Bizzare Glitch V2


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Jan 2, 2008
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I decided to change the battery on my tama. It needed a new one anyway. I put the battery in, and the low battery sign stared blinking repeatedly.

I pressed the reset button, and chose download. Before the battery change, I had a male adult on it's 2 generation. After, I had a boy baby that looked like a

girl, and had two hearts floating over it (Like when you give it honey). :huh: This is going to be confusing. I was on the second gen, and I wondered if i had lost all my work... I was on the 26th Gen!!!

I forgot about my tama for a bit, and when i looked back, well, it was no longer a baby. It had turned into a glitch block. It "moved" even when paused!

It seems that it will absolutely not wake up, at any time.

Can somebody tell me what's going on?

It seems the data got corrupted. If another Download doesn't fix it, you may have to do a full Reset. (Unfortunately, a full Reset will make it start all over again with a fresh egg at 1st gen.)

WOW thats weird. Sounds like something Misingno. would do... (yeah, I'm a pokemon addict. :blink: I cant help it.)

Anyways, it sounds like binary's right: the data's corrupted. Usually when something like this happens, the only way to solve it is to reset it. Sorry.


I'm also crazy about pokemon and i agree totally with your reference to missingno. I remember one time where I had a v2, then at 7 yrs the Gozarutchi evolved into a Noyorotchi all of a sudden. o_O That's among some of the weird things you see in the V2. Another time i lost all my items when they turned into that black small ball you see in Heading game, including the mimitchi costume. :) :mimitchi: :( That is the precise reason why I prefer newer versions.

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Did you touch the battery? Sometimes if you touch the battery this can cause glitches. try cleaning the battery or getting a new one.

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