Boo for Neopets.


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
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The back of my head.
I used to love that site. Now I hate it all. only 2% of the people on that site are nice, and the rest are childish brats. The freezings are horrible. The innocent are frozen in a wink and the real baddoers take forever to freeze. If you say "It's hot outside" the freezenots say you are saying someone is hot and BAM there went your account. A friend of mine got frozen for saying "girl's undergarments". Not bra. Not panties. Not even underwear. Just what was in the quotes, within 5 sseconds of her posting it. She finally got her account back about a year later and by then she hated the site and never came back. But the pervs posting 18+ stuff never got frozen untill a few hours later.

The site is stupid and childish. Some people like it: I have to admit it has pretty good graphics and if you don't chat or anything it seems fun. But the community,admins, and lots of users are so dumb they made my IQ drop.

That was my rant.

If you don't agree with me, that's OK, but don't be rude about it. This is my opion and it won't change.

I know sometimes they can be unfair with freezing people who did nothing. I remember when people use to get frozen on Neopets when they reached a certain amount of neopoints.

Alot of the time, the TNT never does anything to art theift on the Beauty Contests.

I do remember when the comics in the Neopets paper use to have copied ideas that members did. Alot would copy VG cats, Calvin and Hobs or even Garfield. Some did get punished.

The boards are a horror show as is.

Seems like 87% of the freezing happens at the Neo-boards.

[/b]I agree with both of you. I used to be addicted. But then my account got frozen. And it said on the reasons why: Your acccount is frozen, although we do not know why. It was so pathetic!

Yeah, I got frozen just because other people were posting rude stuff on the boards I made! pathetic!!! Those neopets people should check thoroughly! and I agree that most of the people on neopets are totally RUDE!!! Insulting people about real happenings and all that, and all those NOOBS acting as if they're the bosses of us. I think I should stick to tamatalk.

Ahhh!!!! I just pressed a button and it said "ohhh... you little CHEAT! You have now been reported to the neopets team!" grrrr HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My account was frozen because I made a contest on the boards. No prize. Nothing. Frozen withing 2 minutes. When they finally got my email 8 months later they said I was cheating people out of their np. Pathetic. I would strongly encourage people not to join.

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I was alo a member of Neopets, but I've left the community 3 years ago because there were too many problems and no one was caring about it.

well. i am a member of neopets. but never been banned. im 1 of tha innocent people and the 1s that have NEVER had their accounts froze. all i do is:

1] I Look after my pets

2] I play with and feed my pets

3] Go on adventures and try 2 get cool stuff

4] Play games

5] Enter in compititions

Thats all five things i do. I dont agree with you Guys, but im just sticking 2 trhe 5 things i do and i will like neopets.

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