Canadian Tamagotchis?


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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2004
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:D Ive checked toy r us and they still have no tamagotchi's! im not sure when tey come out,ubt shouldnt they be in canada? I didnt check wal mart tho-should i? please reply!
Check Wal-Mart, but if you need help, then ask for the manager of the toy department.

If it's any consolation, I couldn't find one in Halifax yet, they're all getting them in for the beginning of fall.

But try Wal-Mart. That way, if you're there breathing down his neck, if he's got to order them in he'll do it in front of your very eyes.

I have already seen tamagotchies in Canada (Toronto) and have one now. I got on Saturday the 21. I got in a Toys R Us for $19 plus tax. It comes in the same colours as the American ones.

We know you can't FIND one so order one on the wal-mart site and then we can post in

peace!!! :D :D :D :D :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :) ;)

:) Ive checked toy r us and they still have no tamagotchi's! im not sure when tey come out,ubt shouldnt they be in canada? I didnt check wal mart tho-should i? please reply!
If you live in quebec, i have bad news for you. X___X they're not allowed to sell tamagotchi connection in quebec because the programming is only available in english. >.> I'm really pi**ed off about it....

You (lukie) implied in a diffrent post you don't actulllay live in Toronto if your in the area there is a Collous Famous Players on highway 7 near a Costco Wholesale. There is a huge Toys r us near there in the same area of a Chapters,Gap,HMV,Best Buy and so on. Anways I got my connection from there. Only $19 CAN.

I don't think there gonna come out with "canadian" tamagotchi's, they just distripute three types usually, Japenese, Amercian, and U.K/Europe, then the rest or wholesaled, and impoted, think about it there isn't a mexican version, and a hawaain version, there usually just whatever language is spoken in that country, so Canida will probally be distributed American Connections, or ConnX, they arent going to make a new classifacation, like

Tamagotchi Minus, etc...

Tamagotchi Connections are in Canada. They're the same as the US'. They sell for 18.22. I got them in missisauga(sp) just outside of Toronto. They actually got them on the 10th just like new york, but no celebration. Theres like 200 left down there. :eek: First hand experience. :lol:

right, there the American version, theres no special Canadian version, maybe they come in diff packaging or something.


Anyone from Calgary? I haven't been able to find one here yet, and both Wal-Mart & Toys R Us are telling me they haven't heard of the Connection series.

Any help!


Some info for the Canadians out there. Call Bandai of Canada to find out when the product will be in your area. Ph# 416-292-0800. Bandai of US gave me this number and I plan on finding out tomorrow.

Also Canada has it's own Tama web-site

There is a product info page there and shows that Ont. got them first. Also they mention that Zeller's should be rolling them out around Aug 28th (again could be in the eastern half).

Hopefully I'll have more news later on this weekend.


wow thx alot! Im just gunna phone zellers and ask them,right now where i live its 2:00 am,so I will wate till like 12:00pm or like one o clock

I know this is old (sorry for bumping), but I just wanted to let you guys know that my friends and I found Tamagotchi Connection in the Toys'R'Us in Nepean (Ottawa). I hope you guys have since been able to find your own tamagotchis :unsure:

Anyone from Calgary? I haven't been able to find one here yet, and both Wal-Mart & Toys R Us are telling me they haven't heard of the Connection series.

Any help!
Don’t just ask them. Go to their stores and look for yourself. I called six targets in my area, all of them said they had no Tamagotchis after they had spent five minutes (with me on hold) “checking” for them. I went to 5 out of those 6 and all of the 5 had Tamagotchi Connections. I about murdered the toys department managers. I was so ticked. :/ So don’t always trust what they say. I mean, one guy told me he had never even heard of them. And I found their Tamagotchi display one the end of a row facing the main isle. It was so obvious, I don’t know how /anyone/ who worked at that store could possibly miss it.

I know this is old (sorry for bumping), but I just wanted to let you guys know that my friends and I found Tamagotchi Connection in the Toys'R'Us in Nepean (Ottawa). I hope you guys have since been able to find your own tamagotchis :unsure:
Oh wow, ha, this is old. I didn’t even notice. Oh well. :x

I know this is old (sorry for bumping), but I just wanted to let you guys know that my friends and I found Tamagotchi Connection in the Toys'R'Us in Nepean (Ottawa).  I hope you guys have since been able to find your own tamagotchis :D
I've mentioned that they are available in Ottawa in another Canadian post...I've had mine for about 2 weeks now, and so far WalMart is still the best (and cheapest) place to get them.

It's funny because I was on the Toys 'R Us on Merivale in Nepean not 2 days before I bought mine and was assured there was no such thing and if they WERE getting a re-released Tama..that they'd know WAYYY in advance and to check back around Christmas. SIGH.

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im canadian too. at walmart i checked a while ago and they didn't have them but... my mom phoned a Toys R Us and they have them. my dad is going to get one for me and one for my sister on monday

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