Book 1: Beggining With A Legend Alone


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Apr 30, 2007
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Disclaimer: Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter, and so does all the characters he made. The OOCs here are made by me, but I er... stole her idea.

I'm going to attempt to write six books, 32 chapters in length each and see how I do. This is just to practice my skills. The first few chapters are going to come out of the blue, as for the rest, I'm probably going to pre-write them.


[SIZE=11pt]Chapter I[/SIZE]

Night lay silent upon the clearing, all was calm and peaceful, that is, except for one warrior.

A ginger tom slinked out of his den, he knew it was two legs. Roars were heard ahead as two giant, shining monsters creeped out of the ever-growing darkness, flattening trees as they went. The warrior looked left and right, then yowled.

"Run for it!"

"Firestar, whats wrong?" Another tabby; except a light, pale orange-- almost brown slinked out of the darkness.

"It's the monsters! We're gonna die!"

"Then what happened?" The smoky-gray tom sat straight up; his brilliant true-blue eyes gleaming in the growing darkness of the barn.

"Well, you know." Croaked the extremely old and broken down tabby. This tabby, 108 moons old exactly, was named Firestar. When he was young, and not covered in gray furs, he had been the leader of an ancient Thunderclan which had now died out. "Everyone died."

Leokan stared at the old cat in dislbelief in fury and turned to face his best friend, Diamond.

"Hear that, Diamond?!" Demanded the gray cat. He tugged at his collar and began to growl viscously. "I say we revive these clans!"

"What?" Firestar leapt lightly off the haystack in which he was sitting upon and landed squarely on his feet. "We're farmcats; and theres a forest nearby. There are dogs that hunt that forest every now and then, and not your usual dog. I mean, really, large, dogs with teeth bigger than me..."

"So?" He ventured. Firestar gave an exasperated sigh. "We could always get all the cats from old cat Ravenpaw's barn, and all the others. We could start the ancient Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, and er..."

"Shadowclan." Murmured Diamond quickly, the brown tabby sat beside her friend, she looked unsure about his sudden idea.

"Yeah!" Agreed Leokan. He himself was only 5 moons old, and one of the most enthusiastic cats on the barn.

"You realize how much work that'd be?" Firestar yowled furiously.

"So what?" Leokan turned and lifted his long-furred tail into the air, and stalked away. Diamond was left to scurry after him quickly, she just tagged along wherever he went.

* * *

"Really, Diamond. We could! We'd be apprentices, as our six-moon kitting date is coming up! And Tiffany, that really fast and great mouser from Sasha's barn could be leader! At least, for us of Thunderclan."

Diamond looked unsure about this still.

"Well. If your in it, I go with you." She meowed. "Didn't he say that-"

"Apprentice's names ended in 'paw'! You could be Gempaw and I could be Stormpaw! Because a Diamond is a gem and I'm gray like the sky on a stormy day!" Said the self-proclaimed Stormpaw. 'Gempaw' nodded quickly.

"Lets tell everyone else." Said Stormpaw, springing up onto the chicken coop and yowled. He watched as all the cats from the farm, about 14 of them gathered below his barn.

"Cats of Firestar's barn!" He yowled, being sure to catch their attention. Each cat looked at him, 28 eyes watching him, giving full attention. And then, Stormpaw started. Explaining everything that Firestar told him about the barn. The cats stared in bewilderment and wonder, as his words echoed through the farm.

"Move, youngster." A strangled ginger shape leapt with much difficulty to the top of the chicken coop and shoved the young kitten off.

"If we restore the clans, fine! Seeing as you cooks all agree, good luck running off while Master's not looking. But I shall arrange this so you buffoons don't get hurt, I need four cats to be the leaders, stat." His old, half-blind eyes scanned the crowd.

"Tiffany!" He yowled. "I need you to go and gather cats, sleek and thin, for the ancient Windclan, and I need you to roll in the sleek grass of the plains beyond the forest where there are few branches and tons of grass. Good luck." He watched as the brown-and-gray she-cat leapt up onto the Chicken coop beside him.

"I, now Snakestar, leader of Windclan, pick the following cats of this crowd for my clan. I want you, young twins Brad and Chad. No-one else is worthy of my Windclan of these cats here, I shall seek others of the other barns. I now declare you two Birdpaw and Owlpaw." She stared down at the two brown apprentices, they were Gempaw's sister.

"Good." Said Firestar. "And I want... you. Midnight, to be leader of Thunderclan."

The black-and-white she-cat with green eyes leapt gracefully beside Snakestar, mimicking her speech.

"I, now the leader of Thunderclan, pick the name Nightstar for myself... And I choose.... Stormpaw..."

Stormpaw's eyes widened in suprise at being picked for Thunderclan, it seemed like such a great place for him. But he glanced hesitantly at Gempaw, and at his new leader. He didn't want to obey her in his first few seconds of being a warrior, but he obviously wouldn't leave without Gempaw.

"And... I pick... Ao-"

"I'm not leaving without Gempaw, Leader, mam." Said Stormpaw loudly. If that meant he was to stay at the farm, so be it. At first, she eyed him with uttermost fury. Then the corner of her mouths twitched into a smile.

"Very well. You'll serve well in the clan with loyalty like yours, Gempaw, you are now a Thunderclan apprentice. I take you, Gempaw, as my own apprentice. You have a real loyal friend." She winked. As for the other two leaders, a black tom with yellow eyes, Darkstar, lead Shadowclan with Lightspirit as his deputy and a queen and her kits, Ambereyes and Meowkit, Barkit, Chirpkit, and Squeakit. For Riverclan, Gallopingstar was picked, he resembled a horse. He had chosen a relatively-old she-cat that knew alot about herbs as his medicine cat, and named her Sourmilk for her horrible temper, and he also brought with him a warrior named Twofang. This was going to be some mission.



Leader: Nightstar- A black she-cat with white paws and a white underbelly snd green eyes.


Stormpaw- A long-furred tom with true-blue eyes and a blue collar.

Gempaw- A brown she-cat with extremely light green eyes; almost white.


Leader: Darkstar- A pure black tom with burning yellow eyes; has no whiskers.

Deputy: Lightspirit: A white tom with amber eyes.


Ambereyes: A light-orange tabby with amber eyes, which lives up to her name.


Meowkit- A white she-kit with brown spots and a relatively small tail; eyes still closed.

Barkit: A tom whom looks just like his sister, Meowkit. Except with an extremely long tail and patches of orange instead.

Chirpkit- A creamy-brown tom with a bushy tail and rounded ears.

Squeakit- A pure white she-kit.


Leader: Gallopingstar-A brown tom with a black stripe that runs from his extremely pointed ears to between his shoulders, also has black paws with white rings above it and a fluffy black tail, looks oddly like a horse.

Medicine Cat: Sourmilk- A white she-cat with blue eyes. Sourmilk is very bitter and old; though knows a great deal about herbs.


Twofang- A siamese cat with extremely long fangs... and yellow eyes.


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