Boy friend this♥, girl friend that.♥


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Have you ever noticed that in school, everyone assumes you like someone, or your dating someone, or whatever. Like I'm serious everyday in school, somebody assumes that I like someone because I'm nice to them! o_o First they'll say..."OH YOU LIKE KENNY!" Then the next day it'll be..."OH YOU WANNA "DO" STUFF TO KYLE!" It's starting to tick me off! And some of them already know that I have a boyfriend already...:/

But I hate it how people always assume that I like someone, because everyone else happens to have a crush of some sort. And I personally don't believe in having crushes or what stuff there saying. D: I like true love better then there fake love...):

Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this...o_o
Yup :D Its so annoying! :D I get so pistoff! It's one of the worse parts about school!And its my best friends who say this! :p

I had to kiss a girl in a school play x_x and they assume that I like her and shes very liked by all the boys but I dont like her.

I had to kiss a girl in a school play x_x and they assume that I like her and shes very liked by all the boys but I dont like her.
Really? o_O What grade were you in?

I like one kid. but i donno if he likes me. but 4 ppl like me and 1 person used to like me. no1 askes me if i like someone, they already know, i tell EVERY1 even my mom. :p

Have you ever noticed that in school, everyone assumes you like someone, or your dating someone, or whatever. Like I'm serious everyday in school, somebody assumes that I like someone because I'm nice to them! o_o First they'll say..."OH YOU LIKE KENNY!" Then the next day it'll be..."OH YOU WANNA "DO" STUFF TO KYLE!" It's starting to tick me off! And some of them already know that I have a boyfriend already...:/

But I hate it how people always assume that I like someone, because everyone else happens to have a crush of some sort. And I personally don't believe in having crushes or what stuff there saying. D: I like true love better then there fake love...):

Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this...o_o
O, Yes all the time!

There's this really annoying person in my class named Mariah.

She ammuses me all the time, that I like a boy named Marshall.

Marshall is the most Stupid, idotic, annoying, Unmature, gross, geeky, smelly,BOY

In the whole intire universe!

He got held back in kindergarten!

Nobody in the whole school likes him, and treats him like dirt.

Well, My friend and I don't.

We try and, be nice to him!

Not even his mom likes him, she abuses him everyway possible.

And says thats not his son!

My friend, and I are only being nice to him, because He has no hope in the world

Has no motivation to get up in the morning.

And I give him candy.

Because you never know he might just snap one day.

And kill everyone.

When he gets to my desk...

He'll say" Thanks for the candy".And leave

Once when my teacher went to copy some papers...

Then Mariah sang That I was in love with then.

Then the whole class followed along with her, after everyone was giggling and kept teasing me for the whole year!

(Except my friends)

And, finally it's summer! :huh:

oh god yes! i dont have a boyfriend but omg its like oh you like (whoever) and he likes (whatever)!your so alike ya know!...ANNOYING! :ichigotchi: tics me!

O, Yes all the time!There's this really annoying person in my class named Mariah.

She ammuses me all the time, that I like a boy named Marshall.

Marshall is the most Stupid, idotic, annoying, Unmature, gross, geeky, smelly,BOY

In the whole intire universe!

He got held back in kindergarten!

Nobody in the whole school likes him, and treats him like dirt.

Well, My friend and I don't.

We try and, be nice to him!

Not even his mom likes him, she abuses him everyway possible.

And says thats not his son!

My friend, and I are only being nice to him, because He has no hope in the world

Has no motivation to get up in the morning.

And I give him candy.

Because you never know he might just snap one day.

And kill everyone.

When he gets to my desk...

He'll say" Thanks for the candy".And leave

Once when my teacher went to copy some papers...

Then Mariah sang That I was in love with then.

Then the whole class followed along with her, after everyone was giggling and kept teasing me for the whole year!

(Except my friends)

And, finally it's summer! ;)
Awwww...I feel so bad for that kid...

