Cavities. o:


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Howl's Moving Castle
This just popped into my head. Have you ever had a cavity before? Or any other mouth problems?

Yesterday I learned that I've got 1 cavity. Eh, considering I'm 14 and this is my first, I think that's pretty good. I got it from where my band was on from my braces. I didn't use fluoride enough. PEOPLE WHO HAVE BRACES. USE. FLUORIDE. TAKE IT FROM ME.

I was a disgusting child. I hated brushing my teeth and refused.

I've had many cavities 2 teeth pulled out and one root canal.

I have grown up to learn the importance of dental hygiene - The hard way.

Now I'm very good with it :)

I have had maybe five cavities? I got one in a baby tooth in the first grade, so it was no big deal. But then about a year and a half ago, I switched dentists. I went in for a routine six month exam and my new dentist was like, "Uh... did you ever get sealants in your back molars?" and I was like, "Hm, I dunno, why?" and he was like, "Because it doesn't look like they were sealed, and they should have been. You have a cavity right in the crevice of each tooth where the sealant should be."

Needless to say, I was very upset with my old dentist, having to get four fillings. Those weren't really my fault, so I don't always count them. If my teeth were sealed like they were supposed to, I wouldn't have gotten them. D:

My teeth are pretty white and relatively straight (though I might have to get some teeth filed - my dad says braces will work better, but I'm like, nonono, because my almost-significant other has snakebites and that won't be pretty xD anyway), but they're pretty soft and sensitive, so I know I have to be tedious and diligent with my brushing. :D

I've had one filling, in a baby tooth which has come out. :)

My teeth don't fall out, they fraction and come out piece by piece. Or, they stay until the adult tooth is nearly fully grown and it can't physically stay there. ):

Only two more teeth to come out though! xD

[SIZE=7pt]This is really going to gross some people out, but here's the truth:[/SIZE]

No, I have never had a single cavity. And the truth is- I hardly brush my teeth. Maybe three times a week << So I don't get how I don't have a cavity. The best part is, my mom cleans teeth.

You guys make me look like the dental devil XD

I can't count how many cavities I've had. My first was at around 4 or 5. The most I've had at one time was 10, and that's happened twice. I've had three teeth pulled, and cracked a few on piercings while eating.

I take ok-ish care of my teeth. I try to remember to brush them once a day. If I go out I always remember to brush them in the morning. I'm lazy and don't brush them at night, I rarely floss, but use flouride mouth wash.

I consider it to be amazing if I go to the dentist and I don't come out with at least two new cavities.

I try to take good care of my teeth. Sometimes I do slack off though. xP

My brother had braces for 7 years, 2 teeth pulled, 2 teeth surgically removed, and a palette expander.

But I feel like I'm going downhill lately. My wisdom teeth are coming in and might need to get pulled. I'm terrified. D:

I've had one cavity.

I was five years old, and my dentist told me I had a cavity. I was getting ready for it to be filled, but then almost had a panic attack. So they had to knock me out. To fill one little cavity.

I take super care of my teeth now. I brush them 3 times a day, and floss twice. I've never had braces, becuase my teeth are really straight. I'm kinda a freak when it comes to my mouth...

Psh.. I get cavities all the time.

The only time when I went to the dentist and was told "zero cavities" was last year. That's the first time- ever.

I usually get two or three at a time, sometimes one if I'm lucky.

I'm pretty sure I have a crap huge cavity- there's a big hole in one of my molars and it's frickin deep ._. Thankfully, it's loose.

Don't judge me by reading this, I'm not a gross slob who rarely brushes her teeth. It's just that I eat a lot of sugary food and don't brush my teeth right after :D

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I had a few when i was in elementary school, but those were all baby teeth so it's all good. :)

I used to have like 6, but now I have one. YAY for baby teeth!

I've never had any cavities.

But, a couple of months ago my dentist told me that I have some sort of swollen gum problem thing, so I use a special rubber thingy around my gums for now :D

Yeah. I went to the dentist in grade 8 and they told me I had 5. I got two of them filled in the week after, and I had an appointment for the other 3 the week after that. But we never followed through with it. My parents are... lazy. I still haven't got them filled. God knows how many I have now.

I've never had any cavities o:-opens mouth and a bright light blinds all of you-


Right now, I have... Uhm. One. Because it needs pulled and I don't wanna because then I'll have literally, ZERO teeth at the back. ._.

But, I think the most I've had at one time was..

Nine or ten.

I had a ton of dental work done this past year, so, my teeth are almost perfect.

I had a huge gaping hole in my front two teeth. Got it drilled, filled and polished.

Huge gaping hole in my front teeth.. Between the BIGHUGE front one, and the next one along, going backwards. Both sides. Got those drilled and filled and polished.

And those sharp teeth you have.

My right one {Like, in my mouth, it's on my right. Your left.} had to be drilled away to absolutely nothing, then filled and polished and prettied up.


At the bottom, a few years ago, there was a hole in one of my teeth. And I went to the dentist, they filled it.

Then the filling came out.

I went to a different dentist, turns out there was something going on and I shoulda had it taken out back then.

So, I got it pulled.

{You shoulda seen how big it was}


And a few years ago, I had one there pulled, too.

And a couple months ago, I had the one at the back pulled.


At the bottom, a few years ago, got two pulled.

At the top, I have the one with the cavity. I was supposed to get it pulled in October, but I was on holiday from school, so I didn't. I'm supposed to be going to the dentist on the twenty seventh but I don't think I will. It doesn't hurt or anything, so psh.

But I hate when the dentist sticks her finger in your mouth and it's all rubber-gloved and eugh and then the spiky jabby metal thing is all, "-pokepoke- -poke-" Then it hitsn a nerve and you're like, "AGH WTF? D:"

And I hurt the dental assistant's hand when I'm in the dentist anyway. I cling to it and squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaze it while the dentist works in my mouth. ._.

But anyway.

I brush my teeth.. About five times a week? D:

I always brush them before school.

I forget, at night, because I eat stuff until whenever, and then fall asleep.

And.. Yeah.

But my dad has some genetic stuff, and my teeth are all stupid because of it. Once they get a small thing wrong with them, they go all ew reallyreallyreally fast. It's.. Ew.

But they're straight and everything. And they are good enough to chew with, so. 8D

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