cheap batteries


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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2004
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Are the batteries that come with the u.s tamagotchi connections cheep? I mean they die in 3 weeks. If i went to walgreens and baught some batteries could they possibly last longer? :rolleyes:

Im not sure if it was the type of battery or if it the connections truly take up so much power. I don't know if any of you had a pikachu pedometer pet but the battery in that thing is the same as the tama and that pikachu has gone two years without replacing the battery. And the pikachu is in color, with sounds, and a petometer. I am guessing the bateries bandai gave were just really really bad.


No wonder it comes with an extra battery, the batteries are very cheap and die fast. But then again the pikachu use infrared, wait it did nvm

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The Pikachu I had is from, like, when they first came out...

The alarm STILL sounds every morning at 7:30. :rolleyes:

The Pikachu I had is from, like, when they first came out...
The alarm STILL sounds every morning at 7:30. :rolleyes:
Hehe.. Same here. XD That little Pikachu just doesn't know when to give up, trying to wake me up so early!

My battery just ran out yesterday for my first tamagotchi which really sucks! I hope my other one doesn't run out too soon, because it didn't come with an extra...

Well,uhh.. its not like the conexions could use less energu there basicly the same. Anyways I still think its the quality of battery. I think they give u batteries that arent full on energy so u have to go out and buy another one. Well, the ones from wallgreens should have more energy I hope

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