Bolivian Farmers want Coca-Cola to drop the "Coca"


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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2006
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Well I was reading the news on Yahoo! and I found a weird story. It said Bolivian farmers want the famous soft drink company Coca-Cola to drop the "Cola" part of the name. Why? Because coca is a shrub that is the heritidge that belongs to some Andean nation. Coca is apparently very sacred to them. I thought it was kind of funny but I don't know why. I'm not being mean to the farmers I just thought it was interesting. Any thoughts on this?

Here's the link: Click Here


they're very weird people ^_^ ;) ^_^

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Yeah, and McDonalds should drop the Mc and BurgerKing should drop Burger...

~*CoConut Cream*~

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I can see the ad now...


Lady with drugs to make her smile and a boob job: "Come and buy new -Cola! It's new! It's Coca-Cola without the idiotic Coca!"

*Little boy runs up* "Can I have some?"

Lady: "Sure!"

*Boy takes drink from can, holding the label to the camera* "WOW! It's better than EVER!"

*His friends run up* "Can we have some?!"

Lady: ""YEAH!" *Throws millions of cans to them*

*They get crushed*

Lady:"OOPS! Well... I guess its so good, they want to die drinking it!"

*Idiotic jingle*

*Next ad comes on*

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