Black cat


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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
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Ok I have been pondering this for awhile, If a black cat crosses your path its bad luck right? What if you cross a black cats path? Im confused! Is it still bad luck for teh cat?

I'm not superstitious, and I had a very nice black cat a while back.

It's bad luck if you cross a black cat's path if you're superstitious of them, yes, because sick people will throw ROCKS at black cats simply for being there. That's sick and messed up, and very unlucky for that black cat.

its like the song

Жил да был черный кот за углом

И кота ненавидел весь дом

Только песня совсем не о том

Как не ладили люди с котом

Говорят не повезет

Если черный кот дорогу перейдет

А пока наоборот

Только черному коту и не везет

Целый день во дворе суета

Прогоняют с дороги кота

Только песня совсем не о том

Как охотился двор за котом

Говорят не повезет

Если черный кот дорогу перейдет

А пока наоборот

Только черному коту и не везет

Даже с кошкой своей за версту

Приходилось встречаться коту

Только песня совсем не о том

Как мурлыкала кошка с котом

Говорят не повезет

Если черный кот дорогу перейдет

А пока наоборот

Только черному коту и не везет

Бедный кот от усов до хвоста

Был черней чем сама чернота

Да и песенка в общем о том

Как обидно быть черным котом

Говорят не повезет

Если черный кот дорогу перейдет

А пока наоборот

Только черному коту и не везет

Только черному коту и не везет

Только черному коту и не везет

it alol means that its not bad luck for the people and and it is bad luck for tha cat

I'm not supersititious either.

I think it's all rediculous, but that's just my opinion.

I seriously doubt if you cross a black cat's path it will have bad luck.. And if something bad does happen, it's usually a coincidence and another being's fault or choice.. -_-

Id say uses reverse sycology.(SP?) If the cat iswalking @ the same time as you are and you cross it, its bad luck, but if you cross the cats path and its standing still, it may be bad luck for th cat!

PS im not Super stious(SP?(again)) :huh:

I just wondered about that! Hehe, I am not superstitios (I cant spell) either though.

And Mamemetchi101, Dont SPAM, What is with teh song?

If a black cat crosses your path that means it's going somewhere. xP

I have a black kitten >.> Whenever I cross her path it doesn't drop to the floor and choke. Neither do I when my cat crosses my path.

Whoever made up that superstitious remark obviously have been watching too much Friday 13th related movies or had a phobia of cats.

I think black cats are gorgeous. I don't see why some people consider them unlucky.

People who go, "ZOMG0rz! a blak catz!!!!!! their so evile n bad luc!!!1!one!!!shift!" really do need to get some help. It's just a cat T_T

So, if you see a black cat walking you're way, give it a pat. And while you're at it, go walk under a ladder.

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Whoever made up that superstitious remark obviously have been watching too much Friday 13th related movies or had a phobia of cats.
I think black cats are gorgeous.
Actually, people invented that superstition a long time ago, when people thought the devil was a black cat. You know.. like, when people killed witches and stuff. Maybe before that. :\

And I agree. Black cats ARE gorgeous.

Actually, people invented that superstition a long time ago, when people thought the devil was a black cat. You know.. like, when people killed witches and stuff. Maybe before that. :\

And I agree. Black cats ARE gorgeous.

Well, I don't see why people those days thought [of all other cats] that black cats were connected to the Devil. Is it 'cause they're black? :huh:

And, I also think black cats are more attractive than other cats. They just look so gracefull and mysterious.

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