BloodBathory's Tama Log!


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jun 28, 2010
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June 28, 2010

2:39pm: Hi, welcome to the start of my tamalogs. First off, let me explain the tamas I have. I only have one keychain tamagotchi, a V3 who’s name is Devin. He is currently an Obotchi.

Now, I also have the old tama game for gameboy! It’s basically exactly like the old tama except you can raise 3 at a time and turn it off and on. Also, an hour on the gameboy tamagotchi is, like, a minute in real life. This is convenient, because it’s on my computer. It’s the English cart ROM. I heard there’s a Japanese gameboy ROM that has Angelgotchi and Morinogotchi chracters on it. I might get that next.

Anyways, on my gameboy tama I recently sent my tamagotchi named Poppy back to her home planet. She was the secret character, Bill!

Now all I have is a Maskuchi, named Dani F. ;] I’m not going to send Dani home, I’ll just see how long he will last in the game without dying.

I might hatch another tama on there, because I’m really hoping for a mimitchi or a ginjirotchi. I used to get Ginjirotchi all the time when I was little and had the P1 keychain tams.

My V3 was on pause for a while, because I had to work yesterday and then I had practice (Roller Derby <3), so it may take a bit for it to become an adult character. Also, I messed with his clock a few times, to get him more on my own schedule. He wakes up at 11 and goes to bed at 11, though he thinks it’s eight.

2:51pm: Devin, my V3, pooped, was missing a hungry heart and a happy heart. Fed him Sushi, and then cake as a snack!

3:21pm: I noticed that after Dani became a Maskchi, his deed meter went down to where he only had 3 bars left, out of about 12. I’m not sure if this happens to all adults, or just to selfish Maskchi. I rather like Maskchi. Also, in the game I forgot to tell you that Dani is 7 yrs old. Still very young!

3:43pm: I’m updating a lot today! This will probably get annoying to some people… Anyways, I hatched a new tamagotchi egg on my Tamagotchi GameBoy ROM! Her name is Myra!

A little bit later after Myra hatched she became a Marutchi. I’m off to tamatown with Devin, and then I’m gonna go get ready to go shopping!

3:56pm: Bought wings in Tamatown for Devin, but I can’t use them yet, apparently.

9:33pm: Home from shopping. I accidentally scolded Devin when I think I should’ve praised him, so I might have ruined my chance for a Mametchi. As long as I don’t get another Kuchipatchi! Well, I’m done for today! Goodnight, everybody.

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June 29, 2010

10:51am: Myra (my gameboy color tama) evolved into a tamatchi!! Hopefully I get a ginjirotchi or Mametchi this time around.

10:56am: Myra won the race contest!

11:02am: I thought I had ruined my chance of getting a Mametchi, because I didn’t discipline Myra properly once, but her deed meter is completely full anyways. Dani F., my other GameBoy Color tama is now 8, and he whines a lot, for no reason. Hmm, I wonder what this could mean. Probably that he’s just a selfish Maskchi. Which, I’ve been having problems determining if he is a Maskchi, because some people label him a Masktchi and others call him a Maskutchi? I’m gonna stick with Maskchi.

12:08pm: Dani, my gameboy tama, turned into Bill, the secret character. This is my second Bill. He’s not very hard to achieve.

1:36pm: Myra changed into Mametchi!

Devin, my current V3 is still an obotchi. I only had him on pause for 1 day, out of the 4 he’s been around for, but it still says he is only 1 yrs old. Odd. I only disciplined him once today so far. I expect him to become an adult tomorrow night or Thursday morning.

I definitely want to get more tamagotchi connections. If I see one in Walgreens, or walmart, if it’s not a V6, I’ll buy it. V6 and even V5’s don’t seem that fun to me. I think I have a V4 currently misplaced at my Dad’s house. I use to have about 6, but I don’t know what happened to them all. After I get my car, I’m going to order an Osutchi/Mesutchi off Ebay.

Dani is getting rather needy. I don’t know how much longer I’ll have him. He’s 11 yrs old in GameBoy tama time. I’m trying to get him to lose weight by playing the sports game, because he’s close to 70 pounds! That’s not good!!

