boy help


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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2008
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i really really really like this kid thats 3 yrs older than me. we are best friends but im not strong enough to tell him i like him but i know if i do tell him he will say he doesnt like me

what do i do???????????/ :ichigotchi:

As a boy i would preferr to be told so i think you should say something like do you like me? then quickly say as a friend of course then he says yeah and then you say well i think im starting to like you but a bit more than a friend. Or something like that. This probable didn't help much oh well.

I think you should tell him! You've got nothing to lose and so much to gain!

I'm 15 and I date boys 3 and 4 years older than me.

It's no biggie! Just be yourself. Give subtle hints and if that doesn't work,

do what Dandan Boy said. Sounds like a good plan to me cause that's usually what I do.

Have fun with it! <3

i would tell him but evrytimme i try i get nervous or his friends are around

If you are close, tell him you like him, & yeah. But don't get all go-out-w/-you-ish.

I think its OK.

I wouldn't try to get in a relationship with someone that many years older than me...I mean, even though he's your best friend, he may want to do things with you that you're not ready for. :eek:

Plus, telling him you like him may make things rather awkward...just experiment first: talk to him more often, talk more flirtatiously, wink at him, whisper in his ear...if he returns the favor, maybe you should tell him. But remember, if something goes wrong, you might not go back to being normal friends again.. :D

Good luck!


Yeah i agree with chatterbox but i think you should go for it. Reason why: At my old school i liked a girl 2 years older than me but we were just good friends. I always wanted to tell her how i feel but when i gathered up the courage the words just didn't come out. This kept going on but then i found out i was moving in a few weeks so i was changing schools and on my last week i was able to tell her how i feel and she said she felt the same way. That is why i think you should tell him soon because you will regret it a lot if you don't because he might go out with someone else or something like that. Think about that oh and if you can't tell him just pass him a note when hes alone or something. But listen to Chatterboxes advice about the age thing.

anyone else got any advice?
I think everyone pretty much covered the basis of what you should do next. Best to stop procrastinating and see what happens :lol:

Please also don't triple post in a row like that, that's what the edit button is for ^_^

well, how old are you. that seems like a big distance. like, if you're 20 and he's 23, that does'nt seen like too much, but if you're 12 and he's 15... no.
Yeah I agree. I'm sorry but I dont think it'll work out. You ARE too different in age.

My crush and I, we're only 4 days apart. We could make the perfect couple. :rolleyes:

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