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Jan 1, 2008
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Want to know how to amuse a blonde for hours? Write please turn over on both sides of the paper! :)

What do you do if a blonde throws a pin at you? Run - she is still holding the grenade!

To me no one is a 'blonde'. Its just how they chose to be.

*edit: Ok, I guess this was just a mis-understanding. Don't take this offensively.

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Awwww,It's not a nice way to dump blondes like that.They are all human beings,which must be treated with respect :)

Just because somebody is blond does not make them stupid.

I used to think that bleach blondes were dumb because my sister told me that but now I know that I should never believe her anymore. And this is insulting I am blonde and I am not dumb.

Wait! I just talked to her a couple of minutes ago.

Please don't make this an argument, she thought it was funny, not in a criticizing type of way.

ok, ok here we go,

A blonde goes to a library and and says "Can I have a cheeseburger, some fries, and a Coke." But the guy standing on the other side of the counter bodly says, "This is a library." So the blonde says in a very hushed voice, like whispering, "Oh, sorry can I have a cheeseburger, some frie, and a coke?

This is ridiculous. I seriously wish everyone would just shut up about blondes. Nothing that people say regarding dumb blondes is true. If a blonde is dumb, it's not because she has blonde hair. And on another note, I know plenty of brunettes that are pretty stupid.

OK...seriously, I think this topic is very offensive. I'm not a blonde but I know blondes who are pretty darn amazing and intelligent. So yeah...I don't want to offend the creator of this topic...I'm sure you mean no harm and you just want to have fun, but still...the color of one's hair does NOT, by any means, determine true character, levels of intelligence, behavior, etc.

GotchiGirl96 is right. ITS A HAIR COLOR! A girl with blonde hair can be as smart as someone with brown, red, or any other color hair. Its a hair color. If a girl is blonde it doesnt mean they are dumb. This topic is quite offensive.

Yha I am still kind of offended by this topic thats why I reported it but it seems as nobody is online to close it or delete it right now.

Yes it is very offending. This person might of thought it was funny and was not trying to be rude but this is very offending to blondes.

This is ridiculous. I seriously wish everyone would just shut up about blondes. Nothing that people say regarding dumb blondes is true. If a blonde is dumb, it's not because she has blonde hair. And on another note, I know plenty of brunettes that are pretty stupid.
I really do agree with this, me being a blonde. :p Don't ever base somebody's IQ by the color of their hair. Now, I know nobody meant this topic to be hurtful, but in a strange really is. I mean, why blondes? Thanks for understanding. ^_^

Yes this topic can really hurt people with blond hair's feelings. Just cause of their hair color? God made them with blond hair. You shouldn't judge someone from the outside. I have lots of friends who are blond and they are very kind. This topic is ridiculous.

Okay guys settle down. Jokes like this don't personally bother me (in fact personally I sometimes find some really funny ones to share amongst friends), but yeah on a place like this it isn't really appropriate.

These kinda jokes tend to work better artound target audience of a few close friends with a similar sense of humour. In a public community with majority of them younger folks who are trying to figure out theworld and figure out what makes them special in society, these jokes can upset easily and can kick at the self esteem.

So with that, keep in mind who you are trying to entertain with humourous jesters or jokes. Be more careful, and maybe get some better material suited for the place. The lamest jokes can be the funniest ones.

My latest favourite: "What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back to you?"

PM me for the answer if you're curious :)

*topic closed*

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