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May 9, 2007
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In June or July (I forget) I have to get braces and I'm afraid that it will hurt. Does it hurt?


In June or July (I forget) I have to get braces and I'm afraid that it will hurt. Does it hurt?
my sis has braces. but she said in the begging cuz u need to get used to them. and also are they realy crooked?

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Don't worry. It will hurt at first when they're first put on, but only for a few days. Ask your Mom for some pain relievers for that. Also, every so often you'll have to get the braces tightened. But that hurts for less time!

Now you can get fun colored braces, too. Like, for the Fourth of July you can do red, white and blue, or you could do pink or green or something!

And it will be worth it when you have a gorgeous smile!

I hope this helps! :furawatchi:

It's more like an "ache" than really hurting - and as Lidi said - only for the first few days (and not all the day) whilst your teeth get used to being "re-positioned" slightly ;)

I just took some paracetemol - that helped.

Well, braces hurt. But you hardly get them tightened. (I should know ;) )

I've learned to deal with it, though it is bothersome.

Just be glad you aren't getting those invisilign things. While they are pretty, (and they glow under blacklights X3 ) you have to change them every 2 weeks or so. I don't really like those. But I am plenty happy with braces. People act like they stop you from doing all sorts of fun things, they don't. Who needs gum anyway? ;)

they hurt when they put them on. but after that it doesn't hurt that bad.

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