Bratz Dolls


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I've been actually hiding this secret for a while...I'm afraid of dolls.Any dolls.Mostly those big old fashioned dressed ones.
Porcelain dolls? I find them beautiful and mysterious, but theyre eyes scare me sometimes :D

Oh come on. They're not that bad, jeez! They're just dolls. Dolls are meant to be played with, not to be all "ZOMG WTF DIS DOLL IZ SO SLUTTY" God -.-
I think the point is that young children are generally the people who play with these dolls, and are dolls in thong underwear really appropriate? And what kind of games would you be PLAYING, with a Bratz? o_O

I don't really see what the big deal is about Bratz dolls. It's not like they tell kids to go out and wear tube tops that show their boobie crack and shorts that look like they could be underwear. They're just dolls that little girls can dress up and role play with.

I think they're plastic hookers.

e.e I mean really, at least Barbie had a career. With Bratz, its like, Career: Hooker or marry a rich man.

What ever happened to Raggedy Anne and teddy bears?

Do you think it's appropriate for a little girl to roleplay with a doll that looks like a hooker?
Bratz dolls aren't made for little girls. They are made for older girls, 10+ I'd have to say. I think a girl that age is mature enough to know not to dress like that.

Bratz dolls aren't made for little girls. They are made for older girls, 10+ I'd have to say. I think a girl that age is mature enough to know not to dress like that.
Bratz dolls ARE targeting a young audience. And no, a ten-year-old is very easily influenced by her surroundings - as are most children up until even 14. A ten year old girl isn't going to know that a doll isn't wholesome, it's up to the parents to enforce that message by not buying dolls like Bratz for them to play with, but Barbies instead.

Just the name Bratz is idolizing a negative personality trait in itself. 10-year-olds are like little sponges.

Bratz dolls ARE targeting a young audience. And no, a ten-year-old is very easily influenced by her surroundings - as are most children up until even 14. A ten year old girl isn't going to know that a doll isn't wholesome, it's up to the parents to enforce that message by not buying dolls like Bratz for them to play with, but Barbies instead.
Just the name Bratz is idolizing a negative personality trait in itself. 10-year-olds are like little sponges.
Well, I'm 11, and my friends and I really like Bratz. We think they're pretty [but the big lips are definitely going too far] and we like their clothes. Personally, I would never ever ever be seen walking out of the house wearing a tube top or short skirts/shorts/dresses/whatever. It all depends on the kind of customer that buys the Bratz. If they're going to be influenced to wear revealing clothes, then their parents should take the responsibilty to do something about it.

Do you understand what Bratz promotes? Whether you're going to be seen wearing their clothing, the fact that you find their looks appealing says something by itself. It isn't just about dolls, it's about what we want our children to learn.

Barbie, as was said before, have had jobs, promoted GOOD things (in the past). Bratz promote glamour, over the top looks, and bad attitudes. Bratz are seen as more appealing than Barbies now, and that's just... not right.

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Do you understand what Bratz promotes? Whether you're going to be seen wearing their clothing, the fact that you find their looks appealing says something by itself. It isn't just about dolls, it's about what we want our children to learn.
Barbie, as was said before, have had jobs, promoted GOOD things (in the past). Bratz promote glamour, over the top looks, and bad attitudes. Bratz are seen as more appealing than Barbies now, and that's just... not right.
I'm sorry, but that was just extremely offending to me. The fact that you like their looks says something in itself, well, excuse me, that was just my opinion.

The point is Bratz aren't as bad as you make them to be. They're just dolls.

Well, sorry if that offended you, but a lot of young girls idolize these little dolls, along with Fergi. And Fergi sings about her "humps" and "lovely lady lumps". Sure, it's just a song, but is that something that's REALLY appropriate for young girls? No, it isn't. They may like it, because that's how they've been influenced, but it doesn't make it appropriate.

Everything can be just something. Just. Just a short skirt, just a crude song, just sex. What's next?

The whole point for Bratz is 'Fashion for Passion'. I guess you really haven't seen fashion shows or whatever. Because that is fashion. And bad attitude? What? Where did you hear that from? I've seen the shows and the Bratz ARE the protagonists and I've never seen a bad attitude.


EDIT: Also, Bratz are teenagers if you haven't noticed. I've never seen a 16 year old doctor before.

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I have seen a lot of fashion shows, and no, the models aren't dressed like little hookers. They're dressed in the latest trends, which can be anything - and always wearable. Bratz look like they just walked out of Hooters.

fact: two middle aged men created bratz 0_o.

passion for fashion? i think more like passion for hooking o.o

once young girls play with these dolls, they like them. eventually the will idolize these dolls, Which is NOT appropriate.

sure bratz are minors, but cant they do something more productive then drool at boys and shop? i would respect bratz if they were like: save the rainforest! dont pollute! and wore more modest clothes. it would be better for Matel also. (matel makes them i think.)

dont you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?

kids are the future of tomorrow. not the future of hookers.

bratz need to shape up.

Not once in a Bratz commercial, movie, book or anything have I seen them trying to hook up with lots of boys or marry a rich man.

I think everyone takes things way out of context.

fact: two middle aged men created bratz 0_o.
passion for fashion? i think more like passion for hooking o.o

once young girls play with these dolls, they like them. eventually the will idolize these dolls, Which is NOT appropriate.

sure bratz are minors, but cant they do something more productive then drool at boys and shop? i would respect bratz if they were like: save the rainforest! dont pollute! and wore more modest clothes. it would be better for Matel also. (matel makes them i think.)

dont you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?

kids are the future of tomorrow. not the future of hookers.

bratz need to shape up.
I agree with all of that. Especailly making an treehugger or a sensible dressing doll. Then i wouldnt mind if a child made that doll their idol

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