12:56am: I didn’t get to care for Devin today for two hours, because I was at my boyfriend’s grandparents for a bit being busy with family stuff, so I let him sit in two poops, lose 3 hungry hearts and 1 happy heart. I might have also missed a discipline call. Then, later, when Devin was about to go to bed, me and my boyfriend were busy, so he fell asleep with 1 hungry heart missing. So much for mametchi!

June 30, 2010

1:39pm: I’m expecting Devin the Obotchi V3 to evolve into his adult for sometime today, but he’s still lacking four training bars. I’ll probably get a maskchi, or some other low training character. I don’t really care, as long as I don’t get a kuchipatchi! Those are my least favorite tama characters. I rather wouldn’t mind getting a tarakotchi, but I’m not sure those are available on the V3.

2:14pm: Not much going on with my gameboy tamas. Everytime I’m on the computer I pull them up as well, and they get to see what I’m doing. Oops, Dani just pooped! Anyways, mostly they’ve seen me look at references for a picture I’m drawing and read the tamagotchi logs at Though, they interrupt me every minute or so. Dani is getting up there in years, he’s currently 12 (that’s subject to change throughout the day, since tama gameboy days are about 45 minutes give or take. I’ll update a final age at the end of the day). Myra the gameboy Mametchi is sooo cute. She’s only 7 though. I’m gonna be sad when they go! They’ve read most of’s blogs with me, they have to stick around for the end!

Dani is on quite the exercise schedule. He went from 70 pounds to 35! Slowly becoming healthy again. I’m rather fond of him bounching around the screen while I’m doing stuff, I don’t him to go!

Also, it seems WalMart no longer sells Tamagotchi! What the heck!? Target doesn’t either. Toys R’ Us is quite a ways away, so hopefully I have a lost tama to be found at my dad’s house. I use to have a bunch!

2:49pm: Devin upped a training bar! Now he just lacks three. Hopefully I can make those up,

3:34pm: The stupid sports game on the gameboy color tama is hard! The study and smile games are a lot easier, The smile game is basically the left right game. You guess which way your tama is gonna face. Dani hardly lets me win, but Myra lets me win more often.

4:04pm: Went to Tama Town with Devin. We went to the toystore and bought roller-skates. Currently, we have a ball, a weight to lift, a pair of wings, and some roller-skates, which is super cute because I love roller skating and playing roller derby. Too bad the only one he can use is the ball... I wish he’d change into an adult soon.

2:10am: Devin got to go skating with me tonight. I hope he had fun twirling around in my pocket while I dodged little kids. He still isn’t an adult, but maybe tomorrow? Well, I just got home and I’m tired. Off to bed.

July 01, 2010

2:05pm: Dani never warns me when he is about to go poo, but Myra always does. Hmmm, it’s kind of a pain. Devin is still an Obotchi. I hope he changes today. In fact, I expect it.

2:22pm: Myra’s animations are so cute! Here’s a pic where she sleeps:

4:13pm: Devin evolved into a Mametchi! He was lacking one training bar, so I have no idea how that happened, but I don’t mind. So I have two Mametchi’s now. I’m glad I didn’t get Kuchipatchi!

5:51pm: Devin gets to go to Derby practice with me. He can finally use those roller skates I got him, and they’re soooo cute! I like mametchi, but I think I’d really like mimitchi. I’ve never had mimitchi.

Because I couldn’t post these on there respective date, here’s two logs in one, although very short.

July 3, 2010

12:59pm: Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday. I hung out with family, then the boyfriend, and then I went to work until 2 in the morning. So, yesterday, Devin the V3 Mametchi got to go to the beach with me. I think he enjoyed it, despite the fact he had to stay in my purse most of the time. Also he got to go to work with me last night, and stayed up through most of it, because I have him set to go to bed at 1AM instead of 9PM anyway so that he matches my schedule a bit more. He hung out under the counter under the cash register and got to hear a local cover band all night. It was truly his first night out.

My gameboy tama’s are doing well. Dani keeps getting sick, but that’s understandable because he is currently 18 years old. Myra is 13. The first time Dani got sick it scared the crap out of me! I thought he was dying!

