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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2005
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i get bullied all the time. people hate me and are nasty coz day finc i am a bully but wot day dont realise is dat its people like dem dat make me angry and i take it out on other people coz i get upset really easy. most of d time i hav to say "why do u hate me so much?" or "i hav always been annoying. everyone else can cope. wot makes u so special?" even my frends leave me behind all d time. how do u get bullied? wot shud i do?

I am so sorry to hear that.

Some people have such shallow minds.

I suggest you talk to a teacher.

They can help more than you think.

And me, personally?

I have never gotten bullied.

SOME guys are shallow, though...


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I am so sorry to hear that.Some people have such shallow minds.

I suggest you talk to a teacher.

They can help more than you think.

And me, personally?

I have never gotten bullied.

I have tons of friends.


The people at my school have an open mind.

Well, except for the guys,lol. ;)

If you say no when they ask you out, they seem to get very depressed :D

do u finc i sound like a bully? not saying wot u sed sounds meen

do u finc i sound like a bully? not saying wot u sed sounds meen
I don't think you sound like a bully.

You can fight back, but don't be mean back.

That will get you nowhere.

But you sound like you are defending yourself.

And that's what eventually works.


I don't think you sound like a bully.You can fight back, but don't be mean back.

That will get you nowhere.

But you sound like you are defending yourself.

And that's what eventually works.

i dont try to be mean back. i try to be helpfull but it makes me sound to soft.

i dont try to be mean back. i try to be helpful but it makes me sound to soft.
There's one thing left to do... just walk away & ignore them.

If you have self confidence, you will shine.

Sounds corny, but it works.

If you don't let them know how angry they are making you, they will give up.


i used to get bullied in second grade this boy kept calling me short then i kicked him in the boys lol i was sick of him Lol.

aww....I havn`t been bullied except for a few things in Grade 5 and 6.... Keep holdin on there! If you`re friends won`t cope with you or help you, then maybe their not true friends! Keep holdin on there!


Well, first of all, anger doesn't give you the right to take things out on people no matter what. ;]

Make a plan in your mind about you will do if you do get pissy and want to lash out- it makes it easier to not get so mad if you know what you are going to do. If you start getting mad, stop, count to ten, ask yourself why you are mad and if it's really a reason to be mad, and then decide what you are going to do about it.

If you are being bullied, tell someone you trust. Tell your parents, and the counselor/teacher/principal [whoever, there are there for you!].

In the mean time, make sure you CALMLY tell these people to stop bugging you. Say 'I don't appreciate this and I need you to stop'. If they continue, ignore them and tell a teacher/principal/counselor- whoever is there.

i get bullied all the time. people hate me and are nasty coz day finc i am a bully but wot day dont realise is dat its people like dem dat make me angry and i take it out on other people coz i get upset really easy. most of d time i hav to say "why do u hate me so much?" or "i hav always been annoying. everyone else can cope. wot makes u so special?" even my frends leave me behind all d time. how do u get bullied? wot shud i do?
You should really tell a teacher or something, it's actually quite amazing how it all of a sudden stops.

I started to get bullied off my friends [well they were then] in year 10 that went on for about 5 months and then in the April, I started to go out with my boyfriend and all of a sudden it all stopped just because he was popular and they were scared of him..Which is stupid they shouldn't of done it in the first place, as I didn't do anything wrong.

i get bullied all the time. people hate me and are nasty coz day finc i am a bully but wot day dont realise is dat its people like dem dat make me angry and i take it out on other people coz i get upset really easy. most of d time i hav to say "why do u hate me so much?" or "i hav always been annoying. everyone else can cope. wot makes u so special?" even my frends leave me behind all d time. how do u get bullied? wot shud i do?
Same here. But not exactly bullied, the popular girls (that just THINK they're better than everyone when they aren't) just use all the outcasts. Like for instance they make the outcasts do weird stuff like poking their (the outcasts) tummies and making a farty noise at the same time. Then a day or two later they tell the whole school to make the outcasts feel bad. It indeed sucks.

nope,i kinda did,but stopped,and i got friends who help when i need it,but i really wont going to use there help for a long time i guess.people know better not to bully me

Well I was picked on today these were all the stuff the 3 people told me

  • My legs were all patched up
  • I dress bad
  • I walk hunchback
  • My butt needs to be on Jenny Craig
  • Have I ever had a girlfriend

eh,not really.sometimes,i get teased.sometimes friendly,sometimes nnot so friendly...

well,in 2nd grade,this girl called me "Nocow" cuz i wore a kind of jacket.it kinda spread through my class,butnot really much ppl called me that.only one or 2 of my bff's.but that was 2 grades ago...can't really seem to get over it....wait...i just did.

People at school bully me because I LOVE SCHOOL! They think I am stupid for thinking that and for loving homework and listening to teachers. But ptherwise no one bullies me...

People at school bully me because I LOVE SCHOOL! They think I am stupid for thinking that and for loving homework and listening to teachers. But ptherwise no one bullies me...
dats not fair. people cant take d mik outta u coz u like sumthin. day call me a saddo coz i like pokmon at school.

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