Can a Tamagotchi die?


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Feb 17, 2008
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Can a tama die? I don't want mine to die! He's a really smart tama. I need help!!

;) :huh:

My tamagotchi has died loads of times, if you don't look after your Tamagotchi, it will die. Mine has died many times because I have either left it too long on it's own or it died because it was lacking something.I hope this reply will answer the question in this topic.



huh? what do you mean, die? as in, the character dies, and the angel thingy comes up on the screen, or the whole unit dies? (Brakes, in other words?)

or something else entirely?

I'm confused.. :p

Yes your tamas do die if you take bad care of them but with v5 they go to there home planet


Duh! If nobody knows that a tama can pass away, I 'm Leaving this site!

My tama has died about 5 times , all in different toys.

:p :blink: :D

Kuchipatchi will one day rule the world!

Tamagotchis can die. V5's and the 1990's tamagotchis just go back to their home planet. V1-V4.5 dies. And the Osu-Mesu pair can die too.


you cant stop your tama from dying? well, if you catch hm in the act you can! when you hear him do the death sickness noise, RUN!!!!! grab something pokey and poke the reset button in the back. you should see an egg. press the middle button and select DOWNLOAD. there.

NE ways, i probably didnt answer your question. yes a tama can die.

OMG!!!! Duh! If nobody knows that a tama can pass away, I 'm Leaving this site!

My tama has died about 5 times , all in different toys.

:(   :p   :p

Kuchipatchi will one day rule the world!
well really you should not say that because some people just got thier tamagotchi and saying things like that may make them think that they made a stupid choice in getting a tamagotchi and it may make them not come on the site anymore seeing a very harse response like that so really please dont post that (and please dont pm me me calling me a suckup because I am not and I dont appriciate comment like that) -

Ashley tamagotchi protector, v5 owner,and someone who does not take kindly to watching evil done.

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OMG!!!! Duh! If nobody knows that a tama can pass away, I 'm Leaving this site!

My tama has died about 5 times , all in different toys.

:( :p :p

Kuchipatchi will one day rule the world!
dont have to be mean man. this member is new and yes it can die. just make sure you take godd care and DONT let too many hearts drop at once.

Yes tamagotchis can die. As long as you take good care of your tama, you have nothing to worry about! Hope I helped!

Tama Mama ;)

I have three V4.5s, one V4, and one V5, and none of my tamas have died. The reason why is because my tamas always have babies and the parents always leave to the home planet. I also take really good care of them. So in other words, they are ways you can keep your tamas from dying!

My tamagotchi has died loads of times, if you don't look after your Tamagotchi, it will die. Mine has died many times because I have either left it too long on it's own or it died because it was lacking something.I hope this reply will answer the question in this topic.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

plz make yer sig smaller its streching out the whole screen :blink:

yes they could die if you dont pause it and leave it on oh i dont know for like 3-4 hours i guess its could die... bc last time mines died and i didnt notice until i missed my tamagotchi

yeah they can die if ya dont take care of them. if ya do then on the sixth/seventh day the matchmaker will come and match you up w/ somebody random. press any button. then you can say "yes" or "no" and have a baby. Your tama will then go to a retirement home (my friends and i call it that) and i dont think it'll die there....but then if you cant find a nice partner for your tama it will everntually die.

hope i helped, Lex

:eek: :mellow: ;) :blink: I;m new here too. Once I left my tama in the car and forgot it and it died i was disapointed but i stared over again with a new egg!!!

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