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I think everyone gets a little guy/girl crazy. I know I'm pretty guy crazy. I meet an attractive guy and won't shut up about it for weeks, even though I don't even know the dudes name. xD

It's nothing serious though, just hormones. Good ol' hormones.

Well, I'm boy-crazy, but, I don't know how to control it. Like, when I like a guy, I WANT him. And sometimes, it's about people I don't even know (computer AND real life). I just feel that boys are distracting me from my schoolwork. I get shy around almost any boys I see. I try to impress them (I realize it, but I don't really like it. It happens even with my older cousins. I'm going crazy with it.
Please help!

Hugs, kisses, and best wishes,

I was sort of like that in 6th grade. To be honest, I don't remember how I became less boy-crazy. I think that beginning in 7th grade I tried becoming more realistic about guys. Maybe you should try that.

I'm in almost the smae situation as you!

Except I like one guy. He doesn't even go to my school anymore, how sad is that??

He lives in my village, I see him from time-to-time, but when I do I go shakey and get this funny feeling in my tummy :p

I've had this crush on him for, like, nearly 3 years it's embarrassing to SAY!!


I can't offer any advice, I also need advice!!!! (ahh!)



Best Wishes


Far from it. Though I have some personal space issues with guys sometimes. -_-

im boy crazy some times i do tha same thing! but i go ta a school with all ugly boys *(it sux)* i go on a chat site called imvu & with out knowdesting(sp) i'll start to flirt really good its lyk weird

Same with me. ^_^ ; I see a cute boy or nice boy, I like him. I have 10 crushes... :p But I think the 8th crush likes me. =) Some boys I can't get out of my head during class & school (Like Geogre <33 )

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