Checking out? HUH?


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Jul 19, 2006
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Hey guys. It's Lj, Tgds side account. Why am I using this accoutn you ask? No particular reason. Just wanted to...well, now lets get to the point.

Lately I've been feeling like I'm beign more looked at body-wise. It kinda gives me the creeps sometimes. Is this natural for this to happen while growing up?

1. This guy who I didn't even know was smiling at me and waving to me while I was riding my bike with my friends the other day.

2. At the park this guy kept staring at me when I was drinking from teh fountain.

3. This guy who I didn't even know said his brother (who I didn't even know) liked me and tehn he asked how old I was. I was like, "Forty. I'm a midget."

4. I think that Jason (my crush) has been looking at me alot more. Well, he did the last week of school. He would always smile at me, and find any reason to speak with me or touch hands.

So, this is kind of weird that this is all hapening in the same period of time.

I think its supposed to be that way... It happens to me. I find people staring at my arms because my hand is the size of my forearm.

On the same side, EVERYONE looks at me like I'm crazy because my straps show... ;)

Maybe you are just being more self consience then before. It's kind of like if you had something funky [maybe a pimple] and you think everybody keeps staring at it but in reality they aren't. Now insert you where the pimple was.

Did that make any sense?

Or you are just noticing guys looking at you more.

Maybe because you're "maturing" and guys are getting older, so they don't think girls have cooties anymore, and they're doing a natural guy thing to just, stare.

That seems to Happen to me when I am riding my bike or walking to the Local Middle School o.o A few days ago I was riding a bike to my Secret place in this Forest-Like thing and I was cleaning my Pink Glasses (Smudges suck) Some boys I dont even know called me Retarded, fat, and stupid, You know- Just because I wear a White Sweat shirt don't mean Im fat ><

But usually when Im riding my bike boys are like that around me. It makes me feel better about myself then my Schoolmates make me feel

Most people get stared at, it could be for a good or bad reason.

If a boys staring at me I usually feel someones looking at me, then look at them and when I see they are looking at me I go bright red - I don't like being looked at, it makes me paranoid thinking why they looking at me!

When a boy in college asked for my number I said 'I've got a boyfriend, so I can't' I went really shy and red even though I didn't feel embarrassed just there was so many of them with him. (I'm no good under pressure ;) )

Guys don't normally stare at me o.o I'm not that attractive. However, most guys at your age do see things they didn't see in girls before.

Lol I like that "40 Im a midjet'' thing. Thats pretty funny.

Sorry to double post but I know that guys dont check me out. . . lol they check my friends out

Most people get stared at, it could be for a good or bad reason.
If a boys staring at me I usually feel someones looking at me, then look at them and when I see they are looking at me I go bright red - I don't like being looked at, it makes me paranoid thinking why they looking at me!

When a boy in college asked for my number I said 'I've got a boyfriend, so I can't' I went really shy and red even though I didn't feel embarrassed just there was so many of them with him. (I'm no good under pressure :rolleyes: )
You sound like an older version of me.

With that kind of pressure on me I get really red too. I don't know how to control it. x.x

well once me and my friend went in the store and this dude was staring at us.

we got behind him in line. he turned around and looked at me and her and said

"are yall sisters."

i said, "no just really close friends :]"

he said "oh so how old are you"

I Said, "14"

and he said "ooooh im sorry"

then he turned to my friend and said"well how old are you then?"

she said, "almost 15"

and he was like "wow i thought you girls were alot older im sorry for the misunderstanding"

lmao xD

Guys check me out, especially hispanic ones. Apparently they think I have a figure and they love my hair. :) I really never thought of myself as 'pretty' before.

for some reason.... olde guys like 13- 15 look at me... X_X (I'm Only 12 going on 13)

1. I was riding my bike down a huge hill, these two scater kids were looking at me an were like "nice bike" and they started to smile at me.. .X_X they had to be like 14 i think...

Then when i was at rita's.. this cute guy was watching me ang he waved... X_X

happening to me to. (not COMPLETELY yet)

guys always look at me because of my eyes they change colors in the light but they are originally hazel it attracts alot of people adults go up to me and say you have beautiful eyes youll be breaking hearts one day or that i should be a model it gets annoying because people say it wherever i am guys at my school check me out alot like this one friend of mine well he sat next to me and we talked alot but then one day i started to not talk to him as much and we went our own ways he then started being really mean to me and always saying why are you staring at me and i say im not im looking out the window which is true he started to get his friend to say stop staring at thomas every time i glanced his way they humiliated me the last three days of school my bff later told me the truth she said that after we went our seperate ways he got mad because he couldnt be with me anymore and he was no longer a part of my life she also told me he liked me alot and was devasted to hear that i hated him i told her that i was sweet to hear to hear he liked me but he aint gettin anythang from me for making me feel like the worlds biggest loser so this ends my story

moral:guys who make you feel good remember guys who make you feel bad forget boys can call you whatever they want but whatever they call you whether its stupid or fat ugly or retarded think of it this way they must be confused or something cuz there stupid for even thinkin of callind you stupid

For moi?

I'm not the most attractive thing, but a few of the boys would just stand there and stare at me at school... they're mostly geeks and nerds, but a few cute people do. (Shekim... or whoever... he's in grade 6, i'm in 4, he lives in my neighbourhood. He's really kind... to some people. Mostly me and my friends, he hangs with us, he checks me out... we we're playing tag because we we're bored as heck, and he tagged my chest. It was.. odd...

People stare at me all the time, And I still have no clue why.

I wonder if they like me, or if somethings wrong with my apperience, or I am weird.

I just go on wondering.

I sort of mind if there staring at me but not that much.

No, I don't think I've seen guys look at me like that. Although when I see some people they suggest that I become a model.

These boys in my class ALWAYS used to smile and crowd around this girl in my class. I don't think she was even all that attractive, but several boys asked her out.

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