Burns family log


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
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behind you(no seriously O.o)
this is my v5.5 log. i will alk about my tamas( the problems, funny moments, ect.)

At 5:33pm a miracle happened. 3 new baby Tamagotchis were born. Their names ar Shiba, Asuka, and Leon.

when my tamas hatched they were n-e-e-d-y! I had to feed them every 3 minutes..... Shba got sick so i had to call in the doctor. he got better soon, and they all took a nap.

nothing much happened for a while. when i began typing this they evolved. Asuka is beautiful. she is a sakuratchi. well ill update when more happens. see you soon!

dont post here. pm me for solutions, questions, ect.

ive been going to tamatown.com alot, so i got some more money. i got a tea set and a magic wand(from code. my tamas were having a grea time playing with it.

my tamas also had their first bath. i looked at the screen and they were sitting in a steming, warm bath. i was a little jealus... when they were all cleaned off i played tennis with them.

Shiba and Asuka want to be famouse, but Leon just wants a family and have fun. lets see how that turns out :D

So far they have no bondage points... they keep playing with the magic wand. hopefully tommorow will be more sucesseful!

from now on the log is going to be a play. starting from today. im brandon

Brandon: Wake up. Breakfest is ready!

Shiba: Who? What? Oh, we will be right there!

-at the diner table-

Asuka: Yum! I love pancakes![/color]

Leon: Yep.

Brandon: We are going to the Earth Expo today. We will be going to the Amusment park!

Everyone: YAY!!!!


Brandon: Everyone stay together! First, lets go to the haunted house.

Shiba: Yessss! I've been in need up a good scare!

Asuka: Ok..... But after that i wanna go to the makeup store.

Brandon: OK. Lets get going.

On the next episode there will be some trubls when the tama gang get split up. stay tuned!

hi agian! ive been waiting for my tamas to evolve....im bored.... the latest episode of the Burns Family has been canciled.....oh well!

Brandon: Leon, what are you doing?

Leon: I'm trying to evolve!

Asuka: Um......ok.... Anyway, I've decided! I want to be a Beautiful Violetchi!

Brandon: Thats wonderful! Follow your dreams!

Shiba: I want to be the smartest tama of all!

Brandon: Whos that?

Shiba: I dunno....

Leon: I don't care what I become. I know I'll be the best at anything I do.

Brandon: Confidence is good. Asuka, what are you doing?

Asuka: Going on Phantom's blog.

Brandon: But we are in the middle of ours!

But seriously Diamond Phantom's log is great! Still waiting for my tamas to evolve....

yay! my tamas evolved they are now:

shiba- kikitchi

asuka- ichigotchi

leon- mamekatchi

Asuka: Yay! Finally!

Brandon: Whats with all the noise?

Everybody: We've evolved!

Brandon: Well, it seems you have. Kikitchi, Ichigotchi, and Mametchi. You guys look great!

Leon: I'm on my way to being the best tama ever!

Brandon: Yep.

Asuka: One day I will get carried away by my prince charming....

Shiba: Yea right! I will be the smartest tamagotchi ever!

Brandon: You guys better get to sleep.

Dear diary,


Today, we went to the Tama Expo Asia pavillion. We made Tamayaki(octipus filed bread balls). Well, when I was walking around I saw Shiba kissing some girl! Wierd, huh? When we got back I walked into to Shiba's room and saw a whole stack of love poems! I can't, no, I won't let him get married before me!




Dear blog,


I've decided to make this blog, because nbody ever listens to me... It's always shiba and asuka this, or shiba and asuka that... I might me last born, but I count don't I? Hm....

my tamas are playing with a soccer ball ;)

Brandon: Hey Asuka!

Asuka: Hey, I have a boyfriend!


Asuka: Don't worry! He calls me his thunder. We have a song! (

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png)Brandon: I hope it works out!

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YAY!!!! Ok, so I pmed [novembertama] and told her how great her lg was. and here was her responce:

aww,thanks sooo much!

I've been reading yours as well ;

its really good too!

I can't wait for more =]

Shiba: Thanks! I like compliments!

Asuka: Its not only for you, 'ya know. Thanks November!

Leon: Thanks! That means alot to us!


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my tamas evolved. sadly, none of them are what i expected. but i think asuka and leon are even better then i thought


Asuka- Princess Tamako!!!!!!(yay!)

Leon- Prince Tamahiko!!!!!(yay!!)

Shiba: Brandon, Brandon! We've evolved!

Brandon: Well, look at that!

Asuka: Hello.

Brandon: Asuka?! P-P-Princess Tamako!

Asuka: Yes. I have become Princess Tamako.

Leon: Hello, people. I am Prince Tamahiko."

Brandon: Wow! You guys are cool!

Shiba: I'm not royalty....

don't really like shiba's charactor...

im mulling something over....whether to restart. i dont like any of the chaactors i got. i thought i would be happy, but the royalty looks more like a human than tamagotchi... please pm me with ideas...

i decided not to reset! ive worked too hard on my tamas to give up now! guess what? 100% bondage!!!!! it took soooooo long, but i did it!

