Boy friend this♥, girl friend that.♥


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Yeah, I know what 'cha mean, I've got a boyfriend, but everyone thinks I like someone else. One time this boy said something about someone liking him and dthen he said about me liking him, joking, so I said "Yeah! I really do like you!" sarcasticly, then this girl tells everyone about it and the nextday, everyone is like, "You lovveeee ____" "You wanna marry him!"

I know its super ANNOYING.Well this is a tiny bit different.In 2006 there was this boy that liked me and i hated.Then he kept chasing me around the playground with 2 other boys until break was over.A bit like these are doing. :angry: ;)

When i was running i was like this > <


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Ugh...It is really annoying. People bother me about my Best Friend at least 5 Times a Day!! (He is a Boy).

Some of their quotes:

"Ooo you love eachother"

"OMG! I bet your going to hold hands!"

"Ooo you want to hit on him!"


Have you ever noticed that in school, everyone assumes you like someone, or your dating someone, or whatever. Like I'm serious everyday in school, somebody assumes that I like someone because I'm nice to them! o_o First they'll say..."OH YOU LIKE KENNY!" Then the next day it'll be..."OH YOU WANNA "DO" STUFF TO KYLE!" It's starting to tick me off! And some of them already know that I have a boyfriend already...:/

But I hate it how people always assume that I like someone, because everyone else happens to have a crush of some sort. And I personally don't believe in having crushes or what stuff there saying. D: I like true love better then there fake love...):

Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this...o_o
I hate it when stuff like that occurs. Like the other day in Woodshop a popular girl came up to me and asked if me or any of my friends had boyfriends. I said none of us do and she said "Oh, you're not happy?" and here I am, ranting about the true fact that people don't need to be in a relationship to be happy.

Have you ever noticed that in school, everyone assumes you like someone, or your dating someone, or whatever. Like I'm serious everyday in school, somebody assumes that I like someone because I'm nice to them! o_o First they'll say..."OH YOU LIKE KENNY!" Then the next day it'll be..."OH YOU WANNA "DO" STUFF TO KYLE!" It's starting to tick me off! And some of them already know that I have a boyfriend already...:/

But I hate it how people always assume that I like someone, because everyone else happens to have a crush of some sort. And I personally don't believe in having crushes or what stuff there saying. D: I like true love better then there fake love...):

Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this...o_o
Yes all the time it's just Crush, date, love etc SO ANNOYING


I'm so glad someone actually understands! For me, it's exactly the same. I just happen to like having guys as good friends as well as girls. As soon as people find out that I'm good friends with them they say: "Oohh you like (insert name)" I just don't understand why people do that, especially girls! (Just because they thinkg uys were made for flirting :lol: )

Yesterday, I was playing with a my sister's friend's little brother( he's turning 5 today) and we were chasing each other around and laughing and I hear the adults talking about what would happen if we got married or something. 0_0 Sheesh now I can't even play with little kids without getting some strange comments. >_<

It is pretty annoying. Just because you are friends with a boy, it doesn't mean that you are boyfriend and girlfriend. The only proof is if they see you kissing.

When I was 13, I was friends with this guy named Ryan. I was talking to him, and this random girl shouts "OOH! ALEXA IS DATING RYAN!!" and I got real irritated. Ryan soon moved away, so yeah.

I mean, you can be friends with a boy without being their girlfriend.

Yeah I hate it when that stuff happens.

In Grade 7 I got along with this kid (don't wanna say his name but his name starts with N) really well, and people assumed we were a couple.

I actually smacked a kid (boy) upside the head when he said that. And I didn't get in trouble. ^_^

It's hard for people to do that to me...

I hug every boy in my grade :(

They walk by and I'll say "Hi! I need a hug" and they know me and my hugs, so they give me a bear hug XD

Then someone said "Oooooo you like Nate!!!" and I'll all "Nope, he's just the best hugger" XD and they'd be all like "Who do you like?" and I'd say "I flirt with all boys" :)

Also the 2 boys chasing me as well kept saying "HE LOVES YA!" or "COME ON STOP.HE REALLY LIKES YOU!"

Yuck! *bangs fist on desk*

:D :D :D :D

It's exactly like that in my school... Scary. xD

But I think I'm going out with somebody. I think. He hasn't asked me out.. But we've sat together at lunch and talked for a couple weeks.. Everybody else says we're going out, so I guess he assumes so. It's an odd situation, you could say.. We're more like friends than boyfriend and girlfriend.

Anyway, all the girls in my school talk about guys. The guys talk about football. Go figure. xP

YES its so annoyins.i Hangout with this guy o the bus and were really good friends and they 8th graders (im in 7th grade)and theyre like r u going out w brad.i dont say anything cuz im embarassed and brad sez gives him a bad image cuz he already has one.

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Happens all the time. I have guy friends and all of a sudden others go "Jess ♥'s Darcy" or "Jess ♥'s Travis!". Gets annoying when it's not true, but when it is I am fine with it.

I think there are rumours going around that Luke likes me and I like him after our LONG conversation in English a week and a half ago. But I don't mind that :p

I know everyone thinks i like a boy mate just becuase we get on well and they keep saying stuff!!!If you notice its usually all the boys and the plastics that think they would die if they didn't "love" someone.

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