Cats in the Wild


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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2006
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This part is not that good or very interesting, but it'll get interesting later.

Kunosa creped up on a starling. It was caught off-guard. She lay down to eat it. She knew she wasn’t supposed to eat during a hunting patrol, but she didn’t care. She needed time to think. Three night-falls fell after the death of Kunosa’s parents. She looked up at the sky. She thought she saw the figure of two cats being killed brutally by a smaller cat. She shook the thought off and went back to eating her meal.

Once she finished it, she caught another starling to bring back to the rest of the hunting group. She purposely separated from them to be alone.

Kunosa found the rest of the hunting group waiting for her at the foot of the camp.

“You were gone for so long, and you only caught that much?” Fernan, the leader of that hunting group asked Kunosa.

“What of it?” she meowed back harshly.

“We’ll have to report back to Leader Birchrosa about your hunting skills. Personally, I think you’re too young to be out of apprenticehood.” Fernan was always a know-it-all,very prideful, and always thought he was better than anyone else.

“You shouldn’t be out of kit-hood.” Kunosa muttered to herself. Her personality started to change, ever since she found out about her sister murdering her parents.

“Hello?” Brichrosa meowed from her moss bed.

“Fernan back from the hunting patrol. I have an interesting report.” He meowed as he went inside the den.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Kunosa here,” he started, “Needs some shaping up on her hunting skills.”

Birchrosa faced Kunosa. “Is that so?” she meowed. “I’ll put you on extra hunting patrols then. Okay?”

Kunosa nodded.

Fernan put his tail on Kunosa’s shoulder. “Let’s go now,” he meowed to her. “There’s another hunting patrol I’m organizing, you’d better come.”

She followed.
