Boy friend this♥, girl friend that.♥


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Anime girl

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2005
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In Canada~ Ruling the world. >:O
Have you ever noticed that in school, everyone assumes you like someone, or your dating someone, or whatever.

Like I'm serious everyday in school, somebody assumes that I like someone because I'm nice to them! o_o First they'll say..."OH YOU LIKE KENNY!" Then the next day it'll be..."OH YOU WANNA "DO" STUFF TO KYLE!" It's starting to tick me off! And some of them already know that I have a boyfriend already...:/

But I hate it how people always assume that I like someone, because everyone else happens to have a crush of some sort. And I personally don't believe in having crushes or what stuff there saying. D: I like true love better then there fake love...):

Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this...o_o

YES!!! MY FREAKIN GOD ITS ANNOYING! One day, your nice to a boy and talk to him then ALL OF A SUDDEN! Rumours start. RUMOURS!!!! X.X Then SOMETIMES the boy thinks YOU like them because of the rumours. <.< *coughs*


Yes....I like true love MUCH better than crushes.

I hate it when people think I like Chris (who I seriously DON'T like; I love somebody else :) ) just because in a class play we had to link arms and walk off stage. x.X I mean, what the heck? It wasn't my fault we had t odo that. It was just part of the play!

It's very annoying, but it happens all the time.

Oh my god yes it is SOO annoying. If I even look at someone everyone will say OOHHH YOU LIKE (INSERT NAME HERE.) It's so embarrasing. I hate it. x.x

I agree with all of you 100% of the way. Some people need to get a life! People who always focus on guys (in our case) are usually insecure with themselves or a rage of hormones are acting up. XD




OMG i hate that. My friend lindsey is like, evreyone likes som1. And i am standing there looking at and then i yell, No They Dont! Alot of people do like some1 but not every1 has to, it aint the law!

Have you ever noticed that in school, everyone assumes you like someone, or your dating someone, or whatever. Like I'm serious everyday in school, somebody assumes that I like someone because I'm nice to them! o_o First they'll say..."OH YOU LIKE KENNY!" Then the next day it'll be..."OH YOU WANNA "DO" STUFF TO KYLE!" It's starting to tick me off! And some of them already know that I have a boyfriend already...:/

But I hate it how people always assume that I like someone, because everyone else happens to have a crush of some sort. And I personally don't believe in having crushes or what stuff there saying. D: I like true love better then there fake love...):

Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this...o_o
Oh yeah that happened this year.


There was this ugly boy named Davion in my 5th period class that we all liked to mess with. I was telling him to back off one day and then people were like "OMG YOU LIKE DAVION!!" and I was like, "omigosh no I don't!".


Kids these days are really really stupid.



OMG i hate that. My friend lindsey is like, evreyone likes som1. And i am standing there looking at and then i yell, No They Dont! Alot of people do like some1 but not every1 has to, it aint the law!

To some kids, its like a law. If you say you don't like anyone they think your lieing...o_o And it gets so embarrassing because they always say: "YOU LIKE SO AND SO" When the person I "Supposedly" like is right there! D: Like what the heck?! I don't want the other person to get any ideas..O.O

Everyone thinks I like this boy who I dated last year but I now hate. And they should know that I like someone else. It is really annoying. And there is this one kid who says not to pick on people. I always think to myself, "Look who's talking! You pick on people all the time! Try lecturing yourself once in a while! You could really use it!"


I like this guy, and he took me to the freshman dance. it was fun, we slow danced, blah blah blah. He paid for my dinner, and we had fun.

so, at school on a different day after the dance, my friend decided to ask him if he liked me or not. without my permission.

and he said he didn't like me as more than a friend.

I hate it when people do that stuff without me knowing.

I also hate it when my friend says I like this one guy, when she KNOWS who I likes.

<.< It's annoying.

Yeah! That is sooooo annoying!

