Blush-worthy Moments


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Memetchi Dreamer

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
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Somewhere in my own little world...:)
So, the other day my friends and I were in the lunch line at school. I was completely gushing about my crush, naturally. You know the usual...what he did that was so funny, how gorgeous and buff he is. My friends were the regular combination of bored and amused, but failed to make me aware of the fact that my crush was standing right there-only four or five people away. I had no idea he was there :eek: ! It was so embarrassing. I don't know if he heard me or not, but I'm still considering getting some duct tape to put over that ginormous mouth of mine :p .

What embarrassing stuff has happened to you recently?

I'm not sure actually. Nothing blush-worthy really happened recently. At least, not that I can recall. o.o

Edit: Lost Girl's reply reminded me. The other day, I was upstairs. I was blasting my iPod and singing along in Japanese. (I don't even know Japanese) Then when I went downstairs, there was my family plus we had guests. They were all like "You sing good". I was like "YOU HEARD ME?!"

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I was walking to my locker, singing, and Katie's social studies teacher was like "Nice singing, Alice!" and I'm like "D:" at the fact that he heard me.

That was a few weeks ago though :\

Just recently, like.. The second last day of school, I was in music class, and Luke has his class next to mine, but they were going to the hall to so something, so apparently, he got the ENTIRE class of year 11's to wave to me and Katie. It was really funny, but so embarassing.


I have about a million embarrasing stuff that happened to me!!!

Heres one of them:

So, it was like 2 weeks after school started and me and a boy named Gabriel switched seats with eachother(I have my ways...).

THAT seat that I switched with was next to my crush! And the other side was my really good friend friend(Shes really mean now.).

Me and my crush REALLY get along with eachother if we see sumthin really funny or talk about sumthin really funny.

Suddenly, my friend calls me over to tell me sumthin.

My friend is HORRIBLE at wispering and my crush is RIGHT NEXT TO ME and she says, "I know you like him."

He was all like o_O and I squeezed my friends hand REAL hard and saying "NO I DON'T!!!"

Luckily, he didn't hear the whole sentence and he STILL doesn't know I like him...

I liked that guy fore like 3 years straight keeping it a secret! And I didn't wanna blow it.

Now another friend of mine(I REALLY hate her, but she thinks im her friend)knows and is giving REALLY big clues to him that I like him!!!

I wonder why I told her...

Oh god.

Most embarassing moment ever--trust me. This is awful. I never remember embarassing stuff for more than a day.

April 17th--around 11:45 PM.

I exit the concert venue for BNDP2. And I see Mary and Courtney from theatre class. So I go say hi. We talk for a bit, and I notice that Sofie and Nicole are moving ahead in the crowd. I run to catch up to them but trip over the concrete rim around the flowers, hit my pelvis on the railing, and almost fall in the flowers---in front of Nicole, Courtney, Mary, and a million other people. And it was painfuuull.

In P.e and I was wearing my school trousers 'cause I couldn't find my tracksuit. So anyway, I did a cartwheel and the front of my trousers popped and I was all O_O the whole front of my trousers had spilt so I had to walk around the whole day with my bag in front Lol.

I laugh it off. I don't get embarrased or anything. I just laugh at myself more than other people do and out laugh them then they get bored that i'm not actually ashamed of what I did.

Today I just came out of Wild Bean, latte in one hand, dog lead over the other wrist and holding a paper bag containing my apple turn-over. I came to the traffic lights and tripped over a dent in the pavement and face planted the traffic light post. Bus load of boys at the lights checking me out until I whacked the pole. I fell to the ground, protecting the coffee of course, and laughed so much it hurt. About 3 guys got off the bus to see if I was okay and then laughed with me. I got up after sitting there for about 5 and walked off happily consuming caffeine.

My brother saw a thing opened on my computer and he must've read it because the next conversation we had was "Hey sis, what happened to Emily?"

[it's just a thing I'm writing - Emily was abused by her ex, but the readers still don't know : P ]

I was like "-Palmface- Don't leave stuff open."

[This isn't really about me, but poor Katie!] And Sunday night, I had a movie night with Luke, Rachel, Daniel and Katie haha it was so fun.

They all slept over, and Katie woke me up at like, 4 in the morning crying and saying there was blood all over her sheets from her period ): . I was like "Katie, don't worry!" Rachel, Katie and I just pulled the sheets off the bed, and flipped the mattress over and the boys will never know hehe.

But poor Katie, she freaked out D:

Oh i was wearing a Hannah Montana wig, because i was with my friends, and we are like always so silly willy....and my mom walked in an she was like "0.o wtf" and then i was embarrassed =P

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