Brandon: Hey you three!

Shiba: Brandon, its like I know Asuka and Leon so well, now. Asuka wants to have a husband and 3 kids. Leon wants to be reconized. Now that he is the Tamagotchi prince, its easy enough!

Asuka: Yep! I'm glad we understand eachother!

Leon: Hey....I've decided what I have to do. Soon, I'm going to have to leave to Tama-Planet. They need me there.

Brandon: I knew this day would come...

Asuka: Please dont go!

Leon: I'm not leaving yet! I said sometime soon. Maybe in 2 tama years.

Shiba: We still have time to play!

Leon: Yep!

ive desided to give up on v5's.... I made a play to go along with my decision. I will raise my v4.5 instead.cHeres the play.

This part is taking place at Brandon's house:

Asuka: Brandon I must be leaving. Leon and I are needed on Tama-Planet. We must be there incase the Tama-King dies. Shiba has decided to go with us. Although, he wants nothing to do with the royal family.

Brandon: Its been great raising you, Shiba, and Leon. You will all do great on Tama-Planet.

Leon(from the space ship): Come on Asuka!

Asuka: Coming! Bye, Brandon.

Brandon: Bye, Asuka.

This is two real years later in the Tama castle:

Asuka: King, the council meating is starting.

Tama-King: OK.

-In the council hall-

Tama-King: Welcome.

Asuka: I have an announcement. I am pregnant.

Leon(other side of the kings throne): WHAT?!

King-Tama: Hm....

Council of elders leader: Who will raise them?! You are next to take the throne!

I know someone who will raise my BABY. I will have only one baby. It is a v4.5.

C.O.E.L: Who will raise it?!

That is for me to know! If I tell you it will only make things more difficult.

Tama-King(whisperng to Asuka: Brandon?

Asuka: Yes.

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ok, so i put a new battery in my v4.5. i hit reset and there was an egg. after a minte it hatched and it was a boy! I named him moon. after an hour he evolved into a toddler, kutchitamatchi. after awhile he started pre-school! his stats are:

age: 0

wieght: 11lbs.

points: 2500

i went to tamatown and got some stuff. heres a play:

-back on earth-

*knock knock(on door)*


Asuka: Hi, Brandon. Its me Asuka.

Brandon: Nice to see you agian!

Asuka: I have a favor to ask you. I had an egg, a v4.5, can you raise it?

Brandon: Really? Of course I will! Where is it?

Asuka: Right here. *hands egg to Brandon*

Brandon: I will gaurd it with my life. I will raise as good as I raised you, I promise.

Asuka: Thanks. I have to be going. Nice to see you agian.

Brandon: Bye, Asuka.


*egg hatches*

Brandon: Well look at that. Its a boy!

Baby: goo goo ga ga gi....

Your cute, aren't you?

Baby: *baby nonsence*

Hm.... I'll name you Moon!

Moon: Tee tee....

Brandon: Uh oh...


Moon: Dada, dada!!

Brandon: What is it, Moon?

Moon: Me go bigger!

You evolved! Thats great. Your a Kuchitamatchi!

Moon: Kuchi Kuchi!

Brandon: *laughs*

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yay! 100 views!! moon started pre-school! time for a play!:

Brandon: Moon, wake up! time for school!

Moon: Hookey pockey!

Brandon: You mean okkie dokie?

Moon: Time for school

------at school--------

Moon: Hewo miss teacher!

Teacher: Hello, Moon. Today lets color. here are some crayons and paper.

Moon: Tank you!

---at desk-

Moon: A wittle gween, some wed, bwue.....yay!

???: What'cha drawing?

Moon: I'm dwawing a Chwistmas tree.

???: That looks great. My name is Zol.

Moon: Mine is Moon!

Zol: Awsome!

nothing much has happened. i turned on my v3 for a little bit and mon and lna(my v3) conected. Thy hav 3 smiley facs. i turned lna off because it was tough rasing 2 tamas. soon, when/if my v4.5 charactor dies, i will have an experiment with my v3 o see how long i can mak it live.

Brandon: Wake up Moon.

Moon: *yawn* ok, daddy.

Brandon: I made breakfast. We are having scones and cereal.

Moon: Yummy in my tummy!

Brandon: Hehehehehe....

-----------------------at diner table-----------------

Brandon: Moon, want to go to Tama-Town today?

Moon: Yea! Yea!

Brandon: We will leave after we are done eating.

------------------------In Tamatown------------------

Brandon: Here we are!

Moon: Wow! Whoa!

Brandon: Where do you want to go first?

Moon: Hm..... The mall!


----------------The mall-----------

Moon: Its big!

Brandon: Lets go inside. Ok, where do you want to go first in the mall?

Moon: Toystore! Toystore! Lets go to the Toystore!

Brandon: Ok,ok.

I'm too tired to write more. Later I'll write the hunt for the golden tamagotchi!


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