people I'm silly enough already, it would likely be frightening if I drank as well. :D

Instead of going to a bar or something, my boyfriend and I are talking about taking a weekend trip to my favorite zoo. Yep, that's classic Aubrey. :(

Oh so do I. I have nothing against people who drink, especially if they do it socially, but I don't think you have to do it to be "grown up". I just tell people I'm silly enough already, it would likely be frightening if I drank as well. :D
Instead of going to a bar or something, my boyfriend and I are talking about taking a weekend trip to my favorite zoo. Yep, that's classic Aubrey. :(
Aww, I find that cute!

Oh so do I. I have nothing against people who drink, especially if they do it socially, but I don't think you have to do it to be "grown up". I just tell people I'm silly enough already, it would likely be frightening if I drank as well. :)
Instead of going to a bar or something, my boyfriend and I are talking about taking a weekend trip to my favorite zoo. Yep, that's classic Aubrey. :eek:
Awesome, a zoo!

Hope you have a nice time!

Drinking is like smoking. ~_o People think their grown up f they do something silly like that, i'm only i don't drink or smoke so yeah. xD

Mine is December 25th I'm a Christmas baby!! :rolleyes: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

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