~Chocola's V5 Tama Log~


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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
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I just got a V5!!! I'm so excited!! Just like my other log when it's me talking I'll write in purple and when it's my tamas it will be in orange! Now to tell you all about my tamas!


I ripped open the packageing on the way home from the shops, I pulled out the tab to hatch my tamas after along beep three eggs poped onto the screen I waited thinking to myself "I've finally got a V5!!" I heard the familiar sound of an egg hatching!! The middle egg hatched first and the first and last hatched soon after! There were my 3 little tamas bobbing around the screen!

I quickly fed them and played a few rounds of Tv Surfing and the Tea game with them.

Then we went to the V5 TamaTown, there were so many new places for my tamas to explore and so many new games for us to play together! Afterwards they came back home and went to sleep.

Now they are awake and bobbing around the screen again!

These are what they are!


Mimi fuwatchi - Son

Omututchi - Daughter

Futabatchi - Son


They are all so cute! I'll update more once they evolve!


;) Chocola ;)


PS: Feel free to PM me about my new log! I love getting PMs XD


YAY! My little tama's have finally evolved into children! Not much to say since my last post was only under an hour ago!!! I'll just give a quick update~


Mousetchi - Son


Belltchi - Daughter


Mattaritchi - Son


;) Chocola ;) ~

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There's not much to say since they haven't evolved, but yesterdy we played tonnes of games on TamaTown, were really good at the "cleaning cup" game.

We got lots of gotchipoints and I bought them lots of treats.

A bit later on I found I list of codes on TT, there was so much kool stuff for me to get for my tamas.

I'm going away for a few days so there will be a BIG update when I come back.


:eek: Chocola :(

Yay! I'm finally back!


My tama's have evolved!!! They are noe adults! They grew up so fast! These are their stats.


Uhyotchi - Son

Watatchi - Daughter

Mukugetchi - Son


Their family bond was 30% but decreased to 20% this morning.

I have 3670 gotchi points and their hungry and happy hearts are all full.

Their family type is "blended family".


I took them to the V5 TamaTown this morning since they hadn't been there in ages, we played TONNES of games and explored a bit more, were starting to get used to the new TamaTown.


Thats all for now,


:rolleyes: Chocola :D

Ughh I just went back to school so I've had my tama's on pause all week! There's so much homework D=


Ok so their still babys, and their group is the "petite family" their family bond is 20% the funny thing is the generation number hasen't changed over, it's still Gen. 1, which is kinda odd...

But anyway, there isen't really much to say because their still babys.

I'll try and update everyday, it's just hard with the homework and stuff.


B) Chocola :D

Just a quick update! Someone just informed me that they wern't babys, that they were just petite! Thank you so much for telling me hypergotchi!!

Ok, so NOW I have babys!!!

:lol: Chocola :lol:

I'm really really REALLY sorry I haven't updated at all!!!!!

I've been so busy with homework, projects and tests! There's soo mutch of it, I'm not looking forward to year 9 D=!

But enough about me! Now it's time for me to restart the story of my V5!


I was sitting at the computer, thinking about random things, when I realised I missed playing with my V5!

So I grabbed it out of it's Monokuro Boo bag, and reset it.


Three eggs appeared, just like the times before.


After a few seconds they hatched one by one to reveal three baby tamas! The Tama family is a blended family and all of their hearts are full, and they don't have any family bond percentage yet. They just got sick, but I cured them within the second!

Later on once their toddlers I'm going to take them on their first trip to Tama Town to see if anything new has opened up!

:furawatchi: Chocola :lol:
