Can't sleep. Need advice.


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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2011
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So, hi, haven't posted in Non-TamaTalk before. My problem is that I can't sleep, no matter what I try. I've tried some comfortable positions, but that doesn't do anything but make me more tired.

So, I need advice because I need sleep, because I have tons of upcoming test. I'll be following this topic, well because of sleep.

I strongly dislike it when I can't sleep. I usually think I'll probably stay awake the whole night, but after a while (sometimes even hours) I eventually do. Your problem is probably that your stressed over the tests, like a kid on Christmas Eve who really wants to go to sleep so Santa comes, but can't because they're too excited. I suggest just grabbing a quick snack, washing up a bit, then studying for a little while so you know you'll do well. Then, you just have to wait. Don't try too hard, just lie there and you'll eventually be fast asleep. (I hope so, anyway!)

i suggest reading before you go to sleep! it works wonders for me! c:

also, if you really cant sleep at all, sometimes i'll take a sleeping pill just to help, knocks me out completely. xD but take it about a half hour before bed, because it'll take a while to work. also make sure to not get addicted to them! if its for one important day that you really need sleep, thats probably the only time you should take one.

when you cant sleep, try not to think about sleeping, school, or any tests coming up. if you think about not being able to sleep, chances are you wont be able to sleep. xD i suggest thinking about something you may be looking forward to, reviewing what you did that week, or maybe just start imagining little stories... of tamagotchis for example! it usually works for me, and by the time you know it, it'll already be morning! x3

hope this helped! c: good luck!

I have the same problem, sometimes, I just take a lil' walk 'round the house, sometimes I turn on the TV, or sometimes, I come on here and look

through the fowms. Just relax, dun think about anything, Just do what you do when you're bored. Also, if all else fails, cry yourself to sleep, but keep it silent.

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I would try to just make yourself as comfortable as possible... Maybe you need a new mattress... My electric blanket has helped me a lot. I get freezing at night so it makes me a lot cozier. <3

And although it might be childish, you can never go wrong with a trusty stuffed animal.

The main thing is to not worry about your tests. If you've been studying, then there's no way you can go wrong. You'll definately do just fine, and keep that in mind. You probably can't sleep because you're really stressed... You need to de-stressify. ;D

I'd say to keep a journal or diary.

I think the reason you can't fall asleep is because there is a lot weighing on your mind, whether you know it or not. If you take time before bed to write in full detail the day's events (You were nervous about the grade you will get on the test you took, you had a fight with a friend, or even you had a delicious ice cream come with your friends after school, etc.) then you'll feel a lot more comfortable getting your mind off of bad things or really exciting things that might keep you up at night.

If you try this, let me know how it goes! :)

Good luck! :)


True dat.

Since you have a lot on your mind, it'll feel good to not have to worry about it anymore; Lots of times when I have something on my mind that I want to remember, I'll write it down and then I feel like I can't forget it. Then that weight is lifted off my shoulders. :)

Hm. I've got that problem too because I'm constantly thinking and worrying, so clear your mind. Once I stayed up so late I heard the birds chirping outside! It was, like 5:30am. Just try not to think about anything and you will fall asleep without even realising it.

Here is something that always helps me. Drink something warm and soothing just before you go to bed. The best thing is Sleepy Time Tee. It has herbs on it so it makes you calm. This always helps me go to sleep,

What I do... I listen to classical music. ...I just hope its not this certain lady broadcasting when I DO listen to it, Long story short, her voice is that of an older woman who has yelled too much during younger years ... The woman defeats the purpose as then I turn off the music in annouyment of her voice.

Soft music helps... Just focusing on the notes or the smoothness helps me. I tend to leave the music on and wake up the the news on in the morning on the my station.

Otherwise, one thing... If you are on the computer at night before bed... that means your brain will stay active longer. Maybe Exercise a bit...

Find things that make you calm and go with it.

When all else fails, try to pretend to sleep... sometimes you will manage to really dose out.


I was the same during christmas. What I did was;

I got my mp3 player (iPod is fine)

Put some very slow, relaxing music (I used Foo Fighter's accoustics, but for you, I suggest Chopin maybe?)

I played it and concentrated and relaxed

But first, maybe some tea, milk or a hot chocolate, but NEVER coffee!

ya i stayed up until 3:00 am and only got 2 hours of sleep >.<


I was the same during christmas. What I did was;

I got my mp3 player (iPod is fine)

Put some very slow, relaxing music (I used Foo Fighter's accoustics, but for you, I suggest Chopin maybe?)

I played it and concentrated and relaxed

But first, maybe some tea, milk or a hot chocolate, but NEVER coffee!
^ this is what i do

what i do is i have to completely empty my mind. it's like this:

i'm lying in bed, and i'm in a comfortable position. i start to fall asleep, and i don't think about anything. i think of it like if i think of something, it anchors me to consciousness, which keeps me awake. it really doesn't help if you're trying to remember something; write it down and purge it from your mind.

I have had this problem my whole LIFE. Really, my mom told me about how hard it was getting my to sleep as a BABY. You get used to it eventually, but still, it's not a good thing.

As others said, I would have comfy bedding, maybe a cuddly toy unless you feel silly with one, possibly calm music. Don't use any bright screens less than an hour before you go to bed. Try not to worry; if you're working for a test, study for 10 minutes right before going to bed. It really helped me, and I passed the test too! :)

~ Dazzmina ~

Maybe doing something that relaxes you before bed might help. For example, if drawing relaxes you, then do that. Once you're in bed, you could also try just closing your eyes and thinking of a relaxing scene.

Try having a "cooldown period" with the electronics before you sleep. Step away from them for 1-2 hours. I also like to eat something before I sleep, it makes me feel full and relaxed.

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