July 4, 2010

I really expected Devin to have a child tonight, but I was too busy setting off lots of fireworks, eating burnt hotdogs, and playing with an albino balls snake that I totally forgot Devin for a while. He went to bed with a poop next to him, missing three hungry hearts and one happy heart. But he got to see some REALLY good fireworks. No gameboy tama’s today.

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July 5, 2010

12:44pm: I just ordered another V3 off My mom is going to kill me! But, I really wanted one. I actually want 4 or 5 tamagotchi’s but I can wait.

I’m wating for 10:30 to roll around in Devin’s world so that maybe the matchmaker will come! Unless it’s a really good adult character, I’m going to deny it, because I really want Mimitchi the next time around.

On my gameboy color tamagotchi, Myra is now 13 and Dani is 18. That will probably change today. I’ll keep you updates. I hope they don’t die of old age anytime soon.

1:00pm: Myra is now 14 and Dani is 19. Super old!

1:40pm: The matchmaker came and visited Devin! I now have a cute bouncing baby boy to look after when Devin leaves. I know I said that I wasn’t going to mate Devin unless I really good character came from the matchmaker, but I don’t know a lot about V3 characters yet. The matchmaker brought me Hidatchi, and I mated with her. I have no idea if this is a good health character or a bad health character. If anybody has any information or links, please PM me!

I haven’t thought of a name for the new baby yet.

2:07am: Just got home from an okay night for a Monday. Devin and his baby, whom I have decided to call Giles, got to go bowling with me and witness how much I suck. Though, I ignored them for a bit because I had the sound turned off, so the baby got sick and I have no idea how long he was sick before I discovered it. Then, they got to hear me play Wii sports after hanging out in a parking lot being bored. I suck at that too!

Devin will be leaving in about an hour. I’ll miss the little guy, but I think I can visit him in tamatown!

I don’t think anyone actually reads these logs, but I might start my own website for them. Of course, I’ll keep posting them on tamatalk as well

July 6, 2010

11:40am: Devin didn’t leave Giles and I last night. I wonder when he will?

11:48pm: No more letting my tamagotchi remain unpaused during skate practice. Devin pooped twice, which got Giles sick for who knows how long, and was almost empty on hungry and happy hearts. Not a good start for Giles. This is the second time it happened to the poor babe. Even though it’s only two hours, a lot seems to happen, and I want a mimitchi this time, which means perfect care for Giles.

Devin is going to be leaving tonight. I’ll miss him. I don’t often get to raise a mametchi.

My new V3 should be here on Friday. Yay!

I didn’t spend much time today with the Gameboy tama’s, Myra and Dani. I think I only got 10 minutes with them. Myra is 14, and Dani is 19.

Wow this is a super short log. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting!

July 7, 2010

11:14am: Devin is officially gone. Giles cried for a bit, but he’s fine now. All full on hungry and happy hearts. He’s currently still a teletchi (I think that’s what the V3 babies are. If I’m wrong, please PM me and let me know!)

11:21am: Dani just passed away right before my eyes. I had flipped the screen to check up on Myra, who was starting to take a poo, when it forced me back to Dani’s screen and it showed him sick, and the screen was flashing wildly. I couldn’t press any buttons.

All I could do was watch… I’ve had that bugger for a while. He was 19. I expected him to live a lot longer, being the secret character and all… Well, he was happy with all hearts full when he passed, and he just had his favorite meal as well: meat. I don’t think I’ll hatch another gameboy tama egg until Myra passes. Which I hope isn’t soon!! She’s adorable!

11:32am: Giles just laid down for his nap. He should turn into a child character soon.

11:39am: Giles just got his first training bar, aww! He was crying, so I praised him. He’s currently just bouncing around watching me clean. I’m sure that’s boring to him.

12:10pm: Giles changed into a cute mohitamatchi while I was vacuuming. Just the tamagotchi I wanted too. He’s so cute. Too bad he’s going to change forms again tomorrow. I rather like this one.

I’m contemplating starting up my Mori no Tamagotchi for gameboy color as well, but I think I’ll just finish up some more tama’s on the regular gameboy color game first. The Mori no is in Japanese as well, and I definitely don’t speak Japanese!

