Cats or Dogs?


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How can most people choose cats? The scratch, they sleep, they eat, they hiss, they're boring.

Attitude of dogs vary due to their breed. if you don't like dogs who drool, and shed, and need your attention, well maybe a beagle will change your mind. I am the owner of two youth beagles, 1 older beagle, and an elderly beagle, and even the youngest of beagles don't drool, bark much, shed, and they deffenatly like to be alone with only certain attention. They can deal with being in a pack or seperate, and they sure don't give much kisses. Well, maybe your thinking "Hmm, beagles are hunting dogs, so why don't they bark much, and kill, and attack?" well, beagles aren't necessarily hunting dogs. They can be, ONLY if you train them. It is not in their blood. If you don't train them to hunt, I'm sure that they will bark 2 times less, and even with my dogs, all trained for the hunt, they do bark at their own shadow, but when they see someone they don't reconize, they only bark onces. And my dogs are't really trained, but they are a great pet. And for the cat lovers who like lazy, small cats, beagles are smaller than some cats I know of in my neighborhood, and if they're not trained to hunt, then they just sleep, wander, and play if they have another beagle partner.

No offence to cat lovers, I just love beagles. If you want a pic of my dogs, I'll find someway to show you. Gawd, their adorable! And maybe i'll put a few video's on youtube of them to show you how their tipical life is, sleeping, cuddling, and seriously, only my tomboyish dog ever does the tipical dog thing attention matter. And that's how I raised her. Just like me. I raised her for my personality, not layed back, attention grabber, and mildly agressive. But yah, if you want a dog like that, you HAVE to try hard. If you want a layed back-cat attitude dog, just treat it like it's a cat. But no cat toys or food, just attention wise.

And if your a cat lover, no offence. I'm just saying that beagles are probably the most dog with a cat personality, trained to hunt or not. It's just that cats get me paranoid, since my cat, the only friendly one I know got shot by a neighbor. He was cute. And yah, I'm a cat lover too, and cats love me. I just know a WHOLE bunch of cats with the steriotype dog personality. Attention wise. But yah, if a dog was to beg my attention and a cat was to sleep all day, it would be a cat. But where I live, it's the opposit. Cats sleep all day, but when they're awake, they're arouund people begging to do tricks for a treat, attention, and dogs they don't do much other than be your faithful companion..

Wow, I wrote more than I do for roleplays! o_0

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