I was talking to this one guy at my church and he was about to turn 18 and I'm 13 1/2. It's just that we are both really smart and we had like a billion different disscussions that we talked about that other people normally wouldn't understand. It was something that I wasn't used to and it was fun to actually talk to someone smart. (It's not very fun being the only smart one)

We talked the entire time and on Sunday EVERYONE was on my case. They all thought that I liked him and that he like me. I only enjoyed the talk, but the next thing you know, he's going to get the "info" that I like him and he might never want to talk to me again.

I'm worried too, because we bacame really good friends and I would, like, die. He normally lives in Mississippi, but I live in Arkansas and he was just visiting. I should have asked for his e-mail... :mellow:

I hate that stuff.

Yeah! That is sooooo annoying!
I was talking to this one guy at my church and he was about to turn 18 and I'm 13 1/2. It's just that we are both really smart and we had like a billion different disscussions that we talked about that other people normally wouldn't understand. It was something that I wasn't used to and it was fun to actually talk to someone smart. (It's not very fun being the only smart one)

We talked the entire time and on Sunday EVERYONE was on my case. They all thought that I liked him and that he like me. I only enjoyed the talk, but the next thing you know, he's going to get the "info" that I like him and he might never want to talk to me again.

I'm worried too, because we bacame really good friends and I would, like, die. He normally lives in Mississippi, but I live in Arkansas and he was just visiting. I should have asked for his e-mail... :mellow:

I hate that stuff.
D: Awww...That sucks.


I know! My best two guy friends are just friends! On tuesday Jay and I were walking together and Hunter was like "Ohhh Crowforst and Jay!the perfect couple" and I walked right up to him and said "Hunter, the perfect Hunter sandwhich" he yelped and I walked away.

Then!!! This guy that I love to talk too and we can end up soaking wet on a freezing cold day and still be laughing for no reason because he lives down teh street, well, I started to have a little feeling for him, I had my best friend Sam take us messages, he said I wasn't his type blah blah blah,he walked up to me and asked me out I said yes a few minutes later he bails (I later found out because he wos nervous) then he threw up (HAHA on hunter XD) welll then his nosey sister in eigth grade gets into my business and all that, now i have the whol eitgh grade laughing at me, but really all we are is friends, we are very good friends that can have a serious conversation or be laughing our theads off! Besides His cousin is lik emy second best friend!

Gosh, that rumor is still going around.

I can't stand when people do that.

I hate when people make assumptions on who you 'like' because it makes this awkward barrior after. D:

I'm small height wise and so was this other guy so people thought it'd be cute if we were 'together'. I didn't like him like that. Then my friend pushed my almost on top of him and said really loud, 'there your boyfriend!'. That was NOT funny. D:<

LOL @ southpark reference XD

I hate that sort of thing. I don't even understand why they stoop so low. They have to like someone... Because I like someone who they think is lower on "the food chain" then they are, that makes their crush less worth laughing at?! > :D Geez, people.

OMG I can't stand it! It's like you can't even be friends with the opposite gender, just because people say stuff like "oh... I know something and I will tell the whole school! you were flirting with so-and-so!" and they already know I have a BF. I mean, if you laugh with them, they think you like them, and if they say something else and you pay attention to them then they assume you like them! Some people need to get a life, and for all I care, instead of spreading nasty rumers about someone, you can talk about something better, like IDK, say... sports? or what u did on the weekend? I also hate it when you really do like someone and then they make fun of you because the dude's not "popular" or whatever. It is just like that (the thing about all the teasing)

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I agree with all you guys I can't stand that! My "friends" (note the quotations, I don't think I have ANY real friends) they're all like "Who do you like?" I'd say "I don't know.." and they'll say "Oh you like _____" "No I don't..." "Oh you're blushing, you SO do!" then they run off, tell him I supposedly like him, and my "friends" try to set us up or something like that.

LOL They always seem to say that. D:And I can't even tell if I'm blushing or not. And even if I am, it's because I'm under pressure. O.O
Haha I know what you mean.

I love how when you point the gun at them and say "Oh you like him!" they take a spazz and get mad.

Welcome to my life.

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