1:22pm: Myra is 16 currently! I’m spending a lot of time with her today, since I’ve neglected the gameboy tamagotchi lately. She is reading’s tamagotchi logs with me. We’re almost done with them all, lol. But then there’s the osuchi mesuchi logs, and the mori no tamagotchi logs. If you haven’t read any of’s logs I suggest you go and do it! They’re great!

1:57pm: Went to tamatown with Giles and visited Devin. He gave Giles a cell phone.

2:46pm: Uh oh, Myra just got sick! She is 18 now. I hope she’s not leaving soon! Dani got sick twice before finally passing away.

3:02pm: Giles just got another training bar. He called for me when he didn’t need anything, so I put him in time out. He cried, and it was so cute. I love mohitamatchi’s! They are adorable. Except they look like aliens when they’re mad. Their faces elongate and their eyes squint weirdly.

3:28pm: Myra got sick again… She’s 19 now.

5:05pm: Myra just passed away! It was horrible to watch! She was so cute just bouncing around while the cute background music played and we read logs. All of the sudden I heard the beeping, kind of like a heartbeat. It showed her sick, and then shivering. Finally she passed and became a bouncing angel on the screen… I liked her so much she was adorable. :/ I lost 3 tama’s in less than 24 hours! She was 20 years old when she passed away. I feel so bad. She looked so miserable when she died.

Time to hatch another gameboy tama. It’s lonely on my computer without them! Meet Drizzt, named after the drow elf in the R.A Salvatore books.

1:28am: Home from the boyfriend’s house, now time to update my log. I feel so bad! I went to the pool hall, and then, as stated above, my boyfriend’s, and I lost track of time with Giles! I let him go to sleep with two poops, missing two hungry hearts, and two happy hearts. Then I had to wrestle my boyfriend to get him, so I could turn off his lights. :[ No mimitchi, I guess. But he has 3 disciplines, which is really good. I should’ve paused him… Well, bedtime for me. Time for this super long log to end. I bet no one even reads these, lol.

This log is a day late...

July 8, 2010

12:00pm: Drizzt turned into a maruchi! And I hear the sounds of Giles changing! He changed into a Hinatchi…

That wasn’t exactly what I was going for, but that’s what I get for letting him sleep in poop! He’s not very cute. It looks like Bandai got sloppy with his animations… But I like him anyway. Getting new characters is always fun. Plus, I still have a chance at getting mimitchi. If I go to the beach later, I’m going to pause him.

12:28pm: Drizzt got his first discipline. I really want a ginjirotchi.

12:38pm: Drizzt is so cute when he sleeps! Lol, I’m so weird!

July 9, 2010

12:55pm: I had Giles paused all day and all night yesterday. I just unpaused him. I’m glad I did pause him, because I was gogogo yesterday with my friend’s birthday and derby. I should be getting me new V3 today!! I can’t wait!

1:03pm: My new tamagotchi did come! Giles now has a friend. :] I checked the mail, and there it was. :] It’s yellow, with read digital lookling dot things. Time to pull the tab! Well this is weird. The screen is kind of dark. Let’s see if it’s still that way when the egg hatches…I think I got a defunt tamagotchi. The sound is also very muffled sounding. Maybe the batteries are about to die. Which is okay because I have more. It’s not the seller’s fault. The package was unopened so the seller didn’t know. But still, it’s gonna be a pain in the …. It’s a girl!!! Now what to name her… I think Swan will be good.

1:12pm: I made Swan and Giles connect for just a visit. They sang together. I think this will be a good relationship.

1:53pm: Swan got her first bar of training, but I didn’t hear here beep! I just happened to look at the screen and see her crying. This is going to be a pain!

2:14pm: Swan changed finally! She is a Mizutamatchi. Very cute. Looks like a little rain drop! Sent Giles over to Swan so they could visit. It was very cute. I’m sure Giles is happy to have a friend. Too bad Devin couldn’t have one.

3:34pm: Giles just scored another training bar. He now has over half the bar full, and he won’t be turning into an adult until Sunday morning at the latest. I’m doing pretty good on hearing his calls this time around. Giles and Swan both have two faces under the friend meter. I’m trying not to connect them too much so my battery doesn’t run out. I’ll connect them mostly when they are adults.

