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huntr rocks

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Vegas Baby!!
Well Im getting braces before Thanks giving. Im exited, but I know it hurts and I dont get along with pain. so...Im pretty scared. :*(

Its OK,

Let me give you some braces tips (I have braces):

I doesn't hurt when you get them on. For some people it hurts right after. Like when I got my braces on they didn't hurt, I felt on top of the world because all of the people who told me it hurt like crazy were "wrong". Later I tried to bite a cookie, but there was some dull pain. I had to eat noodles and yogurt for the next few days.

Make sure you bring an extra shirt with you when you get your braces on. They put this thing in your mouth that keeps your mouth wide open for 2 hours. You can't sallow, so you drool all over your bib and shirt.

Make sure you bring a notepad and pen, if the doctor leaves the room to get something and you still have that thing in your mouth because he still putting on your braces, it will

be hard to talk.

Make sure that they give you braces wax (you've probably seen it before, heres a picture:

Click ) They will teach you how to use it. And make sure they give you little insruction sheets in case of emergency. If you lose the wax or need extra, you can by it at a drug store.

Hope I helped!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got them inapril. Just make sure to take take advil or tyenol after you get them that day and before you go to sleep. I woke up at 4 in the morning after I got mine in Pain! XD It's because i forgot to take some medicine before I went to bed. Eat soft foods for the first couple of days. If a spot gets rubbed raw,put some wax on it. your ortho could probably give you some. I get lots of wax from my ortho. But,you should be fine. Also, It's fun picking your band colors! Good Luck! :wacko:

Having braces myself, I don't think they really hurt that much. After they are adjusted, they may be a bit painful, however. If there are any sharp wire-tips, your orthodontist should give you some wax to cover them with.

Get really crazy colors. That's the coolest part, btw

Braces don't hurt that much. They are sore for the firs couple of days but I took some motrin for that. Afterwards (after they stop hurting) you might be paranoid about wires breaking. I know I was but I got over it. The wax does help alot especially if you play an instrument with your mouth. Oh one thing I have had happen to me alot but no one ever mentiones is that when you sleep your cheeks or lips might get caught in the brackets. So yeah.

The only times braces hurt are when you first get them on (for me it hurt, anyways), when they are tightened (though it usually doesnt hurt alot), when your teeth move 9your teeth will feel sore after a couple months!), and probably when you get them off, though it may be more of a relief.

You should get glow in the dark 8D
Mine didnt work

They are fine. A Bit of pain, but nothing you cant handle. Dont be afraid. I have mine on for two years and they improved already {I had them for like 10 months}

Good Luck!

I'm hope the braces work out for you :angry:

We actually have an existing Braces topic on the forums already - and since we all try to avoid making copies of threads, please may I ask everyone to post any further replies / comments about getting braces in the original thread?

Thanks :angry:


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