Buying A New Tama.


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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2005
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Warren NJ
I used to have a few tamagotchis, but I threw them away a few years ago. I've decided to invest in buying some new ones, but I don't know which ones to buy. I'm specifically looking for a V 4.5 but I'm not sure if there are any stores that currently carry that type of tama. At target, they had a "tama go". What excactly is the difference between a tama go and a tamagotchi? Also, can you reccommend a certain version of tamagotchi for a semi-new user? The only V 4.5 tamagotchis I have seen online are about $50 and that is way over my budget right now. My maximum price would be $30. Please help me as soon as possible, I was hoping to go out and purchase one tonight or tomorrow. Thank you so much!

-Marissa :)

You just gotta look in the right places on ebay. If you'd like I could find you a few. Just tell me what versions you want me to find. I won two 4.5s and a music star for a total of like $17 yesterday.

As for the tama go theres not that big of a difference in my opinion only the size and the characters. And it's pretty much the only one you can get in stores.

If you wanna older version check out thrift stores and good wills by you. They can sometimes carry tamagotchies for cheap.

For a beginner I'd recommend any english tamagotchi just so you get use to the controls again.

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That would be great if you could find me some! I just ordered a version 3, but I would like some more cheap version 2, 3, and 4.5's. Thank you so much for helping :) Just post the links. Thanks again.


tBay here might be a nice place to start.

Even if you do not find what you are looking for through someone here...

You can always find information about other sellers as people DO link Ebay stores at times.

Note:: Do not be afraid to Make Offers here... No one will "fault" you for being Thrifty. ^^;;

Shut currently has a tBay thread going for a beautiful v3, Ciara I believe has one for v3 and v2.)

I can also look online for you if you like, However, not sure what colors you are particularly interest in.


What I typically do is just go on Ebay, which is your best bet for finding all Tamagotchis (except for the TMGO, which can be found in stores) these days, search something really general like "Tamagotchi," set it so that it sorts the listings from least expensive first to most expensive last and just go from there. From there, it's only a matter of recognizing which version is which, which I'm assuming you know how to do. :) This way, you can find cheap Tamagotchis and since you're looking yourself, you'll be able to find shell designs you like the best! Also, I made a post a while back addressing a similar question that you can check out if you're interested. You can find it by clicking HERE (on the second page of 'Seriously Tamagotchi').

By the way, a Tama-Go (TMGO) is a Tamagotchi. Bandai just changed the name officially from Tamagotchi to Tama Town Tama-Go (bad idea, in my opinion, but what can you do?) before it was released Fall 2010.

EDIT: There's also another thread addressing a similar question in the 'What's On Your Mind' section HERE in which I also made posts.

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Well I'm selling a V3 if you wanna check out my thread on tbay.

V6 I know you didn't say V6 but it cheap





Another great tip that I do, is go on ebay and put in distance and find in ones close to you and be like (say tama is $15)

"I'll buy your tama for $10 and come pick it up from you"

You avoid shipping charges and less of a hassle for them to ship too.

I've gotten a few items cheap that way

(Also I'm 18 and I always bring my boyfriend with me. Idk how old you are so ask your parents before doing this and make sure someone goes with you!!!)

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