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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2007
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my tamagotchi had a baby and the babie plays game like shoe pairs and golf put with its parents but the bond percent wont go up is something wrong plz help how do i get the bond percent up

V5's call at specific times for training. The times are:

10:00 am

12:00 pm

2:00 pm

4:00 pm

6:00 pm

( basically ever 2 hours from 10 to 6 O clock ).

When they call for training , go to the sixth icon and choose one of the items. After doing this a couple times , the bonding will raise by 10%. There are also some Items that raise bonding. some of them is the Friendship key, magorokotchi , and unchi-kun.

Hope I helped.

-Asia :)

As an add-on to what Snellasia said...

If you prefer using the time-changing method, you have to set the clock one minute before each time. Every two times you use its training call bonding, the bonding percentage will go up 10%.

If you use the bonding items (Unchi-Kun Sub, textbook, campfire, boombox, etc.) 34 times, your bonding percentage will go up 10%. You have to use the bonding items a total 0f 340 times to get 100% bonding.

Also, playing the games with the parents a few times won't do anything. You have to play the games a lot to raise your bonding percentage up by 10%. And I mean a lot.

Hope I helped!

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My sister should know here is her reply: I dont know. i just forgot.

Thats what she says and she has a V5! look it up on google. they should know.

Hope i helped and my sister! :kuribotchi: :( :D :pochitchi: :gozarutchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :nazotchi: :nyatchi: :p :kusatchi: :ichigotchi: :hitodetchi:

saamibaami, please don't double-post.

The Unchi-Kun Sub and Magorokotchi are little tama-characters you can use to raise your family's bonding percentage. The Unchi-Kun Sub looks kind of like a Bellitchi, and the Makorogotchi looks like a flying heart.

Lol of course you can always look at the V5 Character Chart here to get a better look at the charcters.

I believe that you have to use one of these characters 34 times to get your bond percentage up 10%.

binary posted codes for these in Tips & Tricks. You could also buy them from the shop, obviously, but if you're lazy like me and don't want to play games for money, use binary's codes. :furawatchi:

Also, the Unchi-Kin will appear as an item, and the Magorokotchi will appear as a rare item. Just saying.

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