Cat Problems


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Try Honesty

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2009
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Ok so i have a 12 year old female cat named Tiger. Now that my sister has moved back home she decided to get a kitten. Today she got a male black and white cat named Skeeter. Awesome huh? Well not for me

Problem is that even if Tiger see's Skeeter she gets all hissy.

I just want Tiger to get along.

This problem has happened before when my sister (3 years ago) brought home a cat named "Moomoo" (MooMoo got outside and got hit by a car, so thats why i don't let my cats out anymore)



edit: I picked Skeeter off my sister bed so he wouldn't pee on it then i pet Tiger than she hissed at me for no reason...wth?

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They probably don't get along because they haven't been together since they were kittens. Tiger most likely doesn't like Skeeter because she sees the house as being her territory, and Skeeter is just a stranger.

I dunno if they'll ever get along, I guess you'll just have to wait and see.


^^I second that.

Also, she probably hissed at you because you smell like Skeeter after touching him.

I remember when I was like five, we got two new cats, and our old one hated them at first. But soon enough, they started to get along, even though they scratch each other once in a while. Just give it time.

This reminds me of my cats.

Tiger just needs time to adjust to her new living arrangement. It's like getting a new sibling after being the only child for such a long time. And you mentioned Tiger is around 12 right? Well seeing this new, younger kitten around may have Tiger thinking she's being replaced.

Keep spending time around Tiger and let her know she's still your number one cat.

Plus, you kinda got the better end of the deal. Male and female cats tend to get along better than two female cats. It just takes time.

Tiger basically sees Skeeter as a stranger invading her house. Tiger will get used to Skeeter eventually once she grows used to him.

That's yet another reason I don't like cats. They are incompatible with 99% of other pets including themselves!

The only thing you can do is give it time and hope the cats chill.

Bringing another cat into the house will always be awkward at best.

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They'll get along in time. It took a few days for Pedy to accept Smelly Cat when we brought him home. Now they're great friends. In fact Pedy acts like his mother.

They will get along in time. Your one cat, being older, will take longer. Just be patient. Also, get the kitten neutered as soon as the vet says you can.

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