Catch phrases


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My catch prhase is 'Hi! I like cheese' people give me wierd looks but im used to that. the dude at motor works told me that im wierd. I also sometimes say 'THE BRITISH ARE COMING so hi!' or 'omgish! I found my loser! she was in the bin. wanna be friends?' I'm a loon as you can tell.
I have alot :

" for reals!? "

When someone says " whats up? " I say : " gas prices "

" Excuses are like used socks. We all have them and they all stink "

" yeah "

LOLZ. Sometimes I say ' I think i'm getting weird looks' or 'don't look at me weird or i will pokey you'
I always say 'lovely' at everything. Ash sat on me and i simply said 'lovely'. I also say 'Owwies' alot as i always get boo boo's
That originally came from Sesamee street where it would say :

rubber duck, your the one

you make bath time lots of fun

or ruber duck, your the one for meeee

na na na na na nana

I have between "Fashizzle my nizzle dizzle" XD I don't know how I came up with that but I just like the "izzle"'s in that so that is one of it. The other one that is tied with that is "Pickle Victory!!"

Hello, this is ducky23's sister, Sissi, wanting to type this thing. ducky was too busy laughing to stop me. MUHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!

Anyways, my favorite catch phrases are:

1. Spontaneous combustion (it roollllllsss off the tongue and it means people randomly bursting out into flames! How cool is that?!)

2. Okeydokeyhokeypokey (You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, that's what its all about!!!)

3. Happy ChristmaHanaKwaanzica!! (Yay, baby! My friend Yumi thought of that!)

4. Neko~Kitty!!! (they mean the same thing!)

My friends and I sometimes spontaneously say things such as:

"I have bad news for you... Jiminy Cricket just died"

"It's OK, he just resurrected"

"The Gingerbread man is going to take over the world"

"No comments"

lol sometimes I randomly say "Goat pancakes ^^" or "Idk my BFF Jill." But when i say that "Idk my BFF Jill" one it sounds like I am saying "I decay my Bee Ef Ef Jill." LOL

I always say "You Smell Like Dead Water Buffalo" in Apu's (From The Simpsons) voice xD

Another one is "My name is Danny, and I like biscuits!" but I say it as if I'm mentally retarded xD

My catch phrases are:

"Shut up."

"You're a poop/poophead/poopyface/ect."


"I need to tell you a secret. *whispers in ear* Hi."


"I hate people." I usually say that to my friends, so after that I say, "You're not a people, you're a person."

mine are

"Its a me thing *weird smile*"

"Thats me for ya' *overjoyed smile* "

mine always have a funny face with them

I almost forgot my best one...I'm a goalie...Putting my body in front of frozen discs of rubber...Everyone questions my sanity, but I think I'm just alittle bit hyperactive!

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My catch phrase is ,''Mimz!!'' that can mean alot of things:


You Moron!

Me too!

Billy Cosby is awesome!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Mother's/Fathers Day!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Easter!

You smell like birthday!

People in my school say really wierd things like four weeks ago it was indoor recess and this kid ran across the hall

yelling, [SIZE=21pt] '' I LIKE CANDY!!!!!!!!!''[/SIZE]

every christmas at the mall my stupid brother sees Santa and says , [SIZE=21pt] ''Santas the Inner me! ''[/SIZE]

He did that a week ago and these french kids wouldn't stop starring at us. :huh: (no offence)

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