Buying a tamagotchi makes you Happier?


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I always jump with excitement when I buy a new Tamagotchi. :3 I'm pretty sure a lot of Tama fans are like that, too.

I'm always excited when I get a new Tama. When I got my v4.5, I jumped up and down for about 15 minutes while at the same time trying to get it open. It never gets old. :)

I love getting tamas! i have like 8 right now and i love every single one of them!! They are like my babies. lol!!

I love getting new Tamagotchis! I have 16 and getting each one made me soo happy!

i always get happy when i get a new tamagotchi. :( it's fun knowing you're gonna raise a new generation of tamas, and new characters.

When I got my V3 finally in July of 06, after I had wanted it for like 3 months, I was so excited that I wanted to get home really fast to open it up and play with it. I'm always really happy when I get a new Tama because it's always something that I really want.

Actually Buying Tamas do make me happy. Like to see whats new and waiting for something different and exiting to happen!

I bought my tamagotchi and it makes me so happy. Have you got the same fealing? You happy too or you angry and why?
If you just bought one on purpose , why would you be angry? ( unless it's not what you expected )

Omg , I just got my v4 today and I feel like i'm on top of the world! So , I know what you mean.

It's a great feeling , isn't it? It's like , life finally has a meaning xP Cheesy , huh? Well, its great.

I thought I was the only one. It's like birthing a child. Well , ok , like winning the lottery or something

The feeling usually lasts like , 5 days after I start my tama. But i'm always happy to have one.

Glad we can share the same exciting happiness :wub:

Yes,actually. Iwas really happy when I found my Santagotchi at Goodwill for five bucks. I am really happy when the store has the shell color I want. :ichigotchi:

[SIZE=8pt]Whenever i get a new tama, i am sooo happy and i take extra good care of it, though sometimes i get lazy and just set it back to sleep every time it wakes up... ^_^ [/SIZE]

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