Can you Change a miss treated tama to perfect care?


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Chipmunk Giggles

New member
Aug 25, 2011
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Ok, So I'm new here and I got my Tamagotchi Music star working up again and I got kuchitamatchi Because I was non stop working on getting points for original tone and rhythm. Now I am wondering if I could care for my tamagotchi well and get a different Charater?

Anyone that will evlove into Mametchi or Shimashimatchi.

Also I need help in how to take REALLY good care of my tama. I only have 100 tama points letf too

As long as you don't let it get care misses you can get Kikitchi, the good care teen, and then if you don't let it get any more care misses you'll get Mametchi.

the skills so far have no effect on growth but juz stick 2 your tama everytime becus thr was once i took perfect care of it and then i forgot and left it at the my room for about 15min then when i came back it evolve into shimashimatchi (not mametchi anymore :( ). its strange though.becos sumtimes it will like suddenly 3/4 hungry or sumtimes 3/4 happy or stresses etc. so in order to take above average care for your tama juz stick 2 it anytime and when u r about to leave it (like going to school) then pause it, juz in case :) .also remember to keep your tama on the lowest weight

Yes if you take care of it whenever it needs it

Yes if you take care of it whenever it needs it

Yes if you take care of it whenever it needs it

Sorry i did not mean to post it three times

From my experience, praising the tama lessens stress, and feeding it snacks will lessen stress and make your tamagotchi more happy :) Also buying food from the shop is okay too, so if your tama is a teen, don't feed it baby food or baby milk. Same with adult. It won't have that much effect on hunger. Give it foods from the shop. And you might wanna lay it down a bit on the mini games :) Practicing adds stress, and too much playing decreases skill points.

So praise it when stressed, play with it when bored, clean it's poop, feed it food from the shop, play mini games with it and never forget to go to school so that when it becomes an adult, they will have lots of experience and luckily, pass the auditions at no time. Passing auditions give you a pro debut and also 999 ALL SKILL POINTS and giving you a star ranking and tama fans.


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