Could you imagine living in a world where nobody likes you... Even your own MOTHER! ]:

I think you did a very good thing by being nice to him, even if he's not nice to you.

Everyone should feel excepted. ]':

Awww....! I Just can't help but feel so BAD FOR HIM!

He needs help. :0

heck yes I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT but i learned to find them the next and do the same thing to them and then walk of after like 2 minutes or something like that ;) :eek:

I know! I have this really good friend Daniel and all the time he comes out and pokes me for no reason and then I poke him back and vice versa. Then this kid Shaun says, "Do you like Daniel?" And I say, "No, he just keeps poking me" IT'S SO ANNOYING.


I'm not one of the more popular ones, so barely anyone knows enough to even make the foundation of a rumor. Sometimes my close friends tease me friend-ly about those things though XD

i know what you mean!!! i was just talking to this boy then one of his friends say "HEY IS THAT YOUR GIRL" i just went some where else

Have you ever noticed that in school, everyone assumes you like someone, or your dating someone, or whatever. Like I'm serious everyday in school, somebody assumes that I like someone because I'm nice to them! o_o First they'll say..."OH YOU LIKE KENNY!" Then the next day it'll be..."OH YOU WANNA "DO" STUFF TO KYLE!" It's starting to tick me off! And some of them already know that I have a boyfriend already...:/

But I hate it how people always assume that I like someone, because everyone else happens to have a crush of some sort. And I personally don't believe in having crushes or what stuff there saying. D: I like true love better then there fake love...):

Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this...o_o
Tell me about it! Gets on my nerves. :rolleyes:

I've got a best friend who happens to be a boy, and everyone thinks...we dating or something?

Grr...It is really annoying. I try not to let it get to me. Most of the time. ;)

Yes! But it's haramones, girls XD. Since everyone is having crushes, they think others are to, and start assuming anyone you look at or hang out with is your crush.

I am friends with most boys because all the kids in my grade on my bus are boys, and I am the only girl. We are all friends, and hang out. People call me a flirt because if it XD but I am not.

I KNOW!! LIke my sister says that about me all the time!! Like the only true girl who likes a guy (who is obvious about it) is one of my friends. My whole class and some other people know. But what is sad is that she got him a birthday gift which was a camo cap (he likes camo and caps) wrote him a sweet card and put it in this nice bag. I overheard him talking to his friend and his friend asked "Are you gonna ever actually WEAR that hat she gave you?" AND HE SAID NO!!!! That day me and two friends were hanging around doing homework at the school and I threw something away to find a shock. The nice bag and Super Sweet Card WAS IN THE GARBAGE!!!!!!!!! We called our friend telling her about it. SHE WAS SO HURT!!!! She doesnt really like him anymore because he was usually being mean to her. Wooo I wrote a lot. SOrry! I cant control myself sometimes.

GAWD. I so agree with you >.<

There's a boy im friends with. ever since I moved to this town (When I was like, 2) We were friends. in grade three, im walking by him and a friend as I go to class, and Matt (The boy my friend was talking to) asks Adam (My friend) "Do you like (my name. LAWL, you think im telling you my name XD)?" amd Im ready to shout of "HOLY CRAP SHUT UP!"

besides, now he's got a girlfriend. I hate how one of my friends turned everyone in my class into couples >.< soo annoying.

Away from me ranting. stare at the next poster

Ohmigosh I know what you're saying! I HATE THAT! Ooh you like him...aww you'd make a cute's like JUST STOP ALREADY! And when you DO actually like somebody, people won't leave you alone. It gets so annoying. I wish people would stop. :ph34r:

Ohmigosh I know what you're saying! I HATE THAT! Ooh you like him...aww you'd make a cute's like JUST STOP ALREADY! And when you DO actually like somebody, people won't leave you alone. It gets so annoying. I wish people would stop. ;)
Yea I'll admit I do like this guy Brennan but everyone keeps teasing me about it!It sucks on ice! :lol:

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