3:17am: Boyfriend just left, so now I can continue the log! Giles and Swan went out with me today. I might start taking only one tama with me when I go out, so I don’t have to worry about two when I’m busy. But maybe I’ll just keep carrying them both around. I seem to like Giles and his egg container better than the new one, so he might go with me more often. I don’t know. Then I’d feel bad, lol.

Anyway, they went with me to my boyfriend’s where I had to put them to bed early because we were watching a scary movie. Don’t want the tama’s to have nightmares! Lol. Well, they’re fine and I’m pretty both of them are up to par on their training. It’s so hard to hear Swan, because her beeping is really muffled and low. If there’s any kind of sound or music, I can’t hear her beep. I hope when I change the batteries this problem will go away. Well, it’s late so goodnight!

July 10, 2010

1:17pm: I woke up two hours late in caring for my tamagotchi. Well, one hour for Giles, two hours for Swan. I think. Anyways, the point is I woke up a little late. Giles was only missing one hungry heart, where as Swan was missing 3 hungry hearts and 2 happy hearts. I’ve been very neglectful this time around.

Well, Swan the Mizutamatchi is going to change into her teenage form today. I can’t wait!

1:58pm: Aww, I fed Swan cherries and she did a cute little dance. I guess cherries are her favorite food.

2:16pm: I’m finally playing with my gameboy tamagotchi again, Drizzt. He’s still a marutchi, but he should be changing soon. He has a full discipline meter, a fill IQ meter, and almost a full body meter. The IQ meter is a feature exclusive to the gameboy, and you raise it by playing the study game. The body meter is exclusive to the gbc as well. You raise it by playing the sports game. The gameboy color tamagotchi is very sensitive to neglect and care, and these meters also determine the outcome of your character. The sports game is a pain in the butt though! I barely ever win!

2:21pm: Drizzt evolved! He is now a tamatchi! I never get the other, beaked P1 teenager. Oh well.

2:26pm: Giles just got another training bar. He has one more to go and he will have a completely full training meter, and he doesn’t evolve until tomorrow.

Awww! Speaking of evolving, Swan just did! She is so adorable. She’s a character I really wanted, though I’m not sure if it’s healthy or not, lol. She’s a patopatatchi. I can’t seem to find a good picture of one at the moment. I might make one.

4:02pm: Geez, Drizzt turned into a Maskuchi. This is the third time I’ve had one of these. And I never take bad care of the tama’s! The gameboy color game is so freaking touchy! I wonder how I will ever get a ginjirotchi… I bet I get the secret character again… I’m contemplating sending it back to it’s home planet and just hatching another one. Maybe tomorrow…

5:26pm: Giles just got his final training bar. Now the meter is completely full. He’s better trained than his Dad, Devin was, but Devin still turned into a Mametchi for some reason. I’m still a bit baffled by that. Giles got this training bar exactly three hours since his last one… Hmmm.

2:17am: I had to pause my tama’s for two hours tonight while I went to a friends house, so that might hinder some growth. Giles should turn into an adult around 4 or 5 o’clock tomorrow, but I have to work so I don’t know if I will pause them or not. I guess we’ll find out. I hope it’s not busy…

July 11, 2010

I’m writing this log a day after it happened, so there won’t be any specific times. I had to work yesterday, so Giles and Swan got neglected a bit. They kept going down two hearts for each meter before I could get to them. I also didn’t discipline Swan at all yesterday, so she still has only 5 training bars, but she should be changing today…

Then I forget to pause them for Derby practice, and by the time I checked them, they were asleep, sick, in two poops, and missing all hearts. Naturally, I woke them up, cleaned them and took care of them, and then put them back to bed.

Neither of them have changed into adults yet, which I predicted would happen yesterday. I have no idea when they will. Maybe on the 12th, which happens to be later today.

July 12, 2010

10:11pm: Giles turned into a Degozarutchi today. The little ninka guy. I wasn't expecting that to be honest, because I did get his discipline meter all the way up. though he was neglected frequently. I went from the best tama, mametchi, to the worst tama, degozarutchi, in just one generation. I'm not sure what Swan will probably be. Maybe a Maskchi? she only has 6 training bars, and I expect her to change tomorrow morning. Well, goodnight everyone. It's a short log because I'm cuttently out of town and will be until ThurSDAY.

