Cases for P1/P2 Tamas


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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
Bristol, England.
i don't get the get 40 cases per lot? weird...

The ones you linked are for p1/p2. They also fit angels, morino, ocean,.. All those models can go in there :)

The Mesuchi/Osuchi (assume you mean those with boy/girl tama's) are different.

But if I can get 40 cases for that price I'd buy it :p but doubt you actually get 40 of them.

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When I thought it was like this, You purchase one case and the guy has 10 lots (with 40 cases per lot), so you would only get one case and the guy has about 400 in stock.

Looking back over it though, it does seem a bit vague, i'll contact the seller.

Thanks for the info! And yea I meant Mesuchi/Osuchi :D

Let me know what the seller has to say, quite curious myself now lol :D

If you're really getting 40 would be awesome haha.

Ah the dude got back to me, seems we were correct.

Dear cactuarlol,

I'm afraid but you won't receive 40 cases for USD 9.99. The price is for one case.


We apologize for any inconveniences.


Our kindest regards,

Lol tought so :p Still not very clear of them.

It's still cheap though if the shipping is not too bad to your country I'd pick one or two up ;)

Ya i have done, his initial shipping was really high ($25 USD for a $10 product) but after speaking with him he said he also ships at a lower (more reasonable) rate of $10.

$20 is still cheaper than other cases i've seen out there so I picked up a couple

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