Celebrity... conversation?


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2012
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Well, that's what it looks like, but I have no idea! I can't explain it, so I'll post a picture I quickly snapped:


Whatever is happening, it threw me.

Two of the characters are mine: the one on the left is Princess Tamako, daughter of the one of the right, Papakorotchi. However, the one in the middle... I have no idea who it is. And those little "sparks" (above Papakorotchi's head) kept flashing up by him and on the other side of the screen beside Princess Tamako. If anybody can shed some light on what is happening in this animation, it'd be good to know! Who is the character in the middle? Hmm...

EDIT: Sorry for the poor picture quality, it was taken on my Blackberry. And it just occurred to me! Is this the paparazzi?

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It's been a long time since I ran a V5... but I have a strong feeling that you've just missed a chance at training / raising bonding. Don't quote me - I could be wrong - maybe do a quick search on raising bonding on the Celebrity - you might find a description of what's happening on your tama. :)

Nope, when it needs training, it usually makes a noise and a speech bubble comes up above their heads - and the parents aren't there for training. And it's just happened again, and I still have no idea what it is. :D

It was probably one of the animations that a V5 does. It should only last for a few minutes. :)

That's not the yawning animation. If they were yawning, it would be more bubble-like and there would be a window over their heads.

...Just saying.

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