Chain Messages.


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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San Francisco Bay Area
You know these messages on youtube (Or Anywhere) called chain message

I hate them!!


Hey, my name is Kayla. When I took a shower, this girl killed me.

Paste this video 15 times. Or the next time you take a shower the girl

will kill you.

What is wrong with them? :rolleyes:

They're just ignorant people with nothing better to do. Some people accually believe that stuff, and it makes them scared.

As annoying as it is, it's never going to stop. There's always going to be one n00b who is going to do that, and then more will and so on.

Some chain messages are very amussing though. =]

Well These People Are Idiots, They Need To Be Slapped

They Just Want To Scare People And It Ain't Working On Me xD

Chain messages are so dumb.

It's strange how someone could actually believe one...

I know. My inbox is clodded with chain mail. It seems that it is the only emails i get. They are so least most of my 107 unread messages are messages not chain mail

They're just ignorant people with nothing better to do. Some people accually believe that stuff, and it makes them scared.
Ditto. I just roll my eyes and delete the E-Mail.

My friend gets the you-know-what scared out of her, and I laugh at her for it. It's just some attention-seeking moron with nothing better to do than waste other people's time.

Ditto. I just roll my eyes and delete the E-Mail.
My friend gets the you-know-what scared out of her, and I laugh at her for it. It's just some attention-seeking moron with nothing better to do than waste other people's time.
Haha, your friend is silly. XD

And the attention-seeking moron isn't getting any attention at all, it's hard to tell who accually started the message/letter. So haha for them.

That's so retarded >.> Whoever started this chainmail thing is an idiot. >.<

Apparently people just think it's true, somehow. And are afraid. Some people are like this:

"Sorry!! I had to post this, I don't want to die!! -


A clown killed a woman and her child at night and if you

don't post this in 5 minutes you will get killed. "

I mean who the heck would say sorry and post it? Sigh~

I think some of chainmail is made by spam bots in the same way Nigerian phishing scams are. That's just me, though. C:

Chains are annoying, especially if my friends do them and send them to me on Deviantart. And then they're something like "If you don't send this back to me, I know you don't love me."

Being the kind of person that I am, I don't, but that's okay.

Tags, though, I think are fine. You guys know what tags are? It's when you do like a quiz or something and then tag three or so of your friends to do the same quiz. I think those are fun, even though other people think they're annoying.

Tags, though, I think are fine. You guys know what tags are? It's when you do like a quiz or something and then tag three or so of your friends to do the same quiz. I think those are fun, even though other people think they're annoying.
Those aren't that bad

People who make them are just bored and possibly stupid.

People who repost those are worse because they actually believe that if they don't repost it how ever many times it says, a zombie is gonna come out at night and rape their dog.

Some people are way too gullible.

The majority of my Myspace bulletin board is full of chain mail from friends. It's really annoying.

People who repost those are worse because they actually believe that if they don't repost it how ever many times it says, a zombie is gonna come out at night and rape their dog.
That last bit made me laugh. XD


But ya, I like those quiz things as well, just stupid chain mail/messages suck, especially ones like "A distant relative in Nigeria has died leaving you a huge fortune, send 200 dollars and we send you the rest" sort of thing, I hate that.

They are so annoying. Some of them say stuff like "If you don't send this to 10 people your crush will never like you." I always delete chain mail. It sucks.

I don't beleive it.

They nearly allways start off with 'Don't read this...' Thats what agitates me, I read them anyway though. The one thats most common is the 'press f4 and your crush will appear' one.

Its so annoying, i asked someone to try it and they just replied with ' No, this is for you. ' I was just, 'I not going to do it if you wont. '

Basicly, Chain mail= Stupidity. c:

*Sighs* They get really annoying.

Always remember to watch out for Monkeyman635 xD

'Tis on of the stupid ones I got a few years back... ;)

Hehe, Somtimes they creep me out but I know they aren;t true, and they give you viruses! *gasp* Its better not to open nor read them at all!

You know these messages on youtube (Or Anywhere) called chain message
I hate them!!


Hey, my name is Kayla. When I took a shower, this girl killed me.

Paste this video 15 times. Or the next time you take a shower the girl

will kill you.

What is wrong with them? :(
They're really annoying. ;)

They creep me out though sometimes, but we all know they ain't real. Some chains are really sweet or funny though, Tags are fun also.

I think some of chainmail is made by spam bots in the same way Nigerian phishing scams are. That's just me, though. C:
I was watching that on "Oprah" and stuff, sort of the same thing I guess.


Silly spam bots...


But random thing, I keep getting a call about a guy looking for so guy named "Charles" and I'm like "I DON'T WHO HE IS!! STOP CALLING ME!" and he was asking for my cell phone account holder, but I didn't give it to him after watching Oprah with all those Nigerian scams.


He sounded Nigerian.. ;)

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