July 14, 2010

3:52pm: Giles and Swan are both adults. I'm thinking they are gonna be able to mate tonight.Swan is now a Hashizoutchi. She trips alot as she walks across the screen... She's not very attractive, lol!

I'm definitely gonna take better care of Giles and Swan's babies, by putting the pause feature to good use. I'm often busy, and college is starting soon. Well, I got to go. i'm still out of town. Better logs are coming as soon as I get home.

October 2, 2010

4:51PM: Wow, I had a long log gap in between caring for tamas! My life’s been a little, well… life like. I’m probably the oldest girl on this site, being as I’m 18! College has started and I still have stuff with derby. Oh well. Swan and Giles have obviously passed away, :tear:. But, I’m raising a new tamagotchi now, still a V3. I was raising two V3’s but my yellow V3’s battery died this morning, which makes me sad. She was a teenage patopatachi. I would post a picture, but I can’t seem to find a good one and I don’t feel like cropping a bunch of images and stuff at the moment. I’m gonna get batteries for her again when I get the chance, though I’m not going to go out of my way to get any so it may be a little while. I thought I had a leftover battery from the last time I bought some, but I can’t seem to find it… Sad.

Anyways, my red V3 with the blue stars is still working for now. She’s also a patopatachi, oddly. Her name is Ginji, because I long for a Ginjirotchi, even thought they aren’t on the V3’s. I just had to praise her, and that took her discipline up to half full. She isn’t supposed to change into an adult until Monday night, and maybe later than that because I have a game Sunday night and she will need to be on pause, most likely. Also I have classes on Monday and she’ll have to be on pause for most of them.

Can someone tell me if Patopatachi is a good character? I think it is, but it also might be the medium teen character, I’m not entirely sure. There’s not much information on the newer characters of tama’s, nor or their very many pics.

Speaking of newer tamas, I just bid on a gen 1, but I don’t think I’ll win. I don’t have the money to battle with people up past like 8 dollars! Haha.

Also, I don't know how often I'll actually be playing my gameboy tamagotchi, as it's quite a pain in the rump to get different characters, but I might. I currently have a little tonmarutchi (I think! The one that looks like marutchi, but just with a lump on his head in gen 2? Whatever) named Decki. I doubt I'll be playing much, so this might now even be talked about anymore.

October 3, 2010

12:56AM: Okay, I guess it's technically the fourth of October at the moment, but I'm writing this log for the third. Nothing eventful really happened tamagotchi wise today... I woke up a little later than Ginji, but I had my alarm set to go off every hour that I overslept so that I could pop up real quick and take care of her. She only called me for two disciplines today that I'm aware of. At about 4 I put her on pause up until a few minutes ago, as I was busy. She is still a patopatachi. She looks like she has little hearts for ears! It's so cute! Tomorrow I have class off and on until about 5 o' clock so she might be paused for most of tomorrow as well. Tuesday I get out of class at about 10:45, therefore I have lots of time for her that day! I'm expecting her to change into her adult form that day.

I was outbid for the gen 1 tamagotchi... that makes me sad! I'm trying to find other virtual pets besides tamas as well, now though. Maybe Toys R' Us has some? I'll check the website.

No action on the gameboy tama front today. A very busy Sunday, that's for sure!

I need to go to sleep! Goodnight all. :]

October 5, 2010

3:14pm: Ginji was paused all day yesterday until an hour after her bedtime, so I decided not to even post a log about it. She didn't do anything, but remain in my purse while I ran around college and the mall. I paused her again this morning and went to my psychology class. When I came back, I took a nap until about 2:15pm, and I unpaused Ginji maybe twenty minutes afterwards, so she hasn't been unpaused for very long. I'm expecting her to change into her adult for pretty soon, sometime in the next few hours. When she does, I will definitely update and let you know!

