Bomb Search!


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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2006
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New Jersey
Ok, so yesterday at the middle school there was a mysterious backpack on the front lawn of the school and there was a call to the school saying *deep voice*"I will blow up the school on Monday!!! HA HA HA!!!!". So they evacuated the school and the bomb squad came and everyone was getting picked up. The middle school gets today tomorrow and a delayed opening on Monday. Guess what? They looked in the mysterious backpack and there was an X-box, a bunch of games, controllers, and magazines in it!!! It was all a prank!!!

LOL!!! :p

I laughed so hard I couldn't stop coughing!!!(I'm sick)

~Ruby~ *HACK*

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I don't think that's anything to laugh about... I'd probably cry if it happened at my school.

I almost cried in a lockdown at my school and couldn't stop shaking after... same with the fire drill.

It's serious not any sort of laughing matter.

And no one should have made a joke about it.

The school should have let everyone go home as soon as they got the threat IT'S NOT FUNNY.

I don't think that's anything to laugh about... I'd probably cry if it happened at my school.I almost cried in a lockdown at my school and couldn't stop shaking after... same with the fire drill.

It's serious not any sort of laughing matter.

And no one should have made a joke about it.

The school should have let everyone go home as soon as they got the threat IT'S NOT FUNNY.
I'm pretty sure she means that what they found in the backpack was funny. And it is funny. The other parts aren't though. But the contents of the backpack, yes.

And I just stated my opinion so I need not talk any longer :3

I don't think that's anything to laugh about... I'd probably cry if it happened at my school.I almost cried in a lockdown at my school and couldn't stop shaking after... same with the fire drill.

It's serious not any sort of laughing matter.

And no one should have made a joke about it.

The school should have let everyone go home as soon as they got the threat IT'S NOT FUNNY.
I agree completley. That is not humorous at all. Whoever did the prank deserves to be expeled!

Apparently you all don't know the meaning of humor and not funny. ITS NOT FUNNY.

Ok, so yesterday at the middle school there was a mysterious backpack on the front lawn of the school and there was a call to the school saying *deep voice*"I will blow up the school on Monday!!! HA HA HA!!!!". So they evacuated the school and the bomb squad came and everyone was getting picked up. The middle school gets today tomorrow and a delayed opening on Monday. Guess what? They looked in the mysterious backpack and there was an X-box, a bunch of games, controllers, and magazines in it!!! It was all a prank!!!
LOL!!! :)

I laughed so hard I couldn't stop coughing!!!(I'm sick)

~Ruby~ *HACK*
I think that is SO funny!

Hahahahahaha! :huh: :angry: :huh:

"Oh noez the Xbox iz gonna blow up EVERYBODY RUN!" :D

If the Bomb Squad had said that it would have been funnier. xD

i guess it is sort of funny but there were bombs in my school once. except this wasn't a prank. they were REAL bombs.........*Sigh* i need a sleepy

i guess it is sort of funny but there were bombs in my school once. except this wasn't a prank. they were REAL bombs.........*Sigh* i need a sleepy
REALLY?!?!?! WOW!!! NOT FUNNY!!! :(

Wow, that is not funny at all in my oppinion. It is good that it wasn't a bomb but that is serious. If it was a bomb people could have died. I don't think people dieing is funny at all. It is kind of sick and immature in my oppinion. Immature in the way that somebody had the nerve to call the school and tell them that it would blow up then put an x-box in a backpack.

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I really don't know how anyone couldn't find that funny! o_O

That reminds me of a prank I played on my nanny a few weeks ago:

I told her someone called Miss Ellie Phant (Pronuced Elephant!) was calling, and gave her this number- the number of the zoo! She rings up, tells them her name, where she's from, and says "Now, I believe someone called miss ellie phant was ringing?" I was cracking up listening to her, as the zoo told her all they had was elepahnts, but she took it all in good humor! (thankfully! :) )

Hehe, that was so funny- so was the "bomb!"!!! :( :p Stupid teachers.....

:D *-Rey-* :D

I really don't know how anyone couldn't find that funny! o_OThat reminds me of a prank I played on my nanny a few weeks ago:

I told her someone called Miss Ellie Phant (Pronuced Elephant!) was calling, and gave her this number- the number of the zoo! She rings up, tells them her name, where she's from, and says "Now, I believe someone called miss ellie phant was ringing?" I was cracking up listening to her, as the zoo told her all they had was elepahnts, but she took it all in good humor! (thankfully! :D )

Hehe, that was so funny- so was the "bomb!"!!! :) :p Stupid teachers.....

:D *-Rey-* :p
LOL!!! :(

lol,the person wiht the x-box is a total idiot,how would they leave an x-box,games and a few magazines,thats like gold to me,anywayz,thats scary,i get shaky when im getting into a fight or my face turns red(naturally)or when stuff like that happen cuz u never know if it;s real or not

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By the way Horse_Lover get well soon.

Just a quick off topic post, Sorry

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