Breakfast Club!


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We'll just say that she eventually gave him a new, rather large canvas and some paints that she's in love with. :)

Yeah, I don't know. Morgan's a hard person to shop for. Yes, I agree now that they've been together for a while that it should be somewhat sentimental. Plus, that seems like something Asher would try to do. :)

Me, too. I think it's one of my favourites, actually, because they're so different but so perfect for each other and we can do, like, anything with them and it works because of how screwed up their lives are.

Yeah, probably, when it gets going. It's just harder right now because, obviously, they're not actually in the same room as each other :)

Well.. Just in the context that he wondered if they ever could. Like, he doesn't even know if he'd ever, ever ask her to. But, yeah, he'd never tell Morgan even that much, for that reason, haha.

Aw, that's nice :) You know, whenever is fine. He is content whether she can or she can't.

Haha, you have no idea how that makes me sound when you say that. I'll tell you, like I just think about how much I want them to have sex, which really is not the case xD

Oh, yes? Such as? :)

The name Scott will be in there somehow and I'm thinking that Asher will be changed to Ashley for a girl's name. I'm not sure what else. I'm thinking Kylie maybe? THere are a lot of ideas atm :)

D'aww. He'd get all embarrassed about that, you know, in a cute way.

Just thinking about names, I don't think he's gotten around to telling her that Asher's his second and not his Christian name yet.. He probably should.

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