4:07pm: Ginji just recently got another bar of training. She's only lacking one training bar now. Hopefully she changes soon, I'm rather excited. I have a feeling I'm gonna get a mametchi. Whom I do love, but I love the older ones better. The newer styled ones are less cute and nostalgic... Oh well. :)

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October 7, 2010

9:00am: Ginji did finally turn into her adult form last night before she went to bed. I miscaclculated that change by a whole freaking 24 hours! But anyways, I was right, she is a mametchi. Very cute! She's sleeping right now. I'm gonna try for a mimitchi with her babies. I can never get a mimitchi. Never had it before. Well, I have class to go to. Probably not much updating going to go on until Ginji has babies or I get batteries for my other tamagotchi, but if stuff happens I will definitely post it!

1:25pm: I found the battery that I was looking for yesterday and popped it back into my yellow with red digital dots V3. I hit download and Mari appeared right back on the screen. Her stats are 1 yr, 20 lb, and her discipline meter has 4 bars out of 9 filled. She has alot of waiting to do before she changes into her adult form. She is a patopatachi. She'll probably turn into a mametchi as well.

Gues what? I ordered a P2 for 13.00 USD off of ebay and it should be here in about 2 weeks! I'm so excited! My mom's gonna kill me. But it was such a good deal, I couldn't pass it up!

Also, I learned the hard way that Ginji's least favorite foods are bananas. Atleast, when I fed it to her, she lost all her happiness hearts... She got to hear part of a boring psychology lecture when she woke up this morning. That's a great wake up call...

3:31pm: Currently cleaning and playing with my gameboy tamagotchi again, the first and only english one. I have Tamagotchi 2 for gameboy as well, but it's in japanese (I have these games on my computer via roms... I'm bad...). I'm gonna try and figure out Tamagotchi 2 pretty soon so I can play it. I think it's Morino Tamagotchi, from what I've gothered so far.

Anyway, Decki on gameboy tama is still a tonmarutchi. I accidentally praised him when I was supposed to discipline him. Oops... I really want mimitchi or ginjirotchi!

4:03pm: Decki changed into a Hashitamtchi! I'm not quite sure how this happened. I took really good care of him. Maybe it's because of the missed disciplne? I have no idea...

Just in case you're wondering what a hashitamatchi is.

5:24pm: Decki just evolved into his adult form. He's a p2 Kusatchi. The plant guy that enjoys heavy metal music. The worst of the p2 characters. I don't understand how I got him. I never let him get bored, grow hungry, and he's never gotten sick. Gr! I want a mimitchi or ginjirotchi! One day.... :/ Oh, and Mari got another discipline bar, putting her at 5 out of 9.

5:27pm: What I did do was feed decki bread his whole life, even though it was his least favorite food in his teen form. Maybe that's why...

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October 8, 2010

1:37pm: Not much going on on the tamagotchi front today so far. Mari is still at 5 disciplines. Her beeping is so faint for some reason (I tried changing the battery, and that didn't help) that there is a possibility I might have missed a call, but I doubt it. She probably won't change into an adult until tomorrow evening. Though, tomorrow afternoon I'm going out of town until Sunday night or Monday morning, so Ginji and Mari will likely be on pause for a majority of that time...

Ginji's :D still doing fine as well. I can't wait until she has babies! I'm possibly joining a group hatch for the 10th of October, and Mari will be reset for it. Sorry Mari! :[

Oh! Mari finally called for a sixth discipline. I had to praise her. I don't know how I heard her over Queen that I'm blaring out of my laptop. Freddie Mercury rocks.

5:35pm: Mari gained another discipline and finally aged to 2 yrs. Not much else is going on. They're watching a Kingdom Hearts 1 walkthrough with me. I'm going out later, so I'll have to put them on pause.

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October 9, 2010

11:58am: My tamas are going on a road trip with me! A four hour one. I'm pretty positive I won't have computer access until Sunday evening or Monday afternoon, so I'll update again then.

So, this morning I slept in a little late, and Mari, my patopatachi was missing two hearts on each meter and had pooped by the time I woke up. Hopefully she hadn't called for discipline, because I would've totally missed it. Ginji, my mametchi, was only missing one heart from each meter. Mametchi's are so freaking adorable! Especially when they get all up close and personal on the screen! I think Ginji might have babies tomorrow, and patopatchi might change into an adult. Eventful day tomorrow!
