Career Tests


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Did you ever take one of those tests to see what careers you would be interested in? I took one today online. I never took one, so I was surprised to see my results. I was interested in some of these even before I took the test.

These are my top 10 results

1. Bioinformatics Specialist

2. Pharmacy Technician

3. GIS Specialist

4. Web Developer

5. Agronomist

6. Oceanographer

7. Marine Biologist

8. Zoologist

9. Ecologist

10. Hydrologist / Hydrogeologist

Did you take a test like this?

If so, what were your results?

I've always wanted to take a career test, but I never have. They seem quite interesting, and I'd love to see what the computer would match me up with. ^^

^ My 36th suggestion was a custodian -_-

For everyone that wants to take one: I took one at school. I'm sure your school may offer it some year. My teacher said that we would be using this site as we get older to officially pick a field we would want to get into. We went to this website. You need a login though o;

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I took an school one before, and my answers were, let me see..

Director, news reporter, graphic designer, teacher, flight attendant (no x3), sales representative.

.. Or at least that's what I can remember. We took one a few weeks ago and we're doing another one at the end of the year. Most of them sound pretty good, but I think a CEO would be the best 8D

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Yeah. Some of my favorites were:

Newpaper Editor, Director, Writer, Religious Figure 2 (I don't even know what it meant, just found it amusing), and Teacher.

The first two are most meish. It was like 2 years ago so I can't give you a whole list.

I took one that matched habits, personality and stuff [Not academics] to jobs that suit you as a person.

Each result had 4 top jobs. All I remember is top of the list was "Forensic investigator" and that is what I'd love to be.

Next year we actually have a Career Education class and we get to take career tests in that.

I had pyschologist and environmentalist. I love them both.

I don't think they offer them at my school but I do think I really need to take one because I've got no clue as to whatever I want to become. Are the online tests reliable? Even if they're not, I think I'll go for it. Other than the one Katie mentioned (which required you to log in) does anyone else have any links? Thanks in advance. I've heard of these kinds of tests but I'd never really gotten to take one even if the idea appealed to me. I'm the kind of person who always plans out everything and needs to have a clear, focused mind and I've thought, "its about time to start thinking." So, anyone with any links that don't actually require you to log in?

I went looking for a post I made here almost a year ago with a lot of details on my career test results, but I couldn't find it.

I've taken many career tests and done a few career reports with school, but the most in depth one we took was last fall. It was on what our interests were, but mostly what we were good at. We were tested on speed, accuracy, technological thinking, spelling, math, analogies, and some space / net shape problems. I took like, five hours to take. I had a massive headache after taking it, needless to say.

But the results interesting. I think my first "career cluster" was the arts - an actress, a singer, etc (Which to me, I don't really count. I don't consider those realistic career choices).

I believe my second cluster was more on a community service type level - firefighter, police officer, etc.

My third cluster was what I actually want to go into - education. (Teacher, etc).

They vary though. I've taken others where I got teacher as my first choice, and I've gotten doctor a few times. I've also gotten business and marketing. It all depends on the test and for me, my mood that day, especially when it asks those opinion questions on what I would enjoy doing.

I'm a sophomore, so my school is really pushing what for what we want to do with our lives. I take the SAT a year from now and I have to start applying for colleges. I'm pretty sure that I want to go into to teaching, and that's what matters to me. I know what I want to do, and a test can't decide that for me (though they are fun to take!). ;]

I've done that for school before. Pretty much all of my stuff was either athletics, like a coach or professional athelete or something in the medical field, mostly surgeons. xDD

I said I should do somthing social, because I'm a people person... according to the test.. :3

Yup, I took mine last year;

Animator (top of the list, my dream job <3333)


Graphic Designer

Fashion Designer

Art Teacher

Music Teacher

Performing Arts Worker

Interior Designer

Commerical Product Designer

Foreign Language Teacher

Foreign Language Interpreter

I'd be happy with any of those jobs, I tell you :)

...So I took a test online right here and I got these results:

Strategic planning


Staff development



Software designer

Financial analyst

College professor




Systems analyst





Computer programmer

Data base manager




Another website gave me these results:

Management consultant



Computer programmer

Environmental planner

New business developer

Curriculum designer




Biomedical researcher

Strategic planner

Civil engineer

Intellectual properties attorney


Financial planner


Most of the jobs I'm okay with, and the site mentions that I'm personality type INTP meaning that I'm precise in thought and language, discern contradictions and inconsistencies, is good at logic, math and philosophy (this one I agree with fully), but is highly self-critical and can be easily pressured. Well, what do you know, that described me pretty well XD.

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nurse (Eww)

social worker (uhh NO)


flight attendant (You'd see a lot of barf.)


medical/dental assistant (My mom wants to be a docors assistant)

exercise physiologist (?)

elementary school teacher (The only on I like.)

minister/priest/rabbi (WHAT THE HECK!?)

retail owner

officer manager



special education teacher

merchandise planner

credit counselor

athletic coach

insurance agent

sales representative

massage therapist

medical secretary

child care provider (I am a child.)

bilingual education teacher

professional volunteer

I would be VERY sad If those were my only choices. but I like the elementary school teacher.

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