Casey's World


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Dec 31, 2006
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This is the second chapter so far of my series, "Tamagotchi's Life" If you want to read the first chapter, the link is here:

Sorry, I cant get it to be a reall link, but just copy and paste on your toolbar. :D here is the 2nd chapter:

Casey arrived at her destination, the cafeteria. Why the café, of all places, early in the morning? Because. Because she was waiting for Amy. Amy, the beautiful yet smart mametchi that was one of Casey best friends. Amy was very pretty, just not stunning enough to be compared to the supreme Casey. Which is exactly why Casey picked her as ‘The Best Friend’. Amy was talking, but Casey wasn’t even pretending to listen. She was too busy looking at the people looking at her. Finally, she turned her head toward Amy and nodded, like she had been listening rapturously to each word, and Amy beamed a bright smile, happy to be the full attention of Casey. Casey knew she could snap her fingers and put the world on hold. She knew that at Tama High School, the world DID revolve around her. So why couldn’t she sleep at night, and always had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was missing?

To find out what happens, reply to this board or mail me. Also message me for a sneak peak